Extension News
Ask an Expert – 25 Ways to Make Your Partner a Priority
Do you wish you could spend more meaningful moments connecting with your partner? You’re not alone. Life is busy, and while we may not always have as much time as we’d like, connecting with our partner through small, intentional moments – like relationshi...
Ask an Expert – Four Tips to Help You Find the Right Therapist
Whether you’re struggling with significant distress, navigating life changes, or simply looking to grow and improve, therapy can be a transformative experience. However, finding the right therapist can feel daunting. Here are four tips that can help.
UWLP Publishes Updated Research on the Status of Women in Utah Politics
Despite some progress, Utah still lags significantly behind national averages in women's representation in political office, particularly at the state and county levels.
Maple Syrup Production in Utah – We Can Do That?
Maple syrup production is not traditionally associated with western states. Most maple syrup in the United States comes from New England, with Vermont being the top-producing state. Through research and community engagement, Utah State University Extensio...
Ask an Expert – February Pre-gardening Checklist
Much can be done now to get a jump start on the growing season. These tips, with links from the Utah State University Extension Gardeners Almanac, can help get you going.
USU Extension Hosts Utah Beef Field Days
Utah State University Extension invites farmers, ranchers, and cattle industry professionals to attend upcoming Utah Beef Field Days. The events are designed to provide insights, hands-on experience, and networking opportunities to help improve productivi...
USU Extension Celebrates 10 Years of “Clean Air Contest” with Exhibits and Community Art Day
USU Extension's 10th annual Utah High School Clean Air Marketing Contest will announce winners on Feb. 8 at the Nora Eccles Harrison Museum of Art’s Community Art Day, featuring a retrospective exhibit, student-created PSAs, and interactive clean-air-them...
Ask an Expert – Three Tips to Prevent Choking Hazards in Young Children
Introducing solid foods to infants is a welcome milestone for parents, but it also involves knowing how to prevent choking, a leading cause of injury among young children. By understanding common hazards and practicing safe feeding techniques, parents can...
USU UWLP Publishes Second of Six White Papers: Women in the Workplace Part 2
The Utah Women & Leadership Project (UWLP) at Utah State University has released the second of six white papers sharing the results of a comprehensive study conducted earlier this fall. The study supports “A Bolder Way Forward,” a statewide movement focus...
Ask an Expert – Is Utah at Risk for Wildfires Similar to Those in Los Angeles?
As we see the devastation in the Los Angeles Basin, many wonder if Utah could experience a similar wildfire event.
Ask an Expert – Winter Garden Planning Tips
Cold winter days might keep us indoors, but now is the perfect time to plan for warmer days and gardening.
USU Extension Co-hosts Substance Use Disorder and Suicide Prevention Summit
The 2025 Elevating Hope Summit, a statewide event designed to tackle the critical issues of substance use disorder and suicide prevention, is held March 20-21 in Price.
USU UWLP Publishes New Statewide Data on Utah Women in the Workplace
Utah State University's UWLP has published a white paper highlighting key findings on workplace culture, childcare, pay gaps, and discrimination, supporting efforts to help Utah women and families thrive.
USU Extension Co-sponsors Utah Marriage Celebration
Utah State University Extension co-sponsors the Utah Marriage Celebration held online Friday, Feb. 7, from 4 to 9:30 p.m.
Ask an Expert – Don’t Let “Quitter’s Day” Overtake Your New Year’s Goals
Have you ever set a New Year’s resolution, such as, “I want to be more active,” or “I want to spend less time on my phone,” yet you struggle to follow through? One possible reason is that your resolution is not specific enough.
USU Extension Recognized for Rural Health Education
Utah State University Extension recently received the Rural Education Partner of the Year Award from the Rural Health Association of Utah (RHAU).
Ask an Expert – Brighten Your Post-Holiday Home with Vibrant Indoor Plants
This article highlights vibrant indoor plants like holiday cactus, amaryllis, and poinsettias to brighten post-holiday homes. It offers care tips and plant recommendations to enhance your winter space with texture, color, and life.
Ask an Expert – Six Tips to Help Beat Seasonal Affective Disorder
With the shortened daylight hours upon us, many may face the challenges of Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD). SAD is a form of depression that can emerge during the late fall or winter months and is influenced by factors such as reduced exposure to sunlig...
Ask an Expert – Be Aware of Consumer Fraud this Holiday Season
Did you know that while 75% of Americans say they are aware of holiday scams, 40% still fall for them each year? The Federal Trade Commission estimates that one-third of all Americans have faced fraud of some kind.
Pomegranates: Seasonal Fruits with Ancient Roots
For most Utah consumers, pomegranates are the fruit that hides for 10 months of the year and then pops up like red Christmas ornaments in November. This makes them appear as a seasonal novelty, but they actually have a long history of use.
Ask an Expert - December Gardener’s Almanac Tips
Though yards and gardens have been put to bed, there are still outdoor tasks to consider and holiday gardening gifts to be given. Here are some ideas.
UWLP Updates Research on Women Leaders in Government – Utah Cities and Towns
This report by the Utah Women & Leadership Project (UWLP) highlights a modest increase in women's representation in leadership roles within Utah city and town governments, though these numbers remain below county-level leadership. It emphasizes the need f...
Ask an Expert – Four Ways Gratitude Can Keep Your Holidays Happy
How gratitude can contribute to mental wellbeing during the holidays.
Ask an Expert – Eleven Tips for Healthy Holiday Eating
Is there a way to indulge in our favorite traditions while also indulging in our health?
Ask an Expert – Let’s Talk Turkey! Six Poultry Preparation Pointers
Thanksgiving is just around the corner, and it’s time to talk turkey! Consider these tips for preparing a safe and succulent turkey this year.
USU Extension Faculty Member Receives Pesticide Safety Education Award
Michael Wierda, a Utah State University Extension associate professor, recently received an award for his contributions to advancing pesticide safety education and promoting public health in Utah and the Western Region.
November Yard and Garden Tips - Ask an Expert
As the seasons change, many gardeners, like their plants, are spent. But before hanging up the garden tools, make sure your yard is ready for winter by finishing the last few tasks.
USU Extension Financial Program Wins National Award
Empowering Financial Wellness (EFW), a Utah State University Extension program in collaboration with the Department of Workforce Services, recently received national recognition as an outstanding financial education program.
USU UWLP Releases New Research on Utah Women and Aging
The United States’ population is aging. The number of Americans 65 and older is expected to climb from 58 million in 2022 to 82 million by 2050, a 47% increase. Even though Utah is considered the youngest state in the country, its population is also aging...
Ask an Expert – Why Are Pile Burns Common Around Utah this Fall?
As many parts of Utah transition from an extended fall wildfire season to winter weather, some may wonder why pile burning is becoming more common around the state. Consider this information.
Ask an Expert – Pumpkins Pack a Powerful Punch as a Nutritious Superfood
Many people buy pumpkins for fall décor or carving. But the next time you buy pumpkins, you may consider buying extras for cooking. Pumpkins are low in calories and packed with key nutrients that help keep our bodies healthy, particularly during cold and ...
USU Extension Program Helps Residents Explore Utah’s Night Skies
For several months, social media has been filled with photos of colorful aurora flashes and comet tails. The varying quality of photos demonstrates the difficulty of finding ideal dark areas for astrophotography. Utah State University Extension offers a t...
Ask an Expert – Home Equity Loan vs. Home Equity Line of Credit: Which Is Right for Me?
Home equity loans and home equity lines of credit are both tools that provide homeowners with financial access. Understanding the differences can help you decide which is best for your situation and aligns best with your financial goals.
USU Extension Introduces “Skills to Support Mental Health in Uncertain Times” Series
Utah State University Extension has developed a three-part “Skills to Support Mental Health in Uncertain Times” series. The free series of fact sheets is designed to equip individuals with the practical skills needed to enhance mental well-being, resilien...
UWLP Releases New Research on Gender-Specific Barriers to Educational Attainment
The UWLP research brief highlights gender-specific barriers to educational attainment among Utah youth, such as financial concerns and mental health challenges. The report recommends targeted support to address these barriers and empower female students....
Ask an Expert – Youth Vaping: What You Need to Know
Vaping is on the rise among teens and young adults, but these seemingly harmless devices contain addictive nicotine and other harmful chemicals. This can lead to lung damage, brain development issues, and increased risk of addiction to other substances.
USU Extension Releases “A Beginner’s Guide to Growing Mushrooms at Home”
Need a winter gardening idea? Utah State University Extension recently published a comprehensive guide to help beginners learn to grow gourmet mushrooms. “A Beginner’s Guide to Growing Mushrooms at Home” is a how-to introduction to fungi cultivation, prov...
Hunger Solutions in Utah Podcast Tackles Hunger – One Story at a Time
Hunger Solutions in Utah, a new podcast from Utah State University’s Create Better Health and the Hunger Solutions Institute, is designed to spotlight the urgent issue of hunger in Utah and provide actionable solutions and avenues for community involvemen...
Ask an Expert - October Yard and Garden Tips
Autumn is officially here, and there is much to look forward to – pumpkins on the porch, apple cider, cooler temperatures, and walks through crunchy leaves. But before you get too comfortable, don’t forget there are yard and garden end-of-season tasks to ...
USU Extension Sponsors Celebrating Women Conference
Utah State University Extension sponsors the 7th annual Celebrating Women Conference on Saturday, October 12, at the USU Campus in Kaysville.
The Status of Women Leaders in Utah Business: A 2024 Update
The Utah State University Utah Women & Leadership Project (UWLP) released research in 2014 about the status of women leaders in Utah business, with an update in 2018 to determine if progress had been made. Unfortunately, during those four years, the perce...
USU Extension Receives Rural Health and Safety Education Grant to Address Opioid Epidemic
USU Extension has received a $350,000 USDA grant to reduce opioid overdose deaths in rural Utah through the TriCounty Overdose Prevention Program. The program will provide overdose prevention education, including Narcan® training, to high-risk occupationa...
Ask an Expert – Emergency Essentials: September Is National Preparedness Month
Disasters, whether natural or man-made, can strike at any time and affect anyone, anywhere. September is National Preparedness Month, offering the ideal opportunity to assess your family’s readiness. By following these tips, you can better prepare for une...
Hope and Healing: September Is National Recovery/Suicide Prevention and Awareness Month
September is National Recovery and Suicide Prevention Awareness Month, highlighting the connection between mental health disorders and substance use disorders. The USU HEART Initiative promotes education, resources, and community programs focused on treat...
Quench Your Trees’ Thirst: Give Them a Few More Long Drinks
With Utah's hot, dry summers, homeowners often need help determining the right amount of water needed to keep their landscape trees healthy. While many Utahns are ready to stop watering their lawns until spring, they should consider giving their landscape...
USU UWLP and Envision Utah Publish “What Matters Most to Utahns?”
Envision Utah, a nonprofit organization focused on enhancing the quality of life in Utah communities, conducted an online survey of Utahns in November 2021 to identify their values, priorities, and pressing concerns. The study identified key issues Utahns...
Ask an Expert: What Causes Autumn Leaves to Change Color?
Once again, the summer season comes to an end, and crisp autumn days are upon us. The striking colors range from yellow to orange, hot pink to scarlet red and even purple hues. Color pigments found in leaves differ among plant species and can vary from ye...
USU Botanical Center Hosts Free Weekly Community Gathering
The Utah State University Botanical Center in Kaysville invites the community to enjoy Taste, Tour & Tah-Dah, a free weekly gathering every Wednesday evening from 6:30 to 8 p.m., now through October 2.
USU Extension Launches Comprehensive Series on Coping with Loneliness
Loneliness is a top public health concern, according to U.S. Surgeon General Dr. Vivek H. Murthy. Studies show it has detrimental effects on both mental and physical health, including increased risks of cardiovascular disease, dementia, depression, and pr...
USU Botanical Center Celebrates Fall with Annual Scarecrow Walk
The Utah State University Botanical Center in Kaysville hosts its annual Scarecrow Walk from September 28 through October 6, welcoming the community to enjoy the festive atmosphere from dawn until dusk.
Ask an Expert – Nourish and Flourish: September Is Family Meals Month
September marks National Family Meals Month, providing an excellent opportunity to establish the tradition of consistent family meals at home.
USU Extension Forms Environmental Technical Assistance Resource Center
Utah State University Extension, in collaboration with Montana State University, has established a new technical assistance center to bridge the gap between grant funding and disadvantaged communities.
