2021 UEAFCS Awards
Peer Recognition:
UEAFCS members vote on three individuals who have had an outstanding year.

New Educator:
Any new member employed five years or less as an Extension Family and Consumer Sciences Educator is eligible (can only be received once).

Innovative Program
The one-page write-up identifies educational need, activity, and impact. Copy of innovative lesson plan or innovative delivery method should be included.
Individual Winners
Riding for Focus Program
- Program Description: Riding for Focus is a research-based program promoting cycling as an outlet for students to improve their cognitive, physical, and socio-emotional well-being.
Carbon County Quick and Easy Cooking Program
- Program Description: The Quick and Easy Cooking program is a collaborative effort among Carbon County agencies that provides community members with quick, easy, inexpensive, and nutritious meal ideas that can be made at home.
Team Winners
Salt Lake County Employee Enrichment Series
- Program Description: The Salt Lake County Employee Enrichment Series provided additional supports to county employees who were dealing with stress related to the challenges working during the COVID-19 pandemic. USU Extension faculty provided presentations on various topics including stress, time management, communication styles, work/life balance, mental health challenges, building resilience, etc.
- Team Members:
- Emma Parkhurst
- Katie Wagner
- Naomi Brower
- Maren Wright Voss
- Shannon Cromwell
- Melanie Jewkes
- Mike Whitesides
- Andree' Walker Bravo
- Amanda Christensen
- Evan Timothy
- Elizabeth Davis
- Gabriela Murza
- Stacey MacArthur
- Claire Warnick
- Vernon Parent
- Tim Keady
- Ashley Yaugher
COVID-19 Educational Campaign
- Program Description: To reduce the spread and mitigate the potential isolating effects of physical distancing guidelines on mental and emotional health, the COVID messaging team implemented unique educational and awareness campaigns. The program reached seniors and caregivers, the Navajo Nation and Latino communities, parents of school-aged youth, those with limited internet access the general public in nine counties.
- Team Members:
- Gabriela Murza
- Celina Wille
- Cynthia Lyman
- Emma Parkhurst
- Teresa Hunsaker
- Paige Wray
- Ashley Yaugher
- Tim Keady
- Mike Wernert
- Julene Reese
- Aubree Thomas
- Terence Larson
- Mike Whitesides
- Dennis Hinkamp
Master Remote Work Professional Certificate for Correctional Facilities
- Program Description: The team partnered with USU Extension’s Rural Online Initiative to adapt and pilot the online facilitated Master Remote Work Professional Certificate Course for in-person delivery in correctional facilities. The course is designed to equip participants with tools and skills needed to transition into remote work and help prevent recidivism.
- Team Members:
- Gabriela Murza
- Christian Meier
- Ashley Yaugher
- Jaclyn Miller
Marketing/Public Relations
The one-page write up describes what was accomplished that created greater visibility or camaraderie for Utah State University Extension. Sample of marketing piece/package should be included.
Individual Winners
Remote Skills Camp Marketing Campaign
- Program Description: The Remote Skills Camp Marketing Campaign used Zoom meetings and social media to promote youth involvement in remote work education.
Kane County Online Nutrition Education
- Program Description: To promote nutrition awareness and education during the outbreak of COVID-19, the Create Better Health youth curriculum was adapted and put into a digital platform. The pre-recorded lessons were readily available for teachers and the lessons focused on fundamental principles of health living.
Team Winner
Virtual Date Nights
- Program Description: Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, traditional relationship education classes were put on hold, so Late Night with Extension: Virtual Date Nights was developed. The relationship enhancement opportunities were held over Zoom and focused on a variety of topics including, rituals and traditions, the power of play, the great outdoors, and parenting.
- Team Members
- Elizabeth Davis
- Paige Wray
- Naomi Brower
- Amanda Christensen
- Eva Timothy
Diversity Program
The one-page write up describes the target audience, identifies the educational need, and activity and impact. Sample of activity/supplemental materials should be included.
Individual Winner
4-H Remote Skills Camp: For College and Career Readiness
- Program Description: The 4-H Remote Skills Camp focused on Extension interns and youth in rural communities as potential remote workers. The course combined online work and interactive core content, activities, and quizzes designed to increase knowledge, skills, attitudes, and aspirations about future college and career pathways.
Team Winners
COVID-19 Mitigation Initiative
- Program Description: The COVID-19 Mitigation Initiative was a team formed of Extension faculty from multiple disciplines. Their combined talents and expertise were used to formulate a response to the state governor’s call to mitigate the effects of COVID-19 among Utah’s most diverse and vulnerable populations.
- Team Members
- Gabriela Murza
- Melanie Jewkes
- Cynthia Lymna
- Emma Parkhurst
- Teresa Hunsaker
- Paige Wray
- Ashley Yaugher
- Tim Keady
- Mike Wernert
- Julene Reese
- Aubree Thomas
- Terence Larson
- Mike Whitesides
- Dennis Hinkamp
The Biggest Asset is YOU
- Program Description: The Biggest Asset is YOU was created to educate farmers and ranchers in rural Utah on mental health indicators, stress management, and how to find resources for help
- Team Members
- Paige Wray
- Josh Dallin
- Callie Ward
- Jacob Hadfield
Master Remote Work Professional Certificate Course
- Program Description: The team partnered with USU Extension’s Rural Online Initiative to adapt and pilot the online facilitated Master Remote Work Professional Certificate Course for in-person delivery in correctional facilities. The course is designed to equip participants with tools and skills needed to transition into remote work and help prevent recidivism.
- Team Members
- Gabriela Murza
- Christian Meier
- Ashley Yaugher
- Jaclyn Miller