Tree Catalog - Tolerance of Poor Drainage - Medium

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Cultivar - Yes
Hardiness Zone - 6
Bark - No
Hardiness Zone - 7
Flowers - Yes
Family - Rosaceae - Rose
Tolerance of Salt - Low
Tolerance of Drought - Medium
Power Lines - No
Fall Color - No
Growth Rate - Medium
Tolerance of Shade - Low
Fruit - Yes
Utah Native - No
Mature Height - Medium
Tolerance of Transplanting - Medium
Type - Broadleaf
Tolerance of Alkalinity - High
Crown Shape - Broad
Foliage - No
Tolerance of Poor Drainage - Medium
Longevity - High
Prunus dulcis
Rosaceae - Rose family
Almond | TreeBrowser


Prunus dulcis
Rosaceae - Rose family

Longevity - Medium
Fall Color - No
Growth Rate - Medium
Hardiness Zone - 5
Foliage - No
Hardiness Zone - 4
Fruit - Yes
Bark - No
Mature Height - Medium
Flowers - Yes
Hardiness Zone - 8
Tolerance of Transplanting - High
Tolerance of Poor Drainage - Medium
Hardiness Zone - 6
Hardiness Zone - 7
Tolerance of Shade - Low
Power Lines - No
Hardiness Zone - 9
Family - Rosaceae - Rose
Type - Broadleaf
Tolerance of Alkalinity - High
Tolerance of Drought - Medium
Tolerance of Salt - Medium
Crown Shape - Vase
Utah Native - No
Cultivar - Yes
Hardiness Zone - 3
Malus pumila
Rosaceae - Rose family
Apple | TreeBrowser


Malus pumila
Rosaceae - Rose family

Bark - No
Mature Height - High
Fall Color - No
Growth Rate - Medium
Power Lines - No
Longevity - High
Family - Oleaceae - Olive
Crown Shape - Round
Tolerance of Salt - Medium
Foliage - Yes
Tolerance of Poor Drainage - Medium
Flowers - No
Cultivar - Yes
Tolerance of Transplanting - Medium
Hardiness Zone - 7
Utah Native - No
Type - Broadleaf
Tolerance of Shade - Medium
Tolerance of Alkalinity - High
Tolerance of Drought - Medium
Fruit - No
Hardiness Zone - 4
Hardiness Zone - 6
Hardiness Zone - 5
Fraxinus quadrangulata
Oleaceae - Olive family
Ash, Blue | TreeBrowser

Ash, Blue

Fraxinus quadrangulata
Oleaceae - Olive family

Hardiness Zone - 8
Crown Shape - Round
Type - Broadleaf
Hardiness Zone - 6
Fruit - No
Tolerance of Poor Drainage - Medium
Power Lines - No
Tolerance of Salt - High
Tolerance of Shade - Medium
Mature Height - High
Longevity - Medium
Tolerance of Drought - Medium
Foliage - No
Tolerance of Transplanting - Medium
Growth Rate - Medium
Tolerance of Alkalinity - High
Cultivar - Yes
Flowers - No
Hardiness Zone - 7
Fall Color - No
Hardiness Zone - 5
Bark - No
Utah Native - No
Family - Oleaceae - Olive
Fraxinus excelsior
Oleaceae - Olive family
Ash, European | TreeBrowser

Ash, European

Fraxinus excelsior
Oleaceae - Olive family

Hardiness Zone - 7
Tolerance of Drought - High
Fall Color - No
Family - Oleaceae - Olive
Flowers - No
Power Lines - Yes
Tolerance of Shade - Low
Foliage - No
Type - Broadleaf
Bark - No
Tolerance of Transplanting - Medium
Cultivar - No
Crown Shape - Irregular
Utah Native - Yes
Hardiness Zone - 8
Tolerance of Salt - High
Longevity - Medium
Tolerance of Alkalinity - High
Fruit - No
Mature Height - Low
Tolerance of Poor Drainage - Medium
Hardiness Zone - 6
Hardiness Zone - 9
Growth Rate - Low
Fraxinus anomala
Oleaceae - Olive family
Ash, Singleleaf or Dwarf | TreeBrowser