The Status of Women Leaders in County Government: A 2024 Update
A recent 2024 report provides an update to the 2020 research and focuses on women leaders in Utah’s 29 counties.
Ask an Expert – Checklist for September Yard and Garden Tasks
Fall is in the air, which may make you want to hang up the rake. But before you do, remember how hard you’ve worked to get to this point, and keep pushing forward. Consider these tips from the USU Extension Gardeners Almanac.
Ask an Expert – Mindful Eating at Restaurants: Making Healthy Choices
The average American eats out three times a month and orders takeout or delivery about 4.5 times a month. Mindful eating involves choosing foods your body needs, respecting fullness cues, and intentionally minimizing food waste.
Counties Honor Those Lost to Overdose with “A Light to Remember”
On Saturday, August 31, Utah residents will come together for the 6th annual “A Light to Remember” event, marking International Overdose Awareness Day with events in nine locations across the state.
Ask an Expert – Navigating Sibling Rivalry: From Conflict to Connection
Sibling rivalry – where siblings compete, argue, and vie for parental attention – is common in nearly every family. It can manifest in various ways, including verbal disputes, physical fights, jealousy, or resentment.
Ask an Expert – 11 Back-to-School Pointers for Parents
Back-to-school shopping can be the perfect time to help kids learn to inventory their clothing, make decisions, and become wise shoppers. Below are tips to involve kids without leaving a hole in your pocketbook.
Easy, Healthy Breakfast Recipes for Back to School
With the new school year upon us, ensuring that children receive proper nutrition is essential for setting them up for success.
Ask an Expert – Five Back-to-School Shopping Tips
Back-to-school shopping can be the perfect time to help kids learn to inventory their clothing, make decisions, and become wise shoppers. Below are tips to involve kids without leaving a hole in your pocketbook.
USU UWLP Shares Best Practices for Utah Companies Championing Women in 2024
Many state leaders boast that Utah is at the forefront of innovative and inspiring economic opportunities. However, research continues to confirm that many Utah women are not thriving in their workplaces. For the past nine years, Utah has been ranked Wall...
Study Reveals Consumer Preferences for Utah's Fresh and Packaged Fruit Products
A recent study conducted by researchers at Utah State University's Department of Applied Economics explores Utah consumers’ perceptions and preferences regarding fresh and packaged fruit products. The research highlights the significant economic contribut...
Ask an Expert – Six Tips for Planning Menus around Farmers Market Selections
Farmers markets are known for offering an ever-changing variety of fresh fruits and vegetables. Although variety is a benefit of shopping at local farmers markets, it can be difficult and overwhelming to come up with a menu for the week without knowing wh...
Ask an Expert – Canning Query: Pressure Canner or Water Bath Canner?
We help you choose between a pressure canner or water bath canner for safe home food preservation. Learn which canner is right for high-acid vs. low-acid foods (fruits vs. vegetables, meats) to ensure delicious, safe results.
Bodies at Church: LDS Doctrine, Teaching, and Culture Related to Body Image
Many people have a complex relationship with their bodies, often seeking perfection through fad diets, intermittent fasting, excessive exercise, weight loss injections, or liposuction. Body image is a multifaceted issue that requires ongoing research in U...
Gardening Tips for Late Summer Splendor – Ask an Expert
The heat is on, and yards and gardens are trying to survive the recent high temperatures. Consider these tips from the USU Extension Gardeners Almanac to help your garden succeed.
Four Tips for Self-Care for Caregivers – Ask an Expert
Caregivers provide assistance and support to individuals with chronic illnesses or disabilities. About one in three American adults report being a caregiver in the past, and one in five report currently being in that role.
Youth Sports Engagement: What Is Right for My Child? – Ask an Expert
Sports participation and viewing have long been traditions in most cultures, bringing people of all backgrounds together
How Does Your Garden Grow? Tips for July – Ask an Expert
It can be a challenge to keep gardens growing as temperatures heat up, so Utah State University Extension provides a Gardener’s Almanac to help.
The Hidden Workforce: Unpaid Care Work Among Utah Women in 2024
Childcare, eldercare, housework, and other tasks are crucial to the foundations of strong families, communities, and nations. Such work is often termed unpaid or “the work that makes all other work possible.”
Ask an Expert: Spending Time in Nature Boosts Mental Health
According to the Environmental Protection Agency, adults and adolescents in the United States spend over 90% of their time indoors, and the article Screen Time Statistics in Comparitech says the average American spends more than seven hours a day looking ...
Unfaithful Friendships: Understanding and Preventing Extramarital Relationships – Ask an Expert
Friendships are vital to our lives, providing support, companionship, and joy. However, the boundaries between friendship and romance can sometimes blur, creating a slippery slope that can lead to wrecked relationships, heartache, and regret.
UWLP Publishes Updated Research on Sexual Harassment in Utah
Workplace sexual harassment is a common issue, and the costs to women, families, and corporations are real and extensive.
Ten Tips to Help Dads Thrive – Ask an Expert
In the past, research focused primarily on a mother’s influence in children’s lives. The importance of father involvement has only been significantly studied in the past 30 to 40 years.
Ask an Expert – Hop into Action: Tips for Reducing Grasshopper Populations
You probably haven’t forgotten about the overabundance of grasshoppers we had in Utah last year, specifically in urban and residential areas. Unfortunately, similar numbers are expected this year. Varying climate-related factors impact the numbers we will...
USU UWLP Tracks the Status of Women Leaders in Utah Government
Organizations thrive most when men and women hold leadership roles and work together. This benefits not only businesses and communities but also state, city, and county governments.
Ask an Expert – June Gardening Tips and Checklist
To help make your yard and garden the best they can be this year, consider these tips from Utah State University Extension’s Gardeners Almanac.
USU Extension Ogden Botanical Garden
The Utah State University Extension Ogden Botanical Gardens announces the dedication of the Vic Robite Rose Garden on Thursday, June 6, at 6 p.m. at the Ogden Botanical Gardens. Robite has cared for the gardens’ roses for 30 years.
UWLP Study Highlights Top Opportunities for Utah Girls and Women
National and statewide studies continue to show that Utah women and girls are not thriving in many critical areas. Committed to finding solutions, the Utah Women & Leadership Project (UWLP) wanted to better understand Utahns’ perceptions regarding opportu...
Ask an Expert - Building Bridges: Strategies for Successful In-Law Relationships
When two people get married, they bring their families of origin into the relationship. It’s part of the package. These interactions can significantly influence marital happiness in both positive and negative ways. In fact, John Gottman, Ph.D., world-reno...
Ask an Expert - Prepare Now: May is National Wildfire Awareness Month
May is designated as National Wildfire Awareness Month by organizations such as the American Red Cross and the Western Fire Chiefs Association. The month is intended to promote prevention and preparedness efforts among communities and areas prone to wildf...
Disagree Better: USU Extension and BYU Wheatley Institute Launch Parenting Toolkit at National Governor’s Association Meeting
Nashville, Tennessee – Contentious conversations and deep differences are dividing countries, communities, and families, but disagreeing better is possible.
USU Extension and College of Ag Honored with Five Best of State Awards
Three Utah State University Extension programs and two College of Agriculture and Applied Sciences (CAAS) programs are recipients of the 2024 Best of State Awards.
Furry Friends Can Increase Healthy Trends – Ask an Expert
Whether you consider yourself a cat or a dog person, research shows caring for a pet can positively impact your physical and mental health.
USU Extension 4-H Members Take Over the House Floor with Annual Mock Legislature
Seventy-six Utah State University Extension 4-H members visited the Utah State Capitol in April to participate in the 36-year-old tradition of the 4-H Mock Legislature.
USU Scientists Share Thoughts on Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza in Cattle and Birds
As the spread of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) from birds to dairy cows continues to unfold, Dr. Tom Baldwin, veterinary pathologist and director of the Utah Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory (UVDL), wants people to remember a few key things.
USU UWLP Study Shows Top 11 Challenges Utah Women Face
National and statewide studies continue to show that Utah women and girls are not thriving in many critical areas. Identifying and understanding the current challenges women face is crucial if change is to take place.
May Gardening Checklist – Ask an Expert
After digging out from a long winter, we can finally start working in the garden and yard!
USU Botanical Center Celebrates the Arts with Free Community Event
The Utah State University Botanical Center in Kaysville will host Art in the Arboretum on May 11 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Dig Safe, Plant Happy: Prevent Injuries in the Yard and Garden – Ask an Expert
Whether you’re a weekend gardener or you spend time in the dirt daily, you have probably experienced working too hard and feeling sore. Soreness can stem from exerting a new or weak muscle, and it generally subsides after a few days.
USU Extension Presents Friend of Extension Award to Department of Health and Human Services
Utah State University Extension presented its “Friend of Extension” award to the Utah Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) at Extension’s annual conference in March.
Celebrate Arbor Day by Planting and Pruning – Ask an Expert
Arbor Day, celebrated in most of the United States on the last Friday in April, is a holiday that celebrates nature and encourages people to plant trees. J. Sterling Morton, the founder of Arbor Day, said, “Other holidays repose upon the past; Arbor Day p...
National Prescription Drug Take Back Day Is April 27
The Utah State University Health Extension: Advocacy, Research, and Teaching Initiative, also known as HEART, announced that Saturday, April 27, is National Prescription Drug Take Back Day.
Ready and Resilient: Navigating Healthcare Emergencies – Ask an Expert
A health crisis is defined as a negative change in mental or physical health or healthcare services. According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), chronic illnesses are medical conditions that require consistent medical attention, last over a year, ...
UWLP Publishes Research Summaries on Leadership, STEM, and Male Allyship
Researchers from the Utah State University Utah Women & Leadership Project (UWLP) conducted a statewide study in the fall of 2023 to establish a baseline of public perceptions of awareness, understanding, and attitudes regarding the challenges Utah women ...
Master Your Money During National Financial Literacy Month – Ask an Expert
April is National Financial Literacy Month, established in 2003 to teach Americans the importance of creating and maintaining healthy financial habits.
USU Extension to Host Remote Workforce Summit in Richfield
The Utah State University Extension Remote Online Initiative partners with Snow College to host a Remote Workforce Summit on May 10 at the Snow College Richfield campus.
Blossoming into Spring: Your April Gardening Guide – Ask an Expert
Temperatures are warming, and soon it will be time to plant! Consider these tips to help you prepare. Included are tips and links from the Utah State University Extension Gardeners Almanac.
USU Announces 2024 Faculty Awards Honorees
On Wednesday, the Office of Research and the Office of the Executive Vice President and Provost hosted the 2024 Faculty Awards Ceremony. This event recognized Utah State University faculty's research, service and teaching efforts.
USU UWLP Publishes Research Summaries on Health, Entrepreneurship, and Finance
Researchers from the Utah State University Utah Women & Leadership Project (UWLP) conducted a statewide study to establish a baseline of public perceptions of the awareness, understanding, and attitudes regarding the challenges Utah women and girls face....
Celebrate International Day of Happiness Every Day – Ask an Expert
Happiness is a fundamental human goal. In recognition of this, the United Nations General Assembly instituted the International Day of Happiness in 2012.
March for Health: Celebrate National Nutrition Month – Ask an Expert
Have you ever been so caught up in something that you forgot to eat? Or maybe you had a snack attack, then didn’t feel like eating a real meal? While it may not seem like a big deal at the time, our daily food choices have a huge impact on our overall hea...
Spring Gardening Checklist – Ask an Expert
It’s officially spring, and it’s time to start thinking about gardening season! Consider these tips to help you prepare. Included are links from the Utah State University Extension Gardeners Almanac.
USU UWLP Releases Research Summaries on K-12 Initiatives, Higher Ed, and Workplace Culture
In the fall of 2023, researchers from the Utah State University Utah Women & Leadership Project (UWLP) conducted a statewide study to establish a baseline of public perceptions of the awareness, understanding, and attitudes surrounding the challenges of U...
Teen Finances: Venmo Ventures and Beyond – Ask an Expert
In today’s digital age, it’s essential for parents to equip their children with financial understanding and tools. With the emergence of services like Venmo Teen Account, teenagers now have access to digital financial solutions.
USU UWLP Publishes Research Summaries on Poverty, Homelessness, Workforce, and Family Perceptions
Researchers from the Utah State University Utah Women & Leadership Project (UWLP) conducted a statewide study to establish a baseline of public perceptions of the awareness, understanding, and attitudes regarding the challenges of Utah women and girls.
