EFNEP is conducted by the Cooperative Extension System through Land-grant Universities in all U.S. states. It is content- and relationship-based, learner-centered, culturally relevant and dynamic. Attention is given to food costs and to the shopping, preparation, safety and storage of foods. This model supports program participants’ efforts toward self-sufficiency and nutritional health and well-being. In Utah, EFNEP serves Salt Lake, Davis, Weber and Utah counties.
Program Information
- Basics of nutrition
- Buying skills
- Meal planning
- Food safety
- Food resource management
- How-To Videos (YouTube)
Community Partners
- Head Start
- OWCAP (Ogden-Weber Community Action Partnership)
- Salt Lake County
- Utah Department of Health & Human Services: BeWise
- Utah public schools
- WIC (Women, Infants & Children)
Counties Served
- Davis
- Salt Lake
- Utah
- Weber
- Statewide virtual classes
- English and Spanish
Program Leadership
Program Members
Trophy icon Award icon AWARDS Trophy icon Award icon
If you have updates to this page, please contact Jocelin Gibson at jocelin.gibson@usu.edu.