Squares Can Be Fun

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1. Lay 2 squares right sides together and stitch 1/4” on all 4 sides (sew off edge at corner or pivot, it doesn’t matter).

2. Now make 2 cuts diagonally corner to corner open and press 4 half square tringles (HST).

3. Arrange into a pinwheel or other pattern (have fun with designs) sew, press, and square up.

step 1

step 3

step 2

Disappearing 9 Patch

1. Sew 9 blocks into a square, 3 blocks each in 3 rows. (Any size square will work).

2. Make one cut in the center each way.

step 1

step 2

3. Arrange in varying patterns as you like, and sew.

step 3

step 3

step 3

Easy 4 Patch

1. Use charm pack squares or 5” squares.

2. Place 2 contrasting pieces right sides together.

3. Sew 1/4” seams on the right and left sides.

4. Cut down the middle.

5. Press open.

step 3


step 4


step 5


6. With the newly created squares ,that now have a mid-seam, mix and match the squares in sets of 2
(right sides together) so the seam runs horizontally.

step 6


step 7


7. Again, right sides together with 1/4” seams on both right and left sides.

8. Cut down the middle. Viola! A simple 4 patch.

9. As before, press open.

step 8


step 9


Disappearing 4 Patch

1. Using 4 squares (2 light and 2 dark in opposite corners). Sew together using 1/4” seams, press with seams pressed to the darker color square.

2. Make a cut 1” from center seam on each side of both vertical and horizontal seams (this equals 4

3. Arrange blocks as desired.

4. Sew to make a fun block.

step 1

step 2

step 3


LaRae Bunnell Clark, 4-H Leader/Volunteer; Teresa Hunsaker, USU Extension Agent, Weber County

Teresa Hunsaker

Teresa Hunsaker

Extension Educator | Emergency Preparedness | Food Preservation | Weber County

Home and Community Department

Phone: (801) 399-8200
Office Location: Weber County

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