Put Your Phone in the Friend Zone: Global Day of Unplugging - Ask an Expert
March 1 is Global Day of Unplugging, a day set aside to encourage people to disconnect from the electronic world, experience nature, talk to people, and, even if just for a day, live life without screens.
USU Extension 4-H Offers Emergency Preparedness Program for Youth
Utah State University Extension offers an award-winning youth emergency preparedness, leadership, and educational outreach program for teenagers in Utah this spring.
Establishing Smooth Post-Divorce Transitions for Children – Ask an Expert
It can be emotional for children and parents alike when children leave the care and responsibility of one parent to be with the other parent.
USU Extension Celebrates New Cohort of Latino Community Health Workers
Utah State University Extension recently hosted the first all-Spanish-speaking community health workers cohort. Twenty Latino students learned public health skills over five months to receive the state certification to become community health workers.
5 Quick and Easy Healthy Breakfast Ideas For School
Get five quick and easy healthy breakfast ideas to start your school day off right! Plus get other delicious and nutritious breakfast ideas!
Navigating the Political Landscape: A 2024 Overview of Women's Status in Utah
Despite a rich heritage of women’s involvement in voting, advocacy, and civic engagement, Utah lags behind most states regarding women running for and serving in elected political roles.
Sour Power: Can Candy Help Stave off Panic and Anxiety Attacks? – Ask an Expert
A popular trend claims that sour candy can help stave off anxiety and panic attacks. The strategy seems fascinatingly simple and well worth a trip to the store for Warheads and sour gummy worms, but consider the science behind it.
Research from USU Extension Specialist Challenges the Idea of “Soulmates”
A new report co-written by a Utah State University Extension researcher challenges the notion that loving and lasting relationships are founded on the idea of “soulmate love.”
USU UWLP Publishes Research Summaries on Perceptions of Domestic Violence, Sexual Assault and Harassment
Researchers from the Utah State University Utah Women & Leadership Project (UWLP) conducted a statewide study to establish a baseline of public perceptions of the awareness, understanding, and attitudes regarding the challenges of Utah women and girls.
February Pre-gardening Checklist – Ask an Expert
Much can be done now to get a jump start on the growing season. The below tips, with links from the Utah State University Extension Gardeners Almanac, can help get you going.
Utah High School Clean Air Marketing Contest Winners Announced at Community Art Day
Winners of the 2024 Utah High School Clean Air Marketing Contest will be announced at Utah State University’s Nora Eccles Harrison Museum of Art Community Art Day on Saturday, Feb. 10.
Cleaning Tips to Keep Your Home and Health in Check - Ask an Expert
COVID-19 taught us the importance of cleaning and disinfecting to reduce the risk of getting sick. But with cold and flu season in full force, as well as RSV, hand-foot-mouth disease, and the COVID virus (still), it is more important than ever to reevalua...
USU Extension to Provide Opioid Overdose Training to Service Industry Employees
The Utah State University Extension health and wellness team received a grant to address the opioid crisis in Utah by providing onsite overdose prevention training to service employees, particularly those who work at restaurants, hotels, bars, and other b...
USU Extension Launches E-Commerce Accelerator Program to Boost Rural Utah Small Businesses
Utah State University Extension recently received a $2 million grant to bring personal finance education to more Utah residents.
Frosty Fitness: Tips for Safe Snow Shoveling and Winter Walking - Ask an Expert
Winter is here, snow is falling, and temperatures are dropping. These conditions can be challenging as we walk in the slippery outdoors and clear away mounds of snow.
USU UWLP Publishes Three Research Summaries on Utahns’ Perceptions of Women and Girls
Researchers from the Utah State University Utah Women & Leadership Project (UWLP) conducted a statewide study to establish a baseline of public perceptions of the awareness, understanding, and attitudes regarding the challenges of Utah women and girls.
Winter Garden Planning Tips - Ask an Expert
If the spike in gardening interest over the last few years is any indication of what 2024 will be like, now is the perfect time to start planning!
USU Extension Co-sponsors Utah Marriage Celebration
Utah State University Extension co-sponsors the Utah Marriage Celebration held online Friday, Feb. 9, from 4 to 9:30 p.m.
SMART Goals for the New Year – Ask an Expert
Have you ever set a New Year’s resolution, such as, “I want to be more active,” or “I want to spend less time on my phone,” yet you struggle to follow through? One reason for the struggle could be that the resolution needs to be more specific.
The Current Status of Utah Women and Girls: A Research Synopsis
The Utah State University Utah Women & Leadership Project (UWLP) released a synopsis of research this week that provides significant insight into the status and experiences of women in Utah, comparing Utah’s data to national data.
Four Relationship Resolutions to Add Spark to the New Year – Ask an Expert
As the year draws to a close, many people reflect on the previous year and anticipate the year ahead. Now is the perfect time to make “relationship resolutions” to become a better spouse or partner.
Managing Grief During the Holidays – Ask an Expert
Grief is anything that causes deep sorrow or loss. It can be the death of a loved one, divorce, job loss, or anything that causes sadness and a change of lifestyle.
Healthy Eating for a Happy Holiday – Ask an Expert
The holidays are filled with family, friends, and food traditions. We look forward to the feeling of connection, satisfied taste buds, and new memories; however, many overindulge for the sake of tradition.
Three USU Extension Salt Lake County Faculty Promoted to Full Professor
Utah State University Extension Vice President Ken White recently announced three promotions in the Salt Lake County Extension office.
Festive Foliage Can Brighten Your Home for the Holidays and Beyond – Ask an Expert
It’s easy to spruce up holiday decorating with live plants to add color and texture. Consider these plants that grow well in the home during the holidays.
Utah Women at Work: A 2023 Labor Force Update
In 2016, the Utah Women & Leadership Project (UWLP) at Utah State University published research on labor force participation among Utah women.
USU Extension Morgan County Faculty Member Promoted to Full Professor
Utah State University Extension Vice President Ken White recently announced the promotion of Morgan County’s Amanda Christensen to Extension full professor.
December Gardener’s Almanac Tips - Ask an Expert
Though yards and gardens have been put to bed, there are still outdoor tasks to consider and holiday gardening gifts to give. Consider these ideas.
USU Extension Tackles Opioid Overdose and Stimulant Crisis: Insights from the Recent Summit
Utah State University Extension recently hosted a wellness summit to share ideas, strategies, and best practices for addressing the opioid overdose and stimulant epidemic in rural communities.
Tackle Holiday Cleaning Early for Peace of Mind - Ask an Expert
The holidays can take a toll on your home with baking, preparing larger meals, entertaining guests, wrapping gifts, having more of everyone’s “stuff” around, and entertaining energetic kids home on holiday break.
Let’s Talk Turkey! Six Poultry Preparation Pointers – Ask an Expert
Thanksgiving is just around the corner, and it’s time to talk turkey! Because of the increased number of turkeys prepared during the holidays, food-borne illnesses often increase.
Four Ways Gratitude Can Keep Your Holidays Happy – Ask an Expert
As the holidays approach, it’s important to prioritize your mental health and well-being. According to a 2021 American Psychiatric Association poll, 41% of adults in the United States reported an increase in stress during the holidays.
Utah’s Food Security Council Forms Workgroup to Reduce Food Waste
Utah State University’s Food Security Council formed a food rescue workgroup to develop a statewide plan to reduce food waste and ensure that rescued food is accessible to those in need.
November Yard and Garden Tips - Ask an Expert
With snow falling early in some areas of the state this year, gardeners may have been caught off guard. Make sure your yard is ready for winter by finishing the last few tasks.
USU Students Succeed at Nourishtank Competition
A team of Utah State University students recently won a competition designed to combat food insecurity with unique, innovative, and sustainable solutions.
USU UWLP Provides Update on Utah Childcare
Five years ago, the Utah State University Utah Women & Leadership Project (UWLP) published research on childcare in Utah.
Tricks and Treats for a Healthy Halloween – Ask an Expert
As fall temperatures cool, spider encounters in homes become more common. This happens as spiders near the end of their life cycles and are searching for mates and places to lay their egg sacks.
Utah Marriage Commission Celebrates Silver Anniversary
The Utah Marriage Commission, formed in 1998 by former Utah Governor Mike Leavitt, celebrated 25 years of helping Utahns sustain healthy relationships and stronger marriages.
Don’t Get Spooked If Spiders Creep Indoors This Fall – Ask an Expert
As fall temperatures cool, spider encounters in homes become more common. This happens as spiders near the end of their life cycles and are searching for mates and places to lay their egg sacks.
Cook Smarter, Not Harder: Nine Time-Saving Cooking Tips – Ask an Expert
Meal preparation takes time, and it can be overwhelming on busy days. Consider these nine time-saving kitchen hacks, and say goodbye to kitchen stress and hello to more quality time at the table!
USU Extension Hosts Rural Opioid and Stimulant Wellness Summit
One in 10 people will develop a substance use disorder (SUD) in their lifetime, yet SUDs are among the most stigmatized mental health conditions in the United States.
Pumpkin Power: 4 Ways to Prepare this Healthy Fall Favorite – Ask an Expert
Fall is in full swing, and pumpkins are populating porches everywhere. Not only are pumpkins used for decorating and carving, they can be used in casseroles, soups, sauces, desserts, snacks, and more.
USU Extension Sponsors Celebrating Women Conference
Utah State University Extension sponsors the Celebrating Women Conference Saturday, October 14, at the USU Campus in Kaysville.
Empowering Women: A Look at Utah’s Boards and Commissions in 2023
Research shows that gender inclusivity benefits all organizations, including businesses, communities, churches, and federal, state, and local governments.
Ask an Expert - October Yard and Garden Tips
Autumn is officially here, and there is much to look forward to – pumpkins on the porch, apple cider, cooler temperatures, and walks through crunchy leaves.
USU Student Competition Tackles Food Insecurity
The Utah State University Hunger Solutions Institute hosts NourishTank, a biannual student competition to help combat food insecurity with unique, innovative, and sustainable solutions.
USU Extension Receives $2 Million Grant for Financial Wellness Education
Utah State University Extension recently received a $2 million grant to bring personal finance education to more Utah residents.
Ask an Expert – Nourish and Flourish: September Is Family Meal Month
American families who eat one meal together every day are among the minority. In today’s fast-paced world, eating Sunday dinner as a family is a great tradition, but it is a giant step away from more regular time spent eating and socializing around the ta...
Hope and Healing: September Is National Recovery/Suicide Prevention and Awareness Month
It is not uncommon for mental health disorders and substance use disorders to occur simultaneously. September is a month designated to raise national awareness, discussion, and provide resources for both.
Ten Things to Do Before Saying “I Do” - Ask an Expert
Many people spend more time planning for a wedding than they spend planning for a marriage. Before deciding to tie the knot, consider these tips to help create a “happily ever after.”
Ask an Expert – National Preparedness Month: 72 Hour Kits
It is well known that preparation can help overcome fear, and since September is National Preparedness Month, now is a great time to evaluate your preparedness supplies and plans.
Ask an Expert – Checklist for September Yard and Garden Tasks
Fall is in the air, which may make you want to hang up the rake. But before you do, remember how hard you’ve worked to get to this point, and keep pushing forward.
Ask an Expert – Safeguarding Against West Nile Virus
Many areas of Utah are experiencing higher mosquito populations this summer due to the extremely wet winter and late summer precipitation.
USU Extension to Host Remote Teams Summit in Park City
The Remote Online Initiative (ROI) program from Utah State University Extension will host the Remote Teams Summit: Find the Optimal Intersection of Performance and Wellbeing on September 15 at the National Ability Center in Park City.
Ask an Expert – Highlights from the U.S. Surgeon General’s Advisory on Loneliness
U.S. Surgeon General Dr. Vivek H. Murthy produced the advisory, “Our Epidemic of Loneliness and Isolation,” this year, which labels loneliness as a significant health concern for individuals and society.
Counties Honor Those Lost to Overdose with “A Light to Remember”
International Overdose Awareness Day, held annually on August 31, recognizes those who have died from an overdose and acknowledges the grief of the family and friends left behind.
USU Extension 4-H Members Compete in Forestry Invitational
Three Utah State University Extension 4-H members recently traveled to West Virginia to compete in the National 4-H Forestry Invitational.
Ask an Expert – Five Back-to-School Shopping Tips
Back-to-school shopping can be the perfect time to help kids learn to inventory their clothing, make decisions, and become wise shoppers. Below are tips to involve kids without leaving a hole in your pocketbook.
