
2014 - 2015 Members

  • Chair:
  • Members:


  • Analyze and share educational materials, techniques and methods used by 4-H professionals in programming. The concept of this committee does not include the development of 4-H programs for program materials.
  • Identify program needs and refer to the Curriculum Development Council.
  • Point of Reference: On the national level, after program needs are identified, respective task forces are set up. The chairman then appoints a chairman for each task force. Membership for these task forces comes from the total membership. The task force chairman functions for the year appointed and reports task force action directly to the committee, current and on-going. The current section consists of task forces designated to meet the immediate needs and concerns of members. The on-going section consists of task forces that have long-range concerns. As the needs of these task forces diminishes, they may be replaced by task forces from the current section.