Meetings & Events
UACAA encourages the personal and professional development of its members. This includes presentations and posters at annual meetings and professional improvement conferences, as well as publishing peer reviewed fact sheets and journal articles. There are several state, regional and national level conferences available to members for posters and presentations. For more information about each of these select the link to the desired event from the box on the right.
Annual Meetings
The Annual Meeting of Utah Association of County Agricultural Agents is held in conjunction with Utah State University Extension Annual Conference, usually as a luncheon meeting. Members who have agenda items are encouraged to contact the current year secretary or president. Click here to see a list of past agendas and minutes.
In the event USU Extension does not have an Annual Conference a special meeting may be organized to conduct annual meeting business or the annual meeting may be combined with another UACAA meeting later in the year.
Summer Conference
Each summer the Utah Association of Agricultural Agents holds a professional improvement conference at various locations around the State of Utah. The conference is organized and hosted by the immediate past president of the Association and is usually held in his or her county. Use the links below to access the proceedings from the different years. Click here to view proceeding history, or here for past agendas and minutes.
Western Region
Each year the County Agricultural Agents from the NACAA Western Region host a professional improvement conference. It is hosted by various states throughout the region. As proceedings become available, links will be posted below. Any live links in the list below will lead to more information about the appropriate conference. Click here for proceeding history.
Each year the National Association of County Agricultural Agents provides a nation-wide Annual Meeting/Professional Improvement Conference (AM/PIC). It is held at different locations around the nation. Information about the conference and the proceedings can be found at the NACAA website
Proceeding History
- 2020-Virginia Beach (Virtual)
- 2019-Ft. Wayne
- 2018-Chattanooga
- 2017-Salt Lake City
- 2016-Little Rock
- 2015-Sioux Falls
- 2014-Mobile
- 2013-Pittsburgh (Galaxy)
- 2012-Charleston
- 2011-Overland Park
- 2010-Tulsa
- 2009-Portland
- 2008-Greensboro
- 2007-Grand Rapids
- 2006-Cincinnati
- 2005-Buffalo
- 2004-Orlando
- 2003-Green Bay
- 2002-Savannah
- 2001-Albuquerque