Discover 4-H At Home

By Julene Reese | March 17, 2020
Discover 4-H
Above are three complete curriculum guides out of many that we offer: 
Fitness, Forces of Nature, Plants & Animals.

Due to school cancellations, parents now have extended time with children. Rather than viewing it as a sentence, look at it as an opportunity with your child that you may never get again! The things happening now will certainly be remembered and talked about for many years to come, so try to make your home environment positive and comforting amidst all the chaos. Here are some ideas.

Discover 4-H

Families who are looking for engaging STEM and self-contained activities will love the Discover 4-H Curriculum. It is a full guide that can help children explore topics in categories such as cooking, arts, outdoors, STEM and even emergency preparedness. Choose your own adventure and have fun!

View Discover 4-H Curriculum

Media Contact: Julene Reese