Applied Economics Research

produce sales pricing
applied economics
This website provides an analysis of the target consumers for organically grown fruits in Utah, focusing on demographic characteristics, purchasing behaviors, and attitudes of consumers willing to pay premiums for organic produce. It also offers insights
Target Consumers for Organically Grown Fruit in Utah

Target Consumers for Organically Grown Fruit in Utah

This website provides an analysis of the target consumers for organically grown fruits in Utah, focusing on demographic characteristics, purchasing behaviors, and attitudes of consumers willing to pay premiums for organic produce. It also offers insights ...

produce sales pricing
applied economics
This website provides a detailed analysis of the target consumers for locally grown fruits in Utah, emphasizing demographic differences, purchasing patterns, and lifestyle attitudes of those willing to pay premiums for locally sourced produce. It also off
Target Consumers for Locally Grown Fruit in Utah

Target Consumers for Locally Grown Fruit in Utah

This website provides a detailed analysis of the target consumers for locally grown fruits in Utah, emphasizing demographic differences, purchasing patterns, and lifestyle attitudes of those willing to pay premiums for locally sourced produce. It also off...

cut flower
applied economics
Americans purchase 10 million cut flowers daily, spending close to $7 billion annually (Tegethoff, 2023). The majority (80%) of the flowers sold in the U.S. are grown internationally in climate-optimal countries, such as Ecuador, Columbia, and Kenya (Li,
Intermountain West Florist Market Overview and Outlook

Intermountain West Florist Market Overview and Outlook

Americans purchase 10 million cut flowers daily, spending close to $7 billion annually (Tegethoff, 2023). The majority (80%) of the flowers sold in the U.S. are grown internationally in climate-optimal countries, such as Ecuador, Columbia, and Kenya (Li, ...

cut flower
applied economics
This fact sheet discusses the results of a study conducted in early 2024 with wholesale flower buyers operating in the Intermountain West. The study was intended to provide local cut flower growers with pertinent information on wholesale buyer prefere
Intermountain West Wholesale Cut Flower Buyer Market Assessment

Intermountain West Wholesale Cut Flower Buyer Market Assessment

This fact sheet discusses the results of a study conducted in early 2024 with wholesale flower buyers operating in the Intermountain West. The study was intended to provide local cut flower growers with pertinent information on wholesale buyer prefere

produce sales pricing
applied economics
Fruit growers throughout Utah manage operations of varying sizes and sell their fruit products fresh or processed through various direct-to-consumer and wholesale markets. To better understand the fruit products under production and current marketing meth
Utah Fruit Grower Assessment Results Overview

Utah Fruit Grower Assessment Results Overview

Fruit growers throughout Utah manage operations of varying sizes and sell their fruit products fresh or processed through various direct-to-consumer and wholesale markets. To better understand the fruit products under production and current marketing meth...

applied economics
produce sales pricing
In this fact sheet, we discuss the results of a 2023 study examining Utah consumer perceptions and preferences for Utah fresh and packaged fruit products. Study data were collected online via a Qualtrics survey, and 384 Utah adults completed the survey. U
Consumer Perceptions and Preferences for Utah Fresh and Packaged Fruit

Consumer Perceptions and Preferences for Utah Fresh and Packaged Fruit

In this fact sheet, we discuss the results of a 2023 study examining Utah consumer perceptions and preferences for Utah fresh and packaged fruit products. Study data were collected online via a Qualtrics survey, and 384 Utah adults completed the survey. U...

produce sales pricing
applied economics
Given all the potential health benefits of consuming fresh produce, especially fruits, why are Americans not eating enough fruit? Previous studies show that many factors influence fruit consumption, including demographics, socioeconomic status, household
Fruit Consumption Indicators: Who Consumes More Fruit in Utah?

Fruit Consumption Indicators: Who Consumes More Fruit in Utah?