USU Extension Hosts Rural Opioid and Stimulant Wellness Summit
The Utah State University Extension 2023 Rural Opioid and Stimulant Wellness Summit is held October 25-26 in Price, Utah, with a pre-conference service project and ice cream social on the evening of October 24.
USU Extension Provides Mental Health Resources for Agricultural Community
The economic outlook for farmers and ranchers has worsened in recent years. After peaking around 2012, farm sector income declined while farm debt continued to rise, according to a USDA publication.
Ask an Expert – Hopping into Action: Tips for Taming Growing Grasshopper Populations
Climate conditions affect grasshopper populations differently each season, and this year’s conditions made for extreme numbers. Grasshoppers spent the winter as eggs in the soil, unaffected by cold air temperatures.
Ask an Expert – August Gardening Tips for Late Summer Splendor
The heat is on, and yards and gardens are trying to survive the recent high temperatures. Consider these tips from the USU Extension Gardeners Almanac to help your garden succeed. Also included are links for further information.
Empowering Single Mothers in Utah: Uniting Communities for Stronger Support
The rate of children living in single-parent households is higher in the U.S. than anywhere else in the world, according to the Pew Research Center. Roughly 23% of U.S. children live with one parent, compared to 7% globally.
Ask an Expert – Yes, You Can Can! 13 Food Preservation Pointers
While many people know and understand basic freezing and dehydrating methods for preserving foods, it becomes a different story when they contemplate bottling.
Ask an Expert – Snake-Free Fun in the Sun: How to Avoid Rattling Reptiles
Humans aren’t the only ones eager for the sun this summer. Snakes are out in abundance and can be found warming up along roads, sunning themselves on rocks, and slithering casually to their next meal.
Ask an Expert – Tick Talk: Advice for Avoiding Ticks in Utah
Ticks are tiny arachnids that pose a potential threat to humans and animals because they can transmit diseases. In Utah, the primary tick species of concern is the Rocky Mountain wood tick, known for transmitting Colorado tick fever.
Ask an Expert – Breaking Free from Pornography
A recent study from The Journal of Sex Research found that over 90% of men and 60% of women ages 18-73 reported having consumed pornography in the past month, based on an online sample.
Leading the Way: Best Practices of Utah’s Top 100 Companies that Champion Women
Many state leaders boast that Utah is at the forefront of innovative and awe-inspiring economic opportunity initiatives, with accolades that include the best-managed state in America, the best economic outlook, and the best state to start a business.
Ask an Expert – How Does Your Garden Grow? Tips for July
It can be a challenge to keep gardens growing as temperatures heat up, so Utah State University Extension provides a Gardener’s Almanac to help.
USU Extension Receives Grant for Language Learning Initiatives
Utah State University Extension recently received a grant to fund a two-week Mandarin Chinese language and cultural summer camp for Utah students.
Ask an Expert – Four Tips for Summer Safety
Many families are heading outdoors for recreation and activities this summer. Whether in the pool or park, the ballfield or backyard, take measures to keep family members safe from injuries, sun, and insects.
Ask an Expert – The Digital Dilemma: Social Media’s Adverse Impact on Youth
In March, Utah Gov. Spencer Cox signed S.B. 152 Social Media Regulation Amendments, sponsored by Sen. Mike McKell. The bill places restrictions on social media companies and provides parents with additional tools to protect teens from the harmful effects ...
Ask an Expert – Five Frugal Gift Ideas for Father’s Day
Author Amanda Boyarshinov says, “The best gifts in the world are not in the material objects one can buy from the store, but in the memories we make with the people we love.”
USU UWLP Reports on Perceptions of Gender Bias in the Utah Workplace
Utah enjoys one of the highest economic growth rates in the nation. The ability to attract, retain, and provide positive workplace environments for women will be critical for future growth and success.
Ask an Expert – June Gardening Tips and Checklist
To help make your yard and garden the best they can be this year, consider these tips from Utah State University Extension’s Gardeners Almanac.
USU Extension Trains Adults to Prepare Youth for Emergencies
Utah State University Extension offers a course that teaches adults to prepare youth for emergencies, disasters, and assisting others.
Ask an Expert – Help Grandchildren Cultivate a Close Relationship with Grandparents
A close relationship between grandparents and grandchildren is mutually beneficial when it comes to the health and well-being of both. Grandparents provide acceptance, patience, love, stability, wisdom, fun, and support to their grandchildren.
Ask an Expert – Food Security and Nutrition Security: The Importance of Healthy Options for Utah’s Vulnerable
Food security and nutrition security are closely related but are distinctly different concepts. Food security ensures that people have enough food to avoid hunger. In contrast, nutrition security goes beyond having enough food to eat and focuses on food q...
Utah Among Three Lowest States for Mammograms, USU UWLP Reports
Breast cancer is the leading cause of cancer death for women in Utah. Mammography has been shown to reduce breast cancer mortality and is a critical screening tool that can increase the chance of early detection and treatment.
Ask an Expert – May Gardening Checklist
After digging out from a long, hard winter, we can finally start working in the garden and yard!
USU UWLP Sheds Light on Maternal Mental Health Challenges
The Utah Women & Leadership Project (UWLP) recently provided a report that summarizes Utah data on perinatal mood and anxiety disorders (PMADs), a term that encompasses a range of disorders that can occur during pregnancy and up to one year postpartum.
Ask an Expert – Five Ways to Find Peace by Staying Present
It is easy to get caught up in the events of the past or the future. However, doing so only brings worry and causes you to miss out on the present. On the other hand, mindfulness – or focusing on the present moment – leads to better health, lower anxiety,...
New USU Extension Website Offers Flood Preparation and Recovery Resources
Due to the record snowfall this year, many areas of the state have experienced flooding, and other parts are bracing for it. To assist homeowners, businesses, and others, Utah State University Extension created a website with flood information.
USU Extension and College of Ag Honored with Seven Best of State Awards
Four Utah State University Extension programs and three College of Agriculture and Applied Sciences (CAAS) programs are recipients of the 2023 Best of State Awards.
Voles Creating a Furry Underground Fury
A small, furry rodent – the vole – is showing up throughout Utah as this year’s record amount of snow melts. Orchards, residential lawns, pastures, and golf course lawns are feeling the brunt of the vole’s activity.
Ask an Expert – April Gardening Checklist
The snow is finally melting, and soon it will be time to plant! Consider these tips to help you prepare.
USU Receives $1 Million Grant for Optimizing Agricultural Water Use
Utah State University recently received a grant to invest in the Ag Water Demonstration, Research, and Implementation Program (Ag-DRIP), designed to help increase agricultural resiliency to drought and conserve water in the Colorado River Basin.
USU UWLP Reports on Utah Women’s Fertility Trends and Changes
Utah’s Total Fertility Rate (TFR) has been consistently ahead of the national average for the last 50 years; however, the gap is narrowing as fertility rates in the state and nation begin to decline.
Ask an Expert – Five Tips to Help Beat the Winter Blues
As winter drags on into spring this year, seasonal affective disorder (SAD) is becoming a challenge for many. SAD is a type of depression that occurs primarily during winter and is caused by various factors, including decreased exposure to sunlight and al...
USU Extension Presents “Friend of Extension Award” to Bastian Family Foundation
Utah State University Extension presented its “Friend of Extension Award” to the Bastian Family Foundation at Extension’s annual conference in early March.
Ask an Expert – How Sharing Family Stories Can Strengthen Relationships
How many family stories do you know? There may be stories of migration or comedies about great-grandma or uncle so-and-so that have been passed down. Family members may have survived natural disasters, served in the armed forces, or had a successful busin...
Cracking the Dilemma of Raising Backyard Chickens
In challenging economic times, many people ponder the purchase of chickens as part of their domestic safety net. Successfully raising chickens, however, requires thoughtful consideration and research.
USU UWLP Reports on Health Implications of Social Belonging for Utah Women
Social safety is a term that refers to reliable social connection, belonging, inclusion, recognition, and protection – essential human needs at all life stages.
Ask an Expert – Tips to Reduce the Chance of Flood Damage to Your Home
With Utah’s high amounts of snowfall this year, flooding is a possibility in many areas. For anyone who has experienced the impacts of water or mud inundating their home, this may induce a sense of helplessness.
Ask an Expert – Tips to Reduce the Chance of Flood Damage to Your Home
With Utah’s high amounts of snowfall this year, flooding is a possibility in many areas. For anyone who has experienced the impacts of water or mud inundating their home, this may induce a sense of helplessness.
Ask an Expert – Five Ways to Share the Mental Load in Marriage
There is a massive mental work load that people tend to carry in their heads. And by people, we mean mothers. Studies suggest that the bulk of “worry work” is mainly carried by moms – nearly 9 out of 10 of them say they feel solely responsible for organi...
Ask an Expert – March Gardening Checklist
It’s not too early to think about the gardening season! Consider these tips to help you prepare. Included are links from the Utah State University Extension Gardener’s Almanac.
USU UWLP Reports on Domestic Violence Among Utah Women
A recent U.S. survey estimated that one in three Utah women (33.6%) will experience some form of sexual violence, physical violence, and/or stalking by an intimate partner in her lifetime.
Ask an Expert – Six Tips to Help Jump-Start Your Savings
The week of February 27 to March 3, 2023, is both Utah Saves Week and America Saves Week. Since 2007, both have been held the last week of February to help people focus on saving money.
USU Extension Partners to Offer Free Professional Tech Sales Training
Registration is now open for a free certification course designed to train technology sales professionals. The new 45-hour Certified Tech Sales Professional course is a partnership between Utah State University Extension and MarketStar, a Utah-based leade...
USU Research Shows Slightly More Utah Women Serving in Politics in 2023
Utah has a rich heritage of women involved in voting, advocacy, and politics. However, for decades, Utah has lagged behind most other states in terms of women running for and serving in elected political roles.
Ask an Expert – How Can We Keep Our Marriage Strong as We Age?
As couples age, keeping a marriage strong can become a challenge. Children move away, mental and physical health challenges arise, complacency creeps in, and retirement can create more time together than you are used to.
Ask an Expert – Update on Avian Influenza in Utah
Nearly 2.2 million birds in Utah were lost to the highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) between April 2022 and January 2023. This total includes eight non-commercial poultry flocks, 18 commercial egg layer and turkey flocks, and one commercial gamebird...
USU Study Finds Positive Impact on Women Who Serve Missions for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
A recent study published by the Utah State University Utah Women & Leadership Project (UWLP) found that women who serve as missionaries for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints experience improved educational, personal, and professional outcome...
Utah Clean Air Marketing Contest Winners Announced at Community Art Day
Winners of the 2023 Utah High School Clean Air Marketing Contest will be announced at Utah State University’s Nora Eccles Harrison Museum of Art Community Art Day Saturday, February 11.
Ask an Expert – Winter Garden Planning Tips
If the spike in gardening interest the last few years is any indication of what 2023 will be like, now is the perfect time to start planning! Consider these tips and links from the Utah State University Extension Gardeners Almanac.
USU Extension 4-H Robotics Club Wins Region, Takes on State
A Utah State University Extension 4-H robotics club from Washington County recently won the FIRST (For Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology) Utah Regional Championship and will be moving on to the FIRST World Championship in Houston in Ap...
New Utah Food Security Council Based at USU
One in 10 Utah households experience food insecurity, and more than 102,000 Utah families do not have the resources to buy enough food, according to the “Household Food Security in the United States” annual report for 2020.
Ask an Expert – Relax and De-stress with Meditation
It can be a challenge to make the time to rest our minds, relax, and find peace. But it is definitely worth the effort.
USU Extension Co-sponsors Utah Marriage Celebration
Utah State University Extension co-sponsors the Utah Marriage Celebration held online Friday, Feb. 10, from 4 to 9:30 p.m.
Ask an Expert – Cleaning, Sanitizing, and Disinfecting for a Healthy 2023
With many illnesses circulating, including the common cold, flu, RSV, hand-foot-mouth disease, and the COVID virus, the new year is an excellent time to reevaluate hygiene habits.
USU UWLP Reports on Eating Disorders Among Utah Women
A recent U.S. study estimates that from 2018 to 2019, one person died every 51.5 minutes from an eating disorder (ED), and the study projected that 28.8 million people will suffer from an ED at some point in their lives.
USU Extension 4-H Helps Utah County Youth in Need This Holiday Season
With approximately 1,200 students in the Nebo Utah School District at risk of experiencing food insecurity, the meals they eat at school might be the only meals they get.
