USU Extension Program-Produced Email Subscriptions
Utah Pests Quarterly
Optional newsletters include:
- Landscape IPM Advisory
- Small Fruits & Vegetables IPM Advisory
- Tree Fruit IPM Advisory
- Turf IPM Advisory
Extension Forestry
Available newsletters include:
- Updates, Webinars, Events
- Restoring the West Conferences
- Utah Biomass Resources Group
Utah Ag in the Classroom
Available newsletters include:
- Bee Line Newsletter (K-12)
- AgroWorld Newsletter (7-12)
- Workshop and Grant Opportunities
Extension Sustainability
Utah Ag Industry Highlights
The email subscriptions listed below are provided by their respective programs. To subscribe to a general Extension email list, click here. Note that the general Extension email list will only email you on topics in which you have indicated your interest. If your interest is similar to any of the listed newsletters below, you will be invited to subscribe to these newsletters as well.