Given all the potential health benefits of consuming fresh produce, especially fruits, why are Americans not eating enough fruit? Previous studies show that many factors influence fruit consumption, including demographics, socioeconomic status, household ...

applied economics
Cow-Calf Retained Ownership Analysis and Price Forecasting Using an Online Decision-Support Tool
produce sales pricing
applied economics
Understanding consumer attitudes and preferences for specialty labeled foods is a popular area of study. Insights derived from these studies are valuable for producers and marketers to assess whether their products meet consumer needs and which certificat
Utah Consumer Preferences and Willingness to Pay for Specialty Labeled Fruit Products

Utah Consumer Preferences and Willingness to Pay for Specialty Labeled Fruit Products

Understanding consumer attitudes and preferences for specialty labeled foods is a popular area of study. Insights derived from these studies are valuable for producers and marketers to assess whether their products meet consumer needs and which certificat...

applied economics
produce sales pricing
This fact sheet discusses the state of the fruit industry in Utah, its impact on the Utah economy, as well as current challenges the fruit industry faces and opportunities for fruit growers moving forward. These challenges and opportunities underscore the
Fruit Production and Opportunities for Growers in Utah

Fruit Production and Opportunities for Growers in Utah

This fact sheet discusses the state of the fruit industry in Utah, its impact on the Utah economy, as well as current challenges the fruit industry faces and opportunities for fruit growers moving forward. These challenges and opportunities underscore the...

applied economics
This fact sheet provides an overview of different livestock protection insurance contracts that are available for fed cattle and how to decide which one is best for you.
Livestock Risk Protection Insurance: Fed Cattle

Livestock Risk Protection Insurance: Fed Cattle

This fact sheet provides an overview of different livestock protection insurance contracts that are available for fed cattle and how to decide which one is best for you.

applied economics
tribal agriculture and drought
This fact sheet will illustrate the potential economic impacts of drought on agriculture and reservation economies in New Mexico. New Mexico is the fifth driest state in the United States, with average yearly precipitation of 13.38 inches, and 69% of the
Impacts of Drought on Tribal Economies in New Mexico

Impacts of Drought on Tribal Economies in New Mexico

This fact sheet will illustrate the potential economic impacts of drought on agriculture and reservation economies in New Mexico. New Mexico is the fifth driest state in the United States, with average yearly precipitation of 13.38 inches, and 69% of the ...

cut flower
applied economics
Cut flowers may be sold in large quantities to wholesale distributors or florists, or they may be sold directly to consumers through farmers markets, community-supported agriculture (CSA) programs or subscription services, or “U-pick” operations.
Cut Flower Markets and Marketing in the Intermountain West

Cut Flower Markets and Marketing in the Intermountain West

Cut flowers may be sold in large quantities to wholesale distributors or florists, or they may be sold directly to consumers through farmers markets, community-supported agriculture (CSA) programs or subscription services, or “U-pick” operations.

organic wheat
applied economics
In this fact sheet, we examine differences in sociodemographics and lifestyle choices between those who view organic as important when purchasing specialty bakery products and those who don’t, with the aim to identify a target market of consumers who pref
Who Values Organic Specialty Bakery Products?

Who Values Organic Specialty Bakery Products?

In this fact sheet, we examine differences in sociodemographics and lifestyle choices between those who view organic as important when purchasing specialty bakery products and those who don’t, with the aim to identify a target market of consumers who pref...

applied economics
In this fact sheet, we discuss how consumer taste beliefs related to organic specialty baked goods differ from their taste beliefs for conventional specialty baked goods, and whether this difference affects the amount consumers are willing to pay for orga
Consumer Taste Beliefs Impact Organic Specialty Baked Good Pricing

Consumer Taste Beliefs Impact Organic Specialty Baked Good Pricing

In this fact sheet, we discuss how consumer taste beliefs related to organic specialty baked goods differ from their taste beliefs for conventional specialty baked goods, and whether this difference affects the amount consumers are willing to pay for orga...

organic wheat
applied economics
This fact sheet summarizes the findings of a survey conducted with wheat buyers (millers and distributors) to assess their organic wheat quality and sourcing needs. We examine the importance of various quality measures in miller and distributor decisions
Wheat Miller and Distributor Organic Wheat Quality and Quantity Requirements

