USU Extension 4-H Members to Participate in Mock Legislature

By Shelby Ruud | April 10, 2018


April 6, 2018


Utah State University Extension 4-H youth will learn first hand about the lawmaking process in a mock legislative session at the Utah State Capitol building on April 17 from 10 a.m. until 3:30 p.m.
Mock Leg
The 4-H members will present and debate current bills on the House floor of the Utah State Capitol. Youth practice the entire legislative process by studying bills prior to the event, presenting the bills in committee and passing or rejecting the bills on the House floor.

“By participating in Mock Legislature, youth get a hands-on experience that helps them understand the governmental process and shows them it’s really not that scary,” said Crag Dart, USU Extension 4-H ambassador advisor. “It helps them realize they can be involved in the legislative process and government, and it’s actually fun.” 

Dart said youth also gain valuable skills such as public speaking, debating, resolving conflict, negotiating, critical thinking and disagreeing in a civil manner.

State Representative Paul Ray of Davis County, along with members of the Office of Legislative Research and General Counsel, will sponsor the event and will join other Utah Senators and Representatives in observing the proceedings.

The citizenship mission of the 4-H program empowers young people to be well informed and actively engaged in their communities and the world.

For more information about the USU Extension 4-H mock legislature, visit

Writer: Shelby Ruud

Contact: Craig Dart