Ask an Expert – Relationship Resolutions for the New Year
As the year draws to a close, many people reflect on the previous year and anticipate the year ahead. Now is the perfect time to make “relationship resolutions” to become a better spouse or partner.
Ask an Expert – Holiday Lighting May Not Be So Jolly for Wildlife
The holidays are here, and festive lights are burning bright. Although this tradition of illumination brings joy to many, it can also be considered a source of light pollution.
Ask an Expert – How to Have Happy, Healthy Poinsettias for the Holidays and Beyond
The poinsettia is the most popular decorative plant of the Christmas season. However, the compact, bushy plant we are accustomed to is far different than the poinsettia in its natural form in the wild, where it can grow to be 13 feet tall and wide.
Utah’s Rate of Homeless Women Lower than National Rate, but Still Concerning
According to data from the Utah Department of Workforce Services Office of Homeless Services, 24,037 people accessed homelessness services in Utah in 2021. In 2020, 3,131 Utah residents experienced homelessness on any given day.
Ask an Expert – Combating Loneliness During the Holidays
The holidays bring mistletoe, caroling, eggnog, gift-giving, family, and friends. However, for some, the holidays can also bring loneliness.
Ask an Expert – Once You’re Done with Holiday Shopping, Stop Looking, Stop Spending
With inflation eating away at our budgets, starting the holidays with a spending plan is more important than ever. Have your family help you determine things that are most important this year, then look for ways to reduce, simplify, and save money.
USU Extension Create Better Health Announces Utah Partnership Awards
The Utah State University Extension Create Better Health (SNAP-Ed) program recently announced recipients of their 2022 Utah Outstanding Partner Awards.
Ask an Expert – How Much Caffeine Is Too Much?
Caffeine can provide a boost of energy, help you become more alert, and improve your mood. Sounds great, right? Unfortunately, many people don’t realize that caffeine is a drug that stimulates the nervous system and can cause negative side effects.
USU Extension Suicide Prevention Training Helping Heal Families and Communities
According to the Utah Department of Health, suicide is the eighth leading cause of death for Utahns, with an average of 657 suicides per year. The Utah suicide rate is consistently higher than the national rate, and more deaths result from suicide than fr...
Rising Avian Flu Cases Harm Producers, Poultry Prices
Wild and domesticated birds have faced a renewed risk from avian influenza this fall. While the virus was first detected in Utah in April 2022, experts warn that the strain of highly pathogenic avian flu (HPAI) is likely to spread even more rapidly this s...
Ask an Expert – Outside Factors Don’t Have to Take the Thanks out of Thanksgiving
It won’t come as a surprise that Thanksgiving dinner may require some adjustments this year. In addition to the inflation factor, many Utah turkey farms have been hit by avian influenza – especially those in Sanpete County.
Ask an Expert – Gearing Up for Holiday Baking
Though holiday baking is a few weeks away, now is a great time to take stock of and renew your baking supplies. This will ensure fresh, high-quality end products.
USU Program Reports on the Gender Gap in Utah Higher Education
Not surprisingly, evidence shows that college completion benefits individuals by providing financial and emotional well-being, families by providing stability and financial security, and the state by reducing the state-wide gender gap in education and wag...
Ask an Expert - November Yard and Garden Tips
With snow falling early in many areas of the state, gardeners may have been caught off guard. Make sure your yard is ready for winter by finishing the last few tasks. Consider these tips and links from the Utah State University Extension Gardeners Almanac...
Utah Young Women More Concerned about Barriers to College Than Young Men Are, Reports USU UWLP
Approximately 25,000 more males than females in Utah ages 18 and older have earned a bachelor’s degree or higher. Recent data shows that female secondary students actually plan on attending college at higher rates than male students, but for varying reaso...
Ask an Expert – Don’t be Spooked If Spiders Creep Indoors This Fall
As fall temperatures cool, spider encounters in homes become more common. This happens as spiders near the end of their life cycles and are searching for mates and places to lay their egg sacks.
Ask an Expert – Working Through Religious Differences in Marriage
Disagreements with someone you love can be challenging. The conversations can be uncomfortable, especially about firmly held beliefs. Differences in religious beliefs or spirituality can even become a source of pain and discontent if not addressed in a re...
The Challenges and Opportunities of Women-Owned Utah Businesses
In 1997, the Women’s Business Center of Utah partnered with multiple organizations to conduct a survey of Utah women business owners to understand the roles their businesses played in Utah’s economy.
Ask an Expert - October Yard and Garden Tips
Autumn is officially here, and there is much to look forward to – pumpkins on the porch, apple cider, cooler temperatures, and walks through crunchy leaves. But before you get too comfortable, don’t forget there are yard and garden end-of-season tasks to ...
USU Extension to Offer Free Professional Tech Sales Training in Partnership with Marketstar
Utah State University Extension recently received a $500,000 grant to fund a two-year program that trains rural Utah residents as technology sales professionals who can work remotely for MarketStar, a Utah-based leader in the outsourced business-to-busine...
USU Extension Co-Sponsors 2022 Free Roaming Equids and Ecosystem Sustainability Summit
In partnership with 20 organizations and agencies, Utah State University Extension co-sponsors the 4th Free Roaming Equids and Ecosystem Sustainability (FREES) Summit October 12-14 in St. George, Utah.
Ask an Expert – What to Do When Your Child Misbehaves
Determining how to manage a child’s misbehavior can be a parenting challenge. It is frustrating when children ignore what they are asked to do, or they do just the opposite. Consider this information that explains why commonly used strategies don’t work a...
Utah Women Pursuing Higher Education Face Challenges
Recent U.S. Census Bureau data show that slightly more Utah women are earning bachelor’s degrees than Utah men (23.4% vs. 22.6%).
USU’s Utah Marriage Commission launches “Stronger Marriage Connection” Podcast
The Utah Marriage Commission, hosted at Utah State University, launched the “Stronger Marriage Connection” podcast, with the first three episodes released Monday, Sept. 19. Subsequent episodes will be released weekly.
Ask an Expert – Make Family Meals a Priority In September – and Keep the Habit
American families who eat one meal together every day are among the minority. In today’s fast-paced world, eating Sunday dinner as a family is a great tradition, but it is a giant step away from more regular time spent eating and socializing around the ta...
STEM Sparks Rural County Youth Education
Young people in rural areas often do not have the same access to Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) education as youth in suburban areas of the country, according to the Hechinger Report, a national educational newsroom.
Ask an Expert – National Preparedness Month: Be Prepared to Create “A Lasting Legacy”
It is well known that preparation can help overcome fear, and since September is National Preparedness Month, now is a great time to evaluate your preparedness supplies and plans.
USU Extension Sponsors Utah Parenting Summit
Utah State University Extension sponsors the Utah Parenting Summit, a statewide virtual event held online Saturday, Oct. 8, from 6 to 8:30 p.m.
Utah Suicide Rates High, Including for Girls and Women
September is Suicide Prevention Awareness Month – a time to increase awareness, spread hope, reduce stigma, and share important information. A recently released report by the Utah State University Utah Women & Leadership Project’s (UWLP) sought to better ...
Ask an Expert – Nine Tips to Help Youth Manage Screen Time
Not surprisingly, children are spending more time with screen media than ever before, and at younger ages. According to the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, the average 8-to-12-year-old child spends 4-to-6 hours a day watching or using...
Ask an Expert – Three Things to Consider with Student Loan Forgiveness and Delayed Repayment Plan
The long-awaited details of President Biden’s student-loan forgiveness plan have been officially announced. In summary, based on last year’s tax return, the plan cancels up to $10,000 of federal student loan debt for individuals making less than $125,000 ...
USU Extension 4-H Team Competes at National Forestry Competition
A Utah State University Extension 4-H team recently competed in the 42nd annual National 4-H Forestry Invitational in Weston, West Virginia.
Counties Celebrate “A Light to Remember” to Honor Those Lost to Overdose
International Overdose Awareness Day, held annually on August 31, recognizes those who have died from an overdose and acknowledges the grief of the family and friends left behind. The campaign focuses on ways to provide support, education, and understandi...
Ask an Expert – Four Back-to-School Tips for Parents
Summer is winding down, and many children are hitting the books instead of the snooze button. In addition to encouraging children to stay organized and responsible with their time and activities, it is important to have conversations about social tips tha...
USU UWLP Releases Report on Addressing Workplace Sexual Harassment
The Utah State University Utah Women & Leadership Project (UWLP) released a report today, Addressing Workplace Sexual Harassment: Public Policy Solutions for Utah, to help raise awareness and provide recommendations.
Ask an Expert – Need Help Making Sense of Home Canning? Here Are Twelve Tips
While many people know and understand basic freezing and dehydrating methods for preserving foods, it becomes a different story when they contemplate bottling.
Sexual Assault Against Utah Women: A USU UWLP Research Update
In 2007, the Utah Commission on Criminal and Juvenile Justice conducted an anonymous survey and found that one in three Utah women experienced sexual assault in their lifetime, and one in six Utah women experienced rape (sexual assault with penetration). ...
Utah Marriage Commission at USU Provides Relationship Resources
The Utah Marriage Commission (UMC) has provided relationship and marriage resources to Utahns for over two decades. Originating through the Utah Governor’s office in 1998, the Utah State Legislature moved commission oversight and hosting to Utah State Un...
Ask an Expert – August Yard and Garden Checklist
The heat is on, and yards and gardens are trying to survive the high temperatures and drought conditions. Consider these tips from the USU Extension Gardeners Almanac to help your garden succeed.
USU Extension Hosts “Becoming an Outdoors Woman” Workshops
Utah State University Extension hosts the “Becoming an Outdoors Woman” (BOW) educational skills workshops August 25 – 27 at the Holmstead Ranch Resort in the Central Utah area.
Ask an Expert – Four Tips to Make Summer Safe
Many families are heading outdoors for one last outing before school starts. Whether in the water or hills, on the ballfield or in the backyard, it’s essential to keep family members safe from sun, insects, and injuries.
USU Extension Professor Receives National Crop Science Award
Kelly Kopp, Utah State University Extension turfgrass and water conservation specialist, was recently awarded the Crop Science Extension Education Award by the Crop Science Society of America.
Ask an Expert – Three Tips for Preventing Injury in the Yard and Garden
Whether you’re a weekend gardener or spend time in the dirt daily, you have probably experienced working too hard and feeling sore. Soreness can stem from exerting a new or weak muscle, and it subsides after a few days.
Women in Leadership Roles Slightly Up in Utah Public Education
The Utah State University Utah Women & Leadership Project (UWLP) released research on the status of women leaders in Utah education in 2014 and 2017. The reports focused on the status of women’s leadership in all Utah education sectors.
Ask an Expert – Six Tips for Planning Menus around Farmers Market Selections
It can be emotional for children and parents alike when children leave the care and responsibility of one parent to be with the other parent. Establishing a routine for these transitions is beneficial for residential parents, nonresidential parents and ch...
New USU Extension Website Offers Inflation Resources
According to recent data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, inflation in Utah has increased 10.4% since May 2021. This number is even higher than the current national average. It means a typical family of four is spending $700-$800 more per month o...
Ask an Expert – Opioid Facts for Parents
According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, opioids are the most commonly misused drugs by Americans over age 14. Opioids can be natural, such as heroin; semi-synthetic, such as oxycodone; and synthetic, such as fentanyl. Opiates, including morphin...
Utah American Indian Women: USU UWLP Reports on Status and Experiences
Researchers used the U.S. Census description for American Indian or Alaska Native, which is “a person having origins in any of North or South America (including Central America) and who maintains tribal affiliations or community attachment.” In 2010, 27,...
Ask an Expert – How Does Your Garden Grow? Tips for July
It can be a challenge to keep gardens growing as summer heats up, so Utah State University Extension provides a Gardener’s Almanac to help. The Almanac also includes links for tips and additional information.
Five Tips for Using Grocery Store and Fuel Apps to Combat Inflation
Inflation has increased 8.6% since May 2021, according to data released this month from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. An average family of four is spending about $700 more per month on the same things they purchased a year ago.
Ask an Expert – Seven Principles for Water-Wise Landscaping
Our landscapes provide us with beautiful surroundings, natural cooling, and the cleansing of our environment. Nearly 65% of the annual culinary water consumption in Utah is applied to landscapes.
USU UWLP Reports on the Status of Latina Women in Utah
As the diversity of the state increases, it can bring disparities between minority groups and the White population in terms of education, housing, and health outcomes. Information that aids in understanding the status and conditions within all social and ...