Wheat Miller and Distributor Organic Wheat Quality and Quantity Requirements

This fact sheet summarizes the findings of a survey conducted with wheat buyers (millers and distributors) to assess their organic wheat quality and sourcing needs. We examine the importance of various quality measures in miller and distributor decisions ...

produce sales pricing
applied economics
This fact sheet provides information on how to define a target market for a product or service, followed by methods for collecting data on targeted consumer groups.
Target Market Identification and Data Collection Methods

Target Market Identification and Data Collection Methods

This fact sheet provides information on how to define a target market for a product or service, followed by methods for collecting data on targeted consumer groups.

tribal agriculture and drought
applied economics
This fact sheet is the second in a series of three that provide an overview of drought-tolerant crops, grasses, and native plants, which may assist in maintaining agricultural production for food and feed and sustain grasslands and rangelands in the arid
Drought-Tolerant Options for Southwest Agriculture: Edible Produce

Drought-Tolerant Options for Southwest Agriculture: Edible Produce

This fact sheet is the second in a series of three that provide an overview of drought-tolerant crops, grasses, and native plants, which may assist in maintaining agricultural production for food and feed and sustain grasslands and rangelands in the arid ...

tribal agriculture and drought
applied economics
This fact sheet, the third in a series of three, examines the preferred drought management strategies of hay and forage growers and how their preferences change depending on drought severity and expected yields. Severe drought in forage production causes
Utah Hay and Forage Grower: Preferred Drought Management Strategies

Utah Hay and Forage Grower: Preferred Drought Management Strategies

This fact sheet, the third in a series of three, examines the preferred drought management strategies of hay and forage growers and how their preferences change depending on drought severity and expected yields. Severe drought in forage production causes ...

organic wheat
applied economics
This Extension fact sheet discusses the results of an online survey conducted in 2017 across 16 western states via Qualtrics. Just over one thousand residents responded to the survey.
Labeling and Product Characteristic Preferences of Organic Food Buyers

Labeling and Product Characteristic Preferences of Organic Food Buyers

This Extension fact sheet discusses the results of an online survey conducted in 2017 across 16 western states via Qualtrics. Just over one thousand residents responded to the survey.

organic wheat
applied economics
In this fact sheet, we discuss how consumer taste beliefs related to organic specialty baked goods differ from their taste beliefs for conventional specialty baked goods, and whether this difference affects the amount consumers are willing to pay for orga
Consumer Taste Beliefs Impact Organic Specialty Baked Good Pricing

Consumer Taste Beliefs Impact Organic Specialty Baked Good Pricing

In this fact sheet, we discuss how consumer taste beliefs related to organic specialty baked goods differ from their taste beliefs for conventional specialty baked goods, and whether this difference affects the amount consumers are willing to pay for orga...

organic wheat
applied economics
This fact sheet provides an overview of the socio-demographics, attitudes, and preferences of organic wheat consumers in the Western U.S. It discusses information on what food attributes these consumers value most along with their lifestyle and shopping h
Who Are Organic Wheat Consumers?

Who Are Organic Wheat Consumers?

This fact sheet provides an overview of the socio-demographics, attitudes, and preferences of organic wheat consumers in the Western U.S. It discusses information on what food attributes these consumers value most along with their lifestyle and shopping h...

organic wheat
applied economics
This fact sheet provides an overview of the study results and compares and contrasts these results with the results of other studies. It also provides suggestions for outreach to current and potential organic wheat growers.
Characteristics of Organic Wheat Growers

Characteristics of Organic Wheat Growers

This fact sheet provides an overview of the study results and compares and contrasts these results with the results of other studies. It also provides suggestions for outreach to current and potential organic wheat growers.

tribal agriculture and drought
applied economics
This fact sheet is the third in a series of three that provide an overview of drought-tolerant crops, grasses, and native plants, which may assist in maintaining agricultural production for food, feed, and cosmetics and sustain grasslands and rangelands i
Drought-Tolerant Options for Southwest Agriculture: Ornamentals, Herbs, and Cosmetics

Drought-Tolerant Options for Southwest Agriculture: Ornamentals, Herbs, and Cosmetics