Ash, Singleleaf or Dwarf

Fraxinus anomala
Oleaceae - Olive family

Fall Color - No
Tolerance of Alkalinity - Medium
Tolerance of Drought - High
Tolerance of Poor Drainage - Medium
Bark - No
Longevity - Medium
Type - Broadleaf
Cultivar - Yes
Utah Native - Yes
Hardiness Zone - 8
Mature Height - Medium
Fruit - No
Tolerance of Transplanting - Medium
Power Lines - No
Hardiness Zone - 7
Growth Rate - Medium
Foliage - No
Tolerance of Shade - Medium
Crown Shape - Round
Family - Oleaceae - Olive
Tolerance of Salt - Medium
Hardiness Zone - 9
Hardiness Zone - 10
Flowers - No
Fraxinus velutina
Oleaceae - Olive family
Ash, Velvet or Modesto | TreeBrowser

Ash, Velvet or Modesto

Fraxinus velutina
Oleaceae - Olive family

Tolerance of Alkalinity - High
Tolerance of Poor Drainage - Medium
Hardiness Zone - 8
Tolerance of Shade - Medium
Growth Rate - Medium
Longevity - High
Hardiness Zone - 6
Tolerance of Transplanting - Medium
Tolerance of Drought - Medium
Hardiness Zone - 9
Family - Oleaceae - Olive
Hardiness Zone - 7
Crown Shape - Oval
Cultivar - Yes
Foliage - No
Fruit - No
Type - Broadleaf
Hardiness Zone - 4
Utah Native - No
Tolerance of Salt - High
Power Lines - No
Mature Height - High
Bark - No
Flowers - No
Hardiness Zone - 3
Fall Color - Yes
Hardiness Zone - 5
Fraxinus americana
Oleaceae - Olive family
Ash, White | TreeBrowser

Ash, White

Fraxinus americana
Oleaceae - Olive family

Tolerance of Alkalinity - Medium
Cultivar - No
Mature Height - High
Hardiness Zone - 7
Bark - Yes
Utah Native - Yes
Tolerance of Shade - Low
Hardiness Zone - 3
Fall Color - Yes
Flowers - No
Power Lines - No
Family - Salicaceae - Willow
Longevity - Medium
Fruit - No
Type - Broadleaf
Growth Rate - Medium
Tolerance of Salt - Medium
Foliage - Yes
Hardiness Zone - 5
Tolerance of Transplanting - High
Hardiness Zone - 6
Crown Shape - Oval
Tolerance of Drought - Medium
Tolerance of Poor Drainage - Medium
Hardiness Zone - 4
Populus tremuloides
Salicaceae - Willow family
Aspen, Quaking or Trembling | TreeBrowser

Aspen, Quaking or Trembling

Populus tremuloides
Salicaceae - Willow family

Hardiness Zone - 3
Tolerance of Shade - Low
Flowers - No
Growth Rate - Medium
Mature Height - High
Cultivar - Yes
Family - Salicaceae - Willow
Crown Shape - Columnar
Hardiness Zone - 7
Hardiness Zone - 4
Foliage - Yes
Bark - Yes
Tolerance of Transplanting - High
Utah Native - No
Fruit - No
Tolerance of Poor Drainage - Medium
Tolerance of Drought - Medium
Hardiness Zone - 2
Tolerance of Salt - High
Hardiness Zone - 5
Tolerance of Alkalinity - High
Type - Broadleaf
Power Lines - No
Longevity - Medium
Fall Color - Yes
Hardiness Zone - 6
Populus tremula 'Erecta'
Salicaceae - Willow family
Aspen, Upright European or Swedish | TreeBrowser

Aspen, Upright European or Swedish

Populus tremula 'Erecta'
Salicaceae - Willow family

Hardiness Zone - 2
Growth Rate - Medium
Tolerance of Drought - Medium
Flowers - Yes
Mature Height - High
Longevity - High
Hardiness Zone - 3
Hardiness Zone - 6
Foliage - No
Type - Broadleaf
Crown Shape - Oval
Fruit - Yes
Tolerance of Alkalinity - High
Bark - No
Tolerance of Transplanting - High
Power Lines - No
Tolerance of Salt - Low
Hardiness Zone - 9
Fall Color - No
Hardiness Zone - 8
Utah Native - No
Family - Tiliaceae - Linden
Tolerance of Shade - Medium
Tolerance of Poor Drainage - Medium
Cultivar - Yes
Hardiness Zone - 4
Hardiness Zone - 5
Hardiness Zone - 7
Tilia americana
Tiliaceae - Linden family
Basswood, American or American Linden | TreeBrowser

