

The Visioning Initiative should build on traditional strengths, identify new audiences and innovative delivery mechanisms, and strengthen USU Extension as a professionally satisfying career home.

Ken White, Vice President for USU Extension

Guiding Principles

As we celebrate the 100th anniversary of the Cooperative Extension System, Utah State University (USU) Extension is looking toward the next 100 years. An advisory committee has been formed to proactively develop a strategic organizational plan. The plan will address programming, staffing, and financial challenges and opportunities. The development of this strategic organizational plan is critical given the current issues facing Utah citizens, budgetary realities, demographics of the Extension workforce, and technological advancements. 

Several principles will guide the advisory committee as they formulate recommendations for organizational impact, relevance, and sustainability.

  1. USU Extension is dedicated to the land-grant mission of Utah State University.
  2. USU Extension is committed to maintaining a physical presence in and serving all 29 counties.  USU Extension is also committed to utilizing technology to more efficiently reach and serve citizens with research-based information when and where they want to receive it.
  3. USU Extension currently uses 85 percent of its resources for personnel.  This limits the ability of the organization to be innovative and responsive to changing needs. The financial model for the organization needs to be diversified.   
  4. USU Extension should have competitive and attractive salaries.
  5. USU Extension believes in being a good steward of public funds.
  6. USU Extension recognizes that more than half of its personnel will be eligible for retirement within the next five years. 
  7. USU Extension considers county governments as important partners both politically and financially. County partnerships, will be respected and fostered.  A statewide 4-H program provides a strategic connection to every community.

Visioning Committee

The USU Extension Visioning Committee is tasked to develop recommendations for organizational impact, relevance, and sustainability.

Executive Members

Internal Advisory Members

Scott Boyer

James Barnhill

Brian Higginbotham

Chuck Carpenter

Kevin Kesler

Kynda Curtis

Diane Reese

Steve Daniels

Kris Saunders

Dave Francis


Jerry Goodspeed


Paul Hill


Margie Memmott


Ricardo Ramirez


Mike Whitesides

Strategic Plans from Other States