This fact sheet is the third in a series of three that provide an overview of drought-tolerant crops, grasses, and native plants, which may assist in maintaining agricultural production for food, feed, and cosmetics and sustain grasslands and rangelands i...

applied economics
tribal agriculture and drought
This fact sheet, the second in a series of three, examines livestock producer preferred drought management strategies and how producer preferences change depending on drought severity and expected grazing efficiency.
Utah Livestock Producer Preferred Drought Management Strategies

Utah Livestock Producer Preferred Drought Management Strategies

This fact sheet, the second in a series of three, examines livestock producer preferred drought management strategies and how producer preferences change depending on drought severity and expected grazing efficiency.

applied economics
This fact sheet provides an overview of frequently asked questions regarding livestock risk protection insurance.
Livestock Risk Protection Insurance FAQ

Livestock Risk Protection Insurance FAQ

This fact sheet provides an overview of frequently asked questions regarding livestock risk protection insurance.

applied economics
produce sales pricing
Due to increased consumer demand for locally produced and organic produce, many consumers are willing to pay a premium for fresh, high-quality, local produce, creating profit opportunities for growers who direct market profits. Also, direct markets allow
Fresh Produce Direct Market Sales Considerations

Fresh Produce Direct Market Sales Considerations

Due to increased consumer demand for locally produced and organic produce, many consumers are willing to pay a premium for fresh, high-quality, local produce, creating profit opportunities for growers who direct market profits. Also, direct markets allow ...

applied economics
This fact sheet provides an overview of different livestock protection insurance contracts that are available for feeder cattle and how to decide which one is best for you.
Livestock Risk Protection Insurance: Feeder Cattle

Livestock Risk Protection Insurance: Feeder Cattle

This fact sheet provides an overview of different livestock protection insurance contracts that are available for feeder cattle and how to decide which one is best for you.

applied economics
organic wheat
This fact sheet summarizes the findings of a survey conducted with bakery owners and managers to assess their organic wheat flour quality and sourcing needs.
Bakery Organic Wheat Flour Quality and Quantity Requirements

Bakery Organic Wheat Flour Quality and Quantity Requirements

This fact sheet summarizes the findings of a survey conducted with bakery owners and managers to assess their organic wheat flour quality and sourcing needs.

applied economics
tribal agriculture and drought
The objective of this fact sheet is to illustrate the economic impacts of drought on agriculture and reservation economies in Arizona. Arizona is the fourth driest state in the United States, with an average yearly precipitation of 11.24 inches, and 78% o
Impacts of Drought on Tribal Economies in Arizona

Impacts of Drought on Tribal Economies in Arizona

The objective of this fact sheet is to illustrate the economic impacts of drought on agriculture and reservation economies in Arizona. Arizona is the fourth driest state in the United States, with an average yearly precipitation of 11.24 inches, and 78% o...

applied economics
organic wheat
In this fact sheet, we compare consumer taste ratings for organic and conventional specialty bakery products and analyze what factors explain the differences.
Which Factors Influence Consumer Organic Specialty Bakery Product Taste Ratings?

Which Factors Influence Consumer Organic Specialty Bakery Product Taste Ratings?

In this fact sheet, we compare consumer taste ratings for organic and conventional specialty bakery products and analyze what factors explain the differences.

applied economics
tribal agriculture and drought
The objective of this fact sheet is to illustrate the economic impacts of drought on agriculture and the economy of the Uintah and Ouray Reservation in Utah. Utah is the second driest state in the United States, with average yearly precipitation of 13.34
Economic Impacts of Drought in Utah: Uintah and Ouray Reservation

Economic Impacts of Drought in Utah: Uintah and Ouray Reservation

The objective of this fact sheet is to illustrate the economic impacts of drought on agriculture and the economy of the Uintah and Ouray Reservation in Utah. Utah is the second driest state in the United States, with average yearly precipitation of 13.34 ...

tribal agriculture and drought
applied economics
The objective of this fact sheet is to illustrate the economic impacts of drought on agriculture and reservation economies in Nevada. Nevada is the driest state in the United States, with an average yearly precipitation of 9.96 inches, and 71% of the stat
Impacts of Drought on Tribal Economies in Nevada