Ask an Expert – Tips to Help Navigate the Infant Formula Shortage
Few things cause more stress for parents than the fear of not being able to provide for their child’s needs. The infant formula shortage, due to supply chain issues and a product recall, has left many parents feeling concerned about their options for safe...
Ask an Expert – June Gardening Checklist
June is here, the sun is shining, and gardening is in full swing! Consider these tips from the Utah State University Extension Gardener’s Almanac to help make your yard and garden the best they can be.
Utah Women in STEM Careers Slowly Increasing, Reports USU UWLP
According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, Utah ranked in the top 10 states for tech job growth, net tech employment concentration, and net tech employment gains in 2020. In addition, Salt Lake City is ranked as the second-best city in the country ...
Water Conservation Critical this Summer
Currently, 72% of Utah is experiencing extreme drought, with the remainder of the state in severe drought. With a dry summer likely and water restrictions already in place around the state, it is crucial that Utahns conserve the water we have.
Ask an Expert – Youth Sports Engagement: What’s Right for My Child?
Sports participation and viewing have long been traditions in most cultures, bringing people of all backgrounds together. Participation in sports can build character in youth and benefit them in multiple ways, but parents who want to provide enriching opp...
New “Hidden Gems” Guides Released
Utah State University Extension recently launched new “Hidden Gems” Family Fun Adventure Guides. The guides were created to help strengthen family connections, support positive youth development, and help families have fun together.
Ask an Expert – Don’t Try to Outfox the Fox
Red foxes, although not native to Utah, are becoming more common in cities and suburban settings. In an effort to impress social media followers, some wildlife enthusiasts are attempting human/fox selfies and are getting too close, even offering them food...
Black Women in Utah: USU UWLP Reports on Status and Experiences
Information that increases understanding of the status, conditions, and experiences of all social and identity groups is crucial in helping Utah local and state decision makers address current needs.
Ask an Expert – Spending Time in Nature Boosts Mental Health
According to the Environmental Protection Agency, adults and adolescents in the United States spend over 90% of their time indoors, and the article, “Screen Time Statistics” in Comparitech says the average American spends more than seven hours a day look...
Exceptional Faculty Recognized by USU Extension
Utah State University Extension professionals from around the state gathered this spring for the 2022 Extension Annual Conference held at Thanksgiving Point in Lehi. Awards were given to faculty for outstanding programs and performance.
Research Reports Show Link Between Political Views and Spread of COVID-19
Two new studies from the Western Rural Development Center (WRDC) based at Utah State University show a connection between political views, vaccination levels, and COVID-19 per capita cases and deaths.
Ask an Expert – May Gardening Checklist
April showers bring May flowers – as well as a multitude of gardening tasks. The Utah State University Extension Gardener’s Almanac provides a checklist for each month as well as links for tips and further information.
USU Extension Expert Discusses Wild Horse Gathers
Without active management to reduce on-range wild horse and burro growth rates, populations could exceed 160,000 within four years, according to Terry Messmer, Utah State University Extension wildlife specialist.
USU Extension Website Offers Drought Information and Resources
Due to drought conditions throughout the state, Governor Spencer Cox recently issued an executive order declaring a state of emergency for Utah. To date, 99% of Utah is in the severe drought category, and 43% of the state is experiencing extreme drought....
USU Extension and College of Ag Honored With Six Best of State Awards
Three Utah State University Extension programs and three College of Agriculture and Applied Sciences (CAAS) programs are recipients of the 2022 Best of State Awards.
USU UWLP Reports on the Status of Asian Women in Utah
As the diversity of the state increases, it can bring disparities between minority groups and the White population in terms of education, housing, and health outcomes.
Ask an Expert – Move More in May: Five Reasons to Increase Physical Activity
In many parts of the country, the month of May is when the weather warms after a cold winter. That means it’s time to get up and move more!
Ask an Expert – Five Tips for Talking with Your Children about War and Conflict
One of the most important roles a parent plays in their child’s life is to keep them safe and secure, especially in times of turmoil. Here are five tips for talking with children about war and conflict and how to provide support to ease their fears.
Avian Influenza Detected in Utah
The highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) has been detected this spring in many areas in the United States, Canada, Asia, Europe, and possibly other countries. This Eurasian strain is considered a foreign animal disease; however, detections began on th...
USU Extension to Host In-Person Remote Teams Summit
The Remote Online Initiative (ROI), a Utah State University Extension program, will host the Remote Teams Summit: Building Excellence in Remote Teams on May 4 at the Utah Valley Convention Center in Provo.
Ask an Expert – Tips for Being a Savvy Supermarket Shopper
As the rising cost of living is cutting into our budgets, it’s important to be savvy in our grocery shopping. Consider these tips.
USU UWLP Reports on the Status of Utah Pacific Islander Women
In 2021, 22 percent of Utahns were identified as those other than non-Hispanic White, according to the Kem C. Gardner Policy Institute. As the diversity of the state increases, the Utah State University Utah Women & Leadership Project (UWLP) has created a...
Ask an Expert – Spring Pruning Pointers
Temperatures are warming, and it is time to get out in the yard again. One of the first orders of business is pruning shrubs, roses, fruit trees, and raspberries.
Just Because It Hasn’t Been Done Before Doesn’t Mean You Shouldn’t Try: Paul Hill’s Inaugural Professor Lecture
Paul Hill has been told more than once in his life that he couldn’t do something or that he shouldn’t try, but those comments are the very things that have spurred him on, both educationally and professionally. Hill was recently promoted to the rank of fu...
Utah Girls and Women Not Immune to Human Trafficking, USU UWLP Reports
Human trafficking is a global problem involving the exploitation of people for profit through force, fraud, or coercion. It can include forced labor, debt bondage, domestic servitude, and sexual exploitation. Unfortunately, it occurs in the United States,...
2022 Intertribal Opioid Wellness Summit Held in Vernal
The Tribal and Rural Opioid Initiative (TROI) was launched in 2018 by Utah State University Extension to provide effective resources to address opioid and other substance misuse among rural and Native American community members.
Seven Teachers, Team of Teachers Selected for the 2022 National Excellence in Teaching About Agriculture Award
A Maine teacher of fifth and sixth grade students who also sponsors a school garden club, a Utah fourth grade teacher who teaches students to solve agriculture challenges and six other teachers from around the country have been selected as the 2022 Nation...
Ask an Expert – Include Water-Efficient Practices in April Gardening Plans
Keeping water-efficient practices in mind, consider these tips as you prepare your yard and garden this year. Included are links from the Utah State University Extension Gardeners Almanac.
New Director Named for USU Extension Home and Community Department
Heidi LeBlanc has been named the new director for Utah State University Extension’s Home and Community Department. She replaces Margie Memmott, who recently retired after nearly 40 years of service to USU Extension.
USU Extension Carbon County Wins Awards for Impactful Educational Efforts
Utah State University Extension’s mission is to build knowledge and improve lives through evidence-based education and information. In Carbon County, three faculty members work to provide education on a range of topics including mental and physical health...
USU Extension Empowering Financial Wellness Team Wins Multiple State Awards
Utah State University Extension’s mission is to build knowledge and improve lives by providing education and timely resources. Each February, the Utah Extension Association of Family and Consumer Sciences recognizes outstanding outreach efforts on behalf ...
Ask an Expert – Establishing Smooth Transitions after Divorce
It can be emotional for children and parents alike when children leave the care and responsibility of one parent to be with the other parent. Establishing a routine for these transitions is beneficial for residential parents, nonresidential parents and ch...
Ask an Expert – Should You Raise Chickens? Eight Things to Consider
In difficult economic times, many people consider purchasing chickens as part of their domestic safety net. Raising chickens, however, is distinctly different than stocking up on food storage or bottled water. Chickens are living, breathing beings that ne...
Davis Heritage Festival Events Slated
Davis County and the Utah State University Botanical Center partner to provide the Davis Heritage Festival in 2022. The new community event celebrating the heritage of Davis County is intended to create a new venue to fill the gap left by the departure of...
Ask an Expert – The Benefits of Adult Friendships
An old poem states, “Make new friends, but keep the old; the new are silver, the old are gold.” Researchers are finding that friendships are worth even more than silver or gold. The benefits of friendship increase your sense of belonging and purpose, cont...
Washington County 4-H Youth Meet With State Legislators and Elected Officials
Thirteen youth from the Utah State University Extension Washington County 4-H program recently visited the state capitol to learn about how government works and meet with state legislators, elected officials, and lobbyists.
Ask an Expert – March Gardening Checklist
We are officially heading into gardening season! Consider these tips to help you prepare. Included are links from the Utah State University Extension Gardeners Almanac.
Comments that Stereotype and Undervalue Women Are Prevalent, Utah Study Shows
A Utah State University Utah Women & Leadership Project (UWLP) study sought to understand Utah women’s experiences with sexist comments and remarks, which have become prevalent in conversation, public communication, and social settings.
USU Extension 4-H Robotics Club Wins State, Takes on Nationals
A Utah State University Extension 4-H robotics club from Washington County recently won the FIRST (For Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology) Utah Regional Championship and will be moving on to the FIRST World Championship in Houston in Ap...
Ask an Expert – Six Tips to Help Get You Saving
This week is both Utah Saves Week and America Saves Week. Since 2007, both have been held the last week of February to help people focus on saving money. For some, it can be daunting to get started, but the americasaves.org website can help you set goals ...
Ask an Expert: Financial Health by the Decades
The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, combined with a review of research and consultation with leading experts, found that financial well-being includes the following four elements.
USU UWLP Reports on Economic Circumstances of Sexual Minority Women in Utah
The Utah State University Utah Women & Leadership Project (UWLP) released a research report today on sexual minority women in Utah and its effects on their economic status.
The Purpose and Benefit of Land-grant (Extension) Universities
A land-grant (or Extension) university or college is an institution that provides research-based programs and resources for residents within the state. There is at least one land-grant institution in every state and territory of the United States, as well...
Ask an Expert – The Importance of Routines
Having a routine helps keep us on track both mentally and physically, which can help make our days more positive and productive. According to Mental Health America, a routine is a tool used to improve mental health by organizing the overwhelming everyday ...
Ask an Expert – How Body Image Affects Mental Health
What is body image? According to the National Eating Disorder Association, it is defined as our thoughts, perceptions, and attitudes about our physical appearance, which can be negative or positive.
Research Shows Slightly More Utah Women Serving in Politics
Utah has a rich heritage of women involved in voting, advocacy, and politics. However, for decades, Utah has lagged behind most other states in terms of women running for and serving in elected political roles.
Ask an Expert – February Pre-gardening Checklist
There is much that can be done now to get a jump start on the growing season. These tips, with links from the Utah State University Extension Gardeners Almanac, can help get you going.
Director of New Agricultural Center Named
Josh Dallin, Utah State University Extension assistant professor of agriculture and range in Box Elder County, was named director of the recently announced Bastian Agricultural Center (BAC). He will begin his new responsibilities Feb. 1 at what has been k...
Ask an Expert – How Do I Know My Partner Will be Faithful?
Trust in a relationship is key to its success. Most people do not automatically trust someone they do not know. They often determine trust by giving a little at the beginning of the relationship, observing behavior, and then giving or rescinding it, based...
Ask an Expert – How Do I Know My Partner Will be Faithful?
Trust in a relationship is key to its success. Most people do not automatically trust someone they do not know. They often determine trust by giving a little at the beginning of the relationship, observing behavior, and then giving or rescinding it, based...
Aggie Ice Cream to Celebrate Centennial
The year 2022 marks 100 years of business for Utah State University’s Aggie Creamery. To celebrate the centennial, the creamery is hosting a series of events as well as in-store and online monthly giveaways with prizes from local businesses.
Updated Research on Utah Women and Poverty Shows Progress, but Need for Improvement
A new research study from Utah State University’s Utah Women & Leadership Project (UWLP), in conjunction with USU Extension, indicates that poverty numbers for women have improved since a 2016 study, but that progress is still needed.
Ask an Expert – Federal Student Loan Payment Pause Extended
Those who have borrowed federal student loans have received another extension on the repayment from the U.S. Department of Education. The payment pause has been extended through May 1, 2022, and takes effect for all qualifying borrowers, with no opt-in ne...
Largest Single Gift in USU History Paves Way for Bastian Agricultural Center in Salt Lake County
As more of Utah’s agricultural land is converted to commercial and residential developments, one family has made a gift of $41.25 million to Utah State University to honor and preserve the state’s farming past, present, and future. This gift represents th...
USU Extension Co-sponsors Utah Marriage Celebration
Utah State University Extension co-sponsors the Utah Marriage Celebration held online Friday, Feb. 11, from 4 to 9:30 p.m.
Ask an Expert – Cleaning Tips to Keep You Healthy
We all know it is important to clean and disinfect to reduce the risk of getting sick, but with many illnesses circulating, including the common cold, flu, RSV, hand-foot-mouth disease, and the COVID virus, now is an important time to reevaluate hygiene h...
Objectification of Women Happens in Utah, USU Study Shows
Although sexist comments and remarks are prevalent and normalized in daily settings and conversations worldwide, a recent study by the Utah State University Utah Women & Leadership Project (UWLP) sought to understand Utah women’s specific experiences.
USU Utah Women & Leadership Project Sponsors Online Childcare Symposium
The Utah State University Utah Women & Leadership Project (UWLP) sponsors a free childcare symposium held Tuesday, January 11, from 1 to 3 p.m. The Childcare Symposium: Practices, Policies, & Strategies to Move Utah Forward, will be held via Zoom and is f...
Ask an Expert – January Garden Planning Tips
If the spike in gardening interest the last two years is any indication of what 2022 will be like, now is the perfect time to start planning! Consider these tips and links from the Utah State University Extension Gardeners Almanac.
Ask an Expert – Cranberries: a Healthy Holiday Choice
The health benefits of cranberries, combined with their unique taste, versatility and ease of use, make them a wise fruit choice not only during the holidays but year round.
Ask an Expert – Combating Loneliness During the Holidays
The holiday season brings mistletoe, caroling, eggnog, gift giving, family, and friends. However, for a variety of reasons, it can also bring loneliness. A recent survey from the American Association of Retired Persons found that 31% of respondents said t...
Utah Women & Leadership Project Study: Sexist Comments Show Inequity and Bias
Although sexist comments and remarks are prevalent and normalized in daily settings and conversations worldwide, a recent study by the Utah State University Utah Women & Leadership Project (UWLP) sought to understand Utah women’s specific experiences.
Ask an Expert – Tech Toys for Christmas?
Each holiday season brings new fancy games and technology gadgets targeted to children. Whether it is the latest cell phone model, the newest gaming system, or educational games for your toddler, it can be hard to make an informed decision.
Ask an Expert - Tips for Christmas Tree Selection and Care
Many Utahns will head to their local Christmas tree grower or tree lot to make this year’s selection. Proper selection and care for a live tree once it is home can provide for a happier and safer holiday season.
UWLP Analyzes Utah's Last-Place Ranking for Women's Equality
For the fourth year in a row, WalletHub has named Utah the worst state in the nation for women’s equality in a report released in August titled “2021’s Best & Worst States for Women’s Equality.”
Holistic Approach to Problem Solving Helps Keep Balance
Matt Palmer, Utah State University Extension faculty in Sanpete County, was promoted to full professor in July. In celebration, he recently presented a summary of his career at a reception held at Snow College in Ephraim.
EFNEP, a Great Place to Be a “Foodie” and a Full Professor
Paula Scott, Utah State University Extension Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program (EFNEP) state director, was recently promoted to full professor and celebrated with friends and family at the Kaysville Education Center last month.
Healthy Eating for Happy Holidays
The average American will consume about 4,500 calories on Thanksgiving Day when taking into consideration pre-meal snacking, the actual dinner, dessert, then evening leftovers.
USU Extension Receives Grant to Help Refugee and Native American Farmers
Utah State University Extension recently received a grant to fund programs that will enhance farming opportunities for refugee and Native American farmers in Utah. The grant comes from the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) National Institute of Food...
USU Extension HEART Initiative Wins Award for Rural Education Efforts
Utah State University Extension’s Health Extension: Advocacy, Research, & Teaching (HEART) Initiative recently received the Rural Education Partner of the Year Award from the Rural Health Association of Utah (RHAU) at their conference this month.
CDC Shows Record-Breaking Increase in Overdose Deaths Nationally, but Utah Fares Better
The Centers for Disease Control released a report this week stating that for the first time, the number of overdose deaths in the United States was over 100,000 in a 12-month period.
Ask an Expert – Make a Marvelous Thanksgiving Meal – with or without the Turkey
Turkeys may not be as easy to purchase this year as they have been in previous years. According to the USDA, frozen turkey inventories are 24 percent below their three-year average volumes, and production of turkeys is down compared to the average year.
Ask an Expert – Show Gratitude for Your Partner This Season (and Always!)
This month, we celebrate the joy that comes from sharing gratitude. According to research from Harvard Health, gratitude can truly make a person happier. In recent years, psychologists have focused on the benefits that come to individuals when they create...
Ask an Expert: The House Mouse – Not Your Storybook Christmas Mouse
In recent weeks, many homeowners have reported seeing mice droppings in cupboards, basements, food storage areas, bathrooms, bedrooms and garages. Mice can spread diseases through their urine, droppings, saliva and nesting materials.
Utah Native Aspen Trees Affected by Invasive Insect
Oystershell scale, an invasive insect that can weaken and kill aspen trees, has recently been confirmed in native forests in Utah.
Sexist Comments Prevalent, Utah Study Shows
A recent study by the Utah State University Utah Women & Leadership Project (UWLP) showed that sexist comments and remarks are prevalent in Utah and normalized in everyday conversation, public communication, and social settings.
Ask an Expert – Plant Bulbs Now for Color Explosion this Spring
Spring-blooming bulbs are popular because of the beauty they add to the landscape and their ease of growing. Now is a good time to plant them, and many local retailers offer a wide variety. Consider these popular selections.
Utah Women Decreased in Rate of Voting, but Civic Engagement Remains High
Women in Utah have a strong history of political engagement. In fact, Utah women were the first in the United States to vote under an equal suffrage law in 1870. Utah was also the first state to elect a female state senator (elected over her own husband i...
USU Extension Launches AG Wellness Programs to Address Mental Health Needs in Agriculture
Utah State University Extension recently launched Ag Wellness, a program focused on addressing the mental health needs of Utah farmers, ranchers and others involved in the agricultural industry.
Ask an Expert – Top Three Spooky Spiders in Utah May Not Be So Scary
Spider encounters in Utah increase in the fall as spiders near the end of their lives and search for mates and lay egg sacks. These behaviors often occur indoors, causing more spider encounters and increasing the number of unnecessarily feared or killed s...
Ask an Expert – 10 Things You Should Do Before Saying “I Do”
Being in love is exciting and wonderful, and for some people, it’s easy to get caught up in the whirlwind of romance. Many people spend more time planning for a wedding than they spend planning for a marriage. Before deciding to tie the knot, consider the...
Ask an Expert – Prevent Your Carved Creation from Becoming a Fungal Fiasco
Carving pumpkins into jack-o’-lanterns is an art form that comes in all shapes, sizes and levels of difficulty. The final product (usually) makes the pumpkin carvers proud and anxious to display their work. However, often just a few days later, the pumpki...
USU Research Compilation Shows Utah Gender Wage Gap Among Highest in the Nation
Utah State University’s Utah Women & Leadership Project (UWLP) recently released a report that is a compilation of research pulled from 60 sources regarding the gender wage gap. The report shows that Utah women earn approximately 30% less than men, rankin...
USU Extension 4-H Youth Celebrate National 4-H Week
Utah State University Extension 4-H youth from across the state celebrate National 4-H Week from October 3 to 9 with a variety of positive youth activities and opportunities.
Ask an Expert – Time for Yard and Garden End-of-Season Tasks
Autumn is officially here, and there is much to look forward to – pumpkins on the porch, apple cider, cooler temperatures and walks through crunchy leaves. But before you get too comfortable, don’t forget the yard and garden end-of-season tasks.
Ask an Expert – Tips for Living in Cougar Country
Reports of cougar sightings have increased across Utah this year. This may be related to both the ongoing drought, as habitat conditions deteriorate, and increased outdoor activity, as humans seek solace from COVID-19.
USU’s UWLP Sponsors Free Fall Women’s Leadership Forum
The Utah State University Utah Women & Leadership Project (UWLP) sponsors a fireside chat with Lt. Gov. Deidre Henderson on women and leadership. The second annual Fall Women’s Leadership Forum is held Friday, October 1, from noon to 1:15 p.m. on the USU ...
Ask an Expert – Tips for National Family Meals Month
Are you among the minority of American families who eat at least one meal together every day? In today’s fast-paced world, eating Sunday dinner as a family is a great tradition, but it is a giant step away from more regular time spent eating and socializi...
Recent Study Shows Connection between Political Views and COVID-19 Rates
A new study from the Western Rural Development Center (WRDC) based at Utah State University shows a connection between political views and COVID-19 per capita cases and death rates.
Ask an Expert – Prepare to Protect: September is National Preparedness Month
National Preparedness Month is held each September to raise awareness about preparing for disasters and emergencies. The 2021 theme is “Prepare to Protect. Preparing for disasters is protecting everyone you love.”
USU Extension Sponsors Celebrating Women Conference
Utah State University Extension sponsors the 2021 Celebrating Women Conference Saturday, September 18, streamed live on Zoom.
Ask an Expert – Back to School Tips for Parents
The first few weeks of school set the tone for the rest of the year, and there are things parents can do, starting from day one, to help their kids succeed. Consider these tips.
Ask an Expert – Checklist for September Yard and Garden Tasks
Fall is in the air, which may make you want to hang up the rake. Don’t give up just yet, though – we’re coming in the home stretch! Consider these fall tips from the USU Extension Gardeners Almanac.
USU Extension Water Quality Program Leads Statewide Trails and Waterways Cleanup
Utah State University Water Quality Extension leads Pack It Out Utah, Utah’s second statewide trails and waterways volunteer cleanup, Sept. 11 to 19. Local governments, nonprofits, organizations and volunteers across Utah will partner to remove garbage fr...
Ask an Expert – Do Wasps Get a Bad Rap?
All wasps can sting, right? Well, not exactly. While we tend to group them all into the stinging insect category, paper wasps, yellowjackets and aerial yellowjackets (hornets) do most of the stinging.
Resiliency Aided Utah Women During COVID-19
A recent study from the Utah State University Utah Women & Leadership Project (UWLP) outlined specific challenges women in the workforce faced during COVID-19.
Ask an Expert – Bats Making Recent Appearances
If you have spotted bats near your home or nearby structures, you are not alone. Bats are migratory and may take up residence in chimneys, structures and homes when they can find an opening.
Ask an Expert – Safely Cleaning Your Home After a Flood
Many parts of the state have recently experienced flooding. It is important to properly clean and sanitize wet and muddy household furnishings, carpets, clothing and surfaces as quickly as possible to avoid damage and contamination.
Ask an Expert – Twelve Tips to Help Make Sense of Home Canning
While many people know and understand basic freezing and dehydrating methods for preserving foods, it becomes a different story when they contemplate bottling.
Study Shows Physical Activity Levels Low for Utah Girls and Young Women
The benefits of physical activity are clear, yet thousands of Utah girls and women participate at significantly lower levels than boys and men.
Ask an Expert – August Yard and Garden Checklist
The heat is on, and yards and gardens are trying to keep up with high temperatures and drought conditions. Consider these tips from the USU Extension Gardeners Almanac to help your garden succeed this month. Also included are links for further information...
Ask an Expert – Celebrate Park and Recreation Month by Spending Time Outdoors
Research shows that spending time in nature promotes physical and emotional health. Since July is National Park and Recreation Month, consider celebrating it by spending more time outdoors.
USU Extension Offers Water Storage Tips
The average human body is 65 percent water — an element essential for survival. Water helps blood flow and carries oxygen and nutrients to cells, flushes waste products from the body, cushions tissues and joints and is a critical component for digestion....
USU Extension Sponsors “Buy Produce for Your Neighbor” Food Drive
The Utah State University Extension Create Better Health (SNAP-Ed) program sponsors “Buy Produce for Your Neighbor,” a food drive designed to help those in need of fresh produce.
Ask an Expert – With Proper Care, Drought Won’t Permanently Damage Yards
Utah is currently in one of the worst droughts since recording began in the late 1800s. Many reservoirs are at an all-time low, and some are drying up completely.
Utah Women and Work: Caregiving Challenges During Covid-19
A recent study from the Utah State University Utah Women & Leadership Project (UWLP) outlined specific challenges women in the workforce faced during COVID-19, including the negative impacts on working mothers, challenges with childcare and managing a bro...