Impacts of Drought on Tribal Economies in Nevada

The objective of this fact sheet is to illustrate the economic impacts of drought on agriculture and reservation economies in Nevada. Nevada is the driest state in the United States, with an average yearly precipitation of 9.96 inches, and 71% of the stat...

cut flower
applied economics
This fact sheet, the second in a two-part series, outlines a study conducted in January 2024 with florists operating in the Intermountain West. It provides local cut flower growers with pertinent information on florist preferences for sourcing flowers loc
Intermountain West Florist Local Cut Flower Sourcing Preferences

Intermountain West Florist Local Cut Flower Sourcing Preferences

This fact sheet, the second in a two-part series, outlines a study conducted in January 2024 with florists operating in the Intermountain West. It provides local cut flower growers with pertinent information on florist preferences for sourcing flowers loc...

organic wheat
applied economics
This fact sheet summarizes a study conducted on consumer willingness to pay (WTP) for organic and non-GMO labels alone and in combination for bread and cookies, and how consumer knowledge that organic is non-GMO and overall organic knowledge of organic st
Does Consumer Knowledge of Organic Production Standards Influence Demand for Organic and Non-GMO Labeled Foods?

Does Consumer Knowledge of Organic Production Standards Influence Demand for Organic and Non-GMO Labeled Foods?

This fact sheet summarizes a study conducted on consumer willingness to pay (WTP) for organic and non-GMO labels alone and in combination for bread and cookies, and how consumer knowledge that organic is non-GMO and overall organic knowledge of organic st...

tribal agriculture and drought
applied economics
This fact sheet, the first in a series of three, examines the preferred drought management strategies of fresh produce growers and how their preferences change depending on drought severity and expected yields. Severe drought in fresh produce production c
Utah Fresh Produce Grower Preferred Drought Management Strategies

Utah Fresh Produce Grower Preferred Drought Management Strategies

This fact sheet, the first in a series of three, examines the preferred drought management strategies of fresh produce growers and how their preferences change depending on drought severity and expected yields. Severe drought in fresh produce production c...

applied economics
This fact sheet provides an overview of different livestock protection insurance contracts that are available for swine and how to decide which one is best for you.
Livestock Risk Protection Insurance: Swine

Livestock Risk Protection Insurance: Swine

This fact sheet provides an overview of different livestock protection insurance contracts that are available for swine and how to decide which one is best for you.

tribal agriculture and drought
applied economics
This fact sheet is the first in a series of three that provide an overview of drought-tolerant crops, grasses, and native plants, which may assist in maintaining agricultural production for food and feed and sustain grasslands and rangelands in the arid S
Drought-Tolerant Options for Southwest Agriculture: Grasses, Grains, and Legumes

Drought-Tolerant Options for Southwest Agriculture: Grasses, Grains, and Legumes

This fact sheet is the first in a series of three that provide an overview of drought-tolerant crops, grasses, and native plants, which may assist in maintaining agricultural production for food and feed and sustain grasslands and rangelands in the arid S...

produce sales pricing
applied economics
This fact sheet focuses primarily on farmers’ market price comparisons to assist fresh produce growers in determining which produce varieties have the highest premiums, the range of prices they can expect, and any considerations for production method, sea
Targeting Farmers’ Markets in Utah: Understanding Fresh Produce Pricing

Targeting Farmers’ Markets in Utah: Understanding Fresh Produce Pricing

This fact sheet focuses primarily on farmers’ market price comparisons to assist fresh produce growers in determining which produce varieties have the highest premiums, the range of prices they can expect, and any considerations for production method, sea...

organic wheat
applied economics
This Extension fact sheet provides an overview of the premiums consumers in the Western U.S. are willing to pay for organic wheat products, as well as their knowledge of organic production methods, and opinions and attitudes toward organic food products i
Premium Potential for Organic Wheat Products

Premium Potential for Organic Wheat Products

This Extension fact sheet provides an overview of the premiums consumers in the Western U.S. are willing to pay for organic wheat products, as well as their knowledge of organic production methods, and opinions and attitudes toward organic food products i...