Davis Heritage Festival Announced
Davis County and the Utah State University Botanical Center partner to provide the Davis Heritage Festival in 2022. The new event celebrating the heritage of Davis County replaces the Davis County Fair and will be planned and hosted by the USU Botanical C...
Ask an Expert – Five Tips to Help Trees Thrive During Drought
Trees provide cooling shade that helps reduce temperatures and energy bills, and they are an essential part of our landscapes. As the drought persists and we continue to cut back on lawn watering, it is critical that we remember to take care of our trees....
USU Extension ROI Program Receives National Award
Utah State University Extension’s Rural Online Initiative (ROI) program received the Creative Excellence Award from the National Association of Community Development Extension Professionals (NACDEP) at their 2021 annual conference in May.
Ask an Expert: Four Tips for Summer Safety
Many families are heading outdoors for recreation and activities. Whether in the pool or park, the ballfield or backyard, take precautionary measures so all family members are safe from sun, insects and injuries.
Ask an Expert – How Does Your Garden Grow? Tips for July
It can be a challenge to keep gardens growing well as summer heats up, so Utah State University Extension provides a Gardener’s Almanac to help.
Does the Media Create Sexism Toward Women in Politics?
Research spanning the past several decades indicates that women politicians continue to be at a disadvantage in the way they are covered by the media, and that women are often dissuaded from entering the political realm because of gendered media reporting...
U.S. Dept. of Commerce Awards USU Extension $1.1 Million for Remote Work Training
The U.S. Economic Development Administration (EDA) recently announced a $1.1 million CARES Act Recovery Assistance grant to Utah State University Extension to develop the Remote Online Initiative (ROI).
Ask an Expert – Stop the Hate: Seven Tips to Help Youth Respond When They Encounter Online Hatred
In today’s fast-paced, free-speech online world, chances are high that your child will encounter some type of hate and/or discrimination. This can be against race, religion, ethnicity, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, national origin, disabili...
Ask an Expert – Six Tips for Planning Menus around Farmers Market Selections
Farmers markets are known for offering an ever-changing variety of fresh fruits and vegetables. Although variety is a benefit of shopping at local farmers markets, it can be difficult and overwhelming to come up with a menu for the week without knowing wh...
USU Extension Offers New Online Health Classes
Utah State University Health Extension offers three new virtual classes focused on stress management, suicide prevention and pain management.
Ask an Expert – Slithering Snakes Spotted in Parks and Lawns
In response to the drought, many snakes are out in search of food and water, and some have recently been spotted slithering through moist areas such as city parks and yards.
Ask an Expert – Will We Have Better Access to Home Canning Supplies This Year?
Not only did 2020 have a negative impact on small businesses, employment and school schedules, it also had a negative effect on home food preservation supplies.
Responsible Water Use Imperative This Summer
With a dry summer predicted, drought concerns prompting a state of emergency for Utah and water restrictions already in place in many areas, it is more important than ever that Utah citizens are conscientious about their water use.
USU Extension Professor Contributes to New Wellness App
Dave Schramm, USU Extension family life specialist, partnered with a mental wellness company, Impact Suite, to create Climb, a science-based tool to help individuals improve their lives through comprehensive training, real-time analytics and interactive s...
Ask an Expert – Coexisting with Wildlife During a Drought
Just as humans must learn to adapt to changes in water availability during a drought, so must wildlife.
Utah Wellbeing Project Tracks Perspectives on Life in Utah
Utah communities are changing rapidly, and to help support local planning efforts, members of the Utah State University Extension Utah Wellbeing Project recently surveyed residents about their overall wellbeing and their perspectives on life in their comm...
Ask an Expert – Landscape Now to Help Prevent Wildfire Destruction Later
Recent drought concerns in Utah have prompted Governor Spencer Cox to issue an executive order declaring a state of emergency. To date, 100% of Utah is in the moderate drought category, and 90% of the state is experiencing extreme drought.
June Gardening Checklist
June is here, the sun is shining, and gardening is in full swing! Consider these tips from the Utah State University Extension Gardener’s Almanac to help make your yard and garden the best they can be.
“Hidden Gems” Out and About Family Adventure Guides Launched
Utah State University Extension recently launched the “Hidden Gems” Family Fun Out and About Adventure Guides, created to help strengthen family connections and support positive youth development while helping families have fun exploring the world around ...
Childcare, Homeschooling Cause Strain for Utah Women During Pandemic
A publication from the National Women’s Law Center reported that during the pandemic, women dropped out of the workforce at four times the rate of men.
Ask an Expert – Six Tips to Help Children Cultivate a Close Relationship with Grandparents
A close relationship between grandparents and grandchildren is mutually beneficial when it comes to the health and well-being of both. Grandparents provide acceptance, patience, love, stability, wisdom, fun and support to their grandchildren.
Extension Climate Change Action Forum Brings Federal, State Leaders Together
Utah State University Extension joined forces with the Extension Foundation, the Western Rural Development Center and the University of California to host “Climate Change in Extension: Elevating and Amplifying Action.”
USU Extension Releases New Pocket Vegetable Gardening Guide
Utah State University Extension recently released “The Pocket Gardener - A Quick Reference Guide to Planting, Growing, and Harvesting Vegetables.” The guide can be found at pocketgardener.usu.edu.
USU and UIRA Announce Critical Supply Chain Database
Utah State University recently partnered with the Utah Industry Resources Alliance (UIRA) and the state of Utah to create an online supply chain database to help Utah’s manufacturing sector engage with the broader marketplace.
Ask an Expert – How to Prioritize Home Irrigation During a Drought
Due to drought conditions throughout the state, Governor Spencer Cox recently issued an executive order declaring a state of emergency for Utah. To date, 100% of Utah is in the moderate drought category, and 90% of the state is experiencing extreme drough...
Farmers Feeding Utah Food Distribution Blitz Held in Seven Locations
A recent donation from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints to the Farmers Feeding Utah program will help aid those in need through a statewide food distribution blitz held Wednesday, May 19, at seven locations in Utah.
Ask an Expert – Seven Tips for Container Gardens that Thrill, Fill and Spill
Container gardening has become popular as planting areas in the landscape have become smaller. Some containers are used to grow vegetables or specimen shrubs, while others display a beautiful splash of color.
Tribal Opioid Wellness Summit: Bridging Harm Reduction and Recovery
The Utah State University Extension Tribal and Rural Opioid Initiative Resource Center in Roosevelt announces the 2021 Intermountain Tribal and Rural Opioid Wellness Summit: Bridging Harm Reduction and Recovery in Rural Communities.
Ask an Expert – Five Ways to Find Peace by Staying Present
It is easy to get caught up in the events of the past or the future. However, doing so only brings worry and causes you to miss out on the present.
COVID-19 Has Negative Impact on Women’s Career Advancement
In a recent women’s study conducted by the Utah Women & Leadership Project (UWLP), 59.1% of respondents stated that COVID-19 has negatively impacted their career advancement opportunities.
Equine Herpesvirus Emerges Briefly in Utah
A case of equine herpesvirus myeloencephalopathy (EHM) was confirmed in March at the Golden Spike Events Center in Ogden.
Ask an Expert – May Gardening Checklist
April showers bring May flowers – as well as a multitude of gardening tasks. The Utah State University Extension Gardener’s Almanac provides a checklist for each month as well as links for tips and further information.
Kathy Riggs Receives USU Extension’s Top Award
Kathy Riggs, Utah State University Extension professor in Iron County, was recently named the recipient of Extension’s top honor, the E.G. Peterson Extension Award.
The Art of Self-Care
The term “self-care” is often misunderstood. This might be because it is often leveraged as a marketing gimmick. Advertisements promise us health, happiness and contentment if we just purchase the product they’re selling under the guise of self-care.
Ask an Expert – Four Tips to Help You Avoid Food Waste and Save Money
The average American throws away nearly 275 pounds of food each year. The USDA estimates between 30 to 40 percent of America’s food supply is wasted.
Women Leaders in Utah Higher Education on the Rise
New research from the Utah Women & Leadership Project (UWLP), in conjunction with Utah State University Extension, Utah Valley University and Dixie State University, provides an update to previous UWLP studies on the status of women leaders in Utah educat...
Ask an Expert – Home Sweet Home: Is It Best to Rent or Buy?
Paying rent each month isn’t just for college students or young families not yet settled in a career. Overall, home ownership in the U.S. has declined for the past 10 years since peaking in 2009. At the end of 2020, the rate hovered around 65%.
USU Extension Website Offers Drought Information and Resources
Due to drought conditions throughout the state, Governor Spencer Cox recently issued an executive order declaring a state of emergency for Utah. To date, 100% of Utah is in the moderate drought category, and 90% of the state is experiencing extreme drough...
April Is Month of the Military Child
The children and youth of military families sacrifice much, including multiple relocations, having their parents deployed, uncertainty and more. To celebrate these young heroes, April is designated as the Month of the Military Child.
Ask an Expert – Establishing Smooth Transitions after Divorce
Household transitions, when children leave the care and responsibility of one parent to be with the other parent, can be emotional for children and parents alike. Establishing a routine for these transitions is beneficial for residential parents, nonresid...
Financial Literacy a Focus in April
April is National Financial Literacy Month, established in 2003 to teach Americans the importance of creating and maintaining healthy financial habits that lead to fiscal resiliency.
USU Extension Presents Friend of Extension Award to Former Sen. Lyle Hillyard
Utah State University Extension presented its Friend of Extension Award to Lyle Hillyard, former member of the Utah State Senate, at the Extension annual conference held in March.
The Impact of COVID-19 on Utah Women and Work
The COVID-19 pandemic has had a profound effect on all Utahns; however, recent research suggests it has been especially challenging for women, whose employment and careers have been disproportionately impacted.
Ask an Expert – April Gardening Checklist
April showers (and work in the garden) bring May flowers (and plants). Consider these tips to help you prepare! Included are links from the Utah State University Extension Gardeners Almanac.
USU Extension Presents Friend of Extension Award to Rep. Carl Albrecht
Utah State University Extension presented its Friend of Extension Award to Rep. Carl Albrecht, Utah House of Representatives District 70, at the Extension annual conference held this month.
Ask an Expert – Seven Tips for Raising Responsible Children
A common response is that parents want to help their children grow into responsible adults. This may include smaller goals such as helping them have the skills necessary to be productive members of society and helping them be healthy, happy and able to ta...
Ask an Expert – When to Plant? That Is the Question
Determining when to plant a garden can be especially confusing in Utah’s unpredictable, varied climate where last-frost dates can vary by many days within just a few miles.
Ask an Expert – Corned Beef and Cabbage Not Just for March Meals
Corned beef and cabbage, Ireland and leprechauns – all part of the St. Patrick’s Day celebration, right? Actually, these foods often associated with the holiday are not tied to Irish history at all.
USU Create Better Health Announces Partnership Awards
The Utah State University Extension Create Better Health (SNAP-Ed) program recently announced the recipients of their 2020 Outstanding Partner Awards.
USU Extension Releases Marketing Guide to Encourage SNAP Shoppers at Farmers Markets
The Utah State University USDA Farmers Market Promotion Program team recently published a best practices guide on how to create a social marketing campaign to promote farmers markets that accept Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) benefits.
Ask an Expert – March Gardening Checklist
We are officially heading into gardening season! Consider these tips to help you prepare. Included are links from the Utah State University Extension Gardeners Almanac.
Ask an Expert – Celebrate America Saves Week – by Saving!
America Saves Week has been an annual event since 2007. It is held the last week of February and focuses on helping people save money. Most people would like to put more money in savings, but it can be daunting to get started.
Ask an Expert – The Dirt on Laundry: How Often to Wash?
How often do you wash your pajamas and pillowcases? Or how about your coats and comforters?
USU Sponsors Virtual Workshop on Building Body Image Resilience
The Utah State University Utah Women & Leadership Project (UWLP), in conjunction with USU Extension, sponsors the virtual workshop, “More than a Body: Building Body Image Resilience.”
Ask an Expert – Tips to Keep the Spark in Your Relationship All Year
Though it’s February and relationships are on people’s minds, it doesn’t have to be Valentine’s Day to consider ways to strengthen your relationship with your partner. Consider these six tips to help keep the spark going all year.
USU Sponsors Forum on Stopping Violence Against Utah Girls and Women
The Utah State University Utah Women & Leadership Project (UWLP), in conjunction with USU Extension, sponsors the virtual Spring Women’s Leadership Forum, “Stopping Violence Against Utah Girls and Women.”