cut flower
applied economics
For generations, flowers have been used to show affection and appreciation, given as gifts, and used for decoration or ornamentation (Oppenheim, 1996). Defined as flowers, blooms, or buds separated from their bearing plant that may be sold as single stems
An Overview of the Cut Flower Industry

An Overview of the Cut Flower Industry

For generations, flowers have been used to show affection and appreciation, given as gifts, and used for decoration or ornamentation (Oppenheim, 1996). Defined as flowers, blooms, or buds separated from their bearing plant that may be sold as single stems...

cut flower
applied economics
Cut flower production is a small, rapidly growing, and dynamic industry in Utah. Other states are also experiencing tremendous growth and looking to Utah, particularly Utah State University (USU) Extension programs, to meet grower needs.
Utah Florist Preferences for Local Cut Flowers

Utah Florist Preferences for Local Cut Flowers

Cut flower production is a small, rapidly growing, and dynamic industry in Utah. Other states are also experiencing tremendous growth and looking to Utah, particularly Utah State University (USU) Extension programs, to meet grower needs.

applied economics
produce sales pricing
This fact sheet provides a comparison of fresh produce prices at farmers’ markets and grocery stores in Utah. It also discusses the price impacts for various item characteristics, including variety, market location, seasonality, and production methods (Sa
What Determines Produce Pricing in Utah?

What Determines Produce Pricing in Utah?

This fact sheet provides a comparison of fresh produce prices at farmers’ markets and grocery stores in Utah. It also discusses the price impacts for various item characteristics, including variety, market location, seasonality, and production methods (Sa...

organic wheat
applied economics
In this fact sheet, we examine how consumers, who choose to avoid wheat/gluten bakery products for a variety of reasons, respond to organic wheat products relative to those who do not limit their wheat/gluten consumption, and whether organic wheat product
Do Consumers Who Prefer Gluten-Free Also Prefer Organic?

Do Consumers Who Prefer Gluten-Free Also Prefer Organic?

In this fact sheet, we examine how consumers, who choose to avoid wheat/gluten bakery products for a variety of reasons, respond to organic wheat products relative to those who do not limit their wheat/gluten consumption, and whether organic wheat product...

applied economics
produce sales pricing
This fact sheet discusses the impact of the expanding food tourism and local food movements on the demand for locally-produced goods, how farms shops can cater to that demand, the advantages and disadvantages of farms shops for both growers and consumers,
Farm Shops: A Direct-to-Consumer Extended Season Opportunity

Farm Shops: A Direct-to-Consumer Extended Season Opportunity

This fact sheet discusses the impact of the expanding food tourism and local food movements on the demand for locally-produced goods, how farms shops can cater to that demand, the advantages and disadvantages of farms shops for both growers and consumers,...

applied economics
cut flower
Flowers are most often purchased for personal use, with interior home decoration as the primary reason for cut flower sales in the United States (PR Newswire, 2022; Yue & Hall, 2010). However, gift use is also a significant reason for flower sales, with A
Understanding Cut Flower Consumers

Understanding Cut Flower Consumers

Flowers are most often purchased for personal use, with interior home decoration as the primary reason for cut flower sales in the United States (PR Newswire, 2022; Yue & Hall, 2010). However, gift use is also a significant reason for flower sales, with A...

applied economics
organic wheat
This fact sheet provides an overview of the study results by discussing grower motivations for adopting organic methods, as well as grower concerns regarding organic production.
Adopting Organic Wheat: Grower Motivations and Concerns

Adopting Organic Wheat: Grower Motivations and Concerns

This fact sheet provides an overview of the study results by discussing grower motivations for adopting organic methods, as well as grower concerns regarding organic production.

applied economics
produce sales pricing
loans. This fact sheet discusses the process and tools available for estimated market size, as well as assessing profitable pricing, along with examples and pricing resources for fresh produce and food products.
Estimating Market Size and Price for Fresh Produce Sales

Estimating Market Size and Price for Fresh Produce Sales

loans. This fact sheet discusses the process and tools available for estimated market size, as well as assessing profitable pricing, along with examples and pricing resources for fresh produce and food products.