Basswood, American or American Linden

Tilia americana
Tiliaceae - Linden family

Type - Broadleaf
Foliage - No
Fall Color - Yes
Flowers - Yes
Growth Rate - Medium
Tolerance of Transplanting - Medium
Power Lines - No
Longevity - High
Tolerance of Alkalinity - Medium
Hardiness Zone - 7
Tolerance of Shade - Medium
Fruit - Yes
Cultivar - No
Tolerance of Salt - Medium
Tolerance of Poor Drainage - Medium
Hardiness Zone - 8
Family - Hippocastanaceae - Buckeye
Mature Height - Medium
Utah Native - No
Tolerance of Drought - Medium
Bark - No
Crown Shape - Round
Aesculus californica
Hippocastanaceae - Buckeye family
Buckeye, California | TreeBrowser

Buckeye, California

Aesculus californica
Hippocastanaceae - Buckeye family

Flowers - Yes
Fruit - Yes
Growth Rate - Medium
Tolerance of Drought - Medium
Cultivar - Yes
Hardiness Zone - 6
Tolerance of Salt - Medium
Fall Color - Yes
Longevity - High
Utah Native - No
Hardiness Zone - 5
Mature Height - Medium
Hardiness Zone - 4
Power Lines - No
Tolerance of Transplanting - Medium
Tolerance of Poor Drainage - Medium
Family - Hippocastanaceae - Buckeye
Tolerance of Alkalinity - Medium
Crown Shape - Round
Hardiness Zone - 7
Bark - No
Foliage - Yes
Tolerance of Shade - Medium
Type - Broadleaf
Hardiness Zone - 3
Aesculus glabra
Hippocastanaceae - Buckeye family
Buckeye, Ohio | TreeBrowser

Buckeye, Ohio

Aesculus glabra
Hippocastanaceae - Buckeye family

Type - Broadleaf
Hardiness Zone - 5
Crown Shape - Round
Power Lines - No
Tolerance of Poor Drainage - Medium
Hardiness Zone - 6
Cultivar - No
Tolerance of Transplanting - Low
Fall Color - Yes
Utah Native - No
Fruit - No
Tolerance of Shade - Low
Hardiness Zone - 4
Mature Height - High
Flowers - No
Longevity - Medium
Bark - No
Foliage - No
Growth Rate - Medium
Tolerance of Drought - Medium
Hardiness Zone - 7
Tolerance of Salt - Medium
Tolerance of Alkalinity - High
Hardiness Zone - 3
Family - Juglandaceae - Walnut
Juglans cinerea
Juglandaceae - Walnut family
Butternut | TreeBrowser


Juglans cinerea
Juglandaceae - Walnut family

Tolerance of Transplanting - High
Bark - No
Mature Height - High
Type - Broadleaf
Crown Shape - Oval
Hardiness Zone - 7
Family - Bignoniaceae - Catalpa
Power Lines - No
Tolerance of Drought - High
Hardiness Zone - 4
Flowers - Yes
Foliage - No
Hardiness Zone - 5
Hardiness Zone - 6
Fall Color - No
Tolerance of Salt - Medium
Growth Rate - High
Hardiness Zone - 8
Tolerance of Shade - Medium
Cultivar - No
Tolerance of Poor Drainage - Medium
Hardiness Zone - 9
Fruit - Yes
Utah Native - No
Tolerance of Alkalinity - High
Longevity - Medium
Catalpa speciosa
Bignoniaceae - Catalpa family
Catalpa, Northern or Western | TreeBrowser

Catalpa, Northern or Western

Catalpa speciosa
Bignoniaceae - Catalpa family

Tolerance of Drought - Medium
Hardiness Zone - 8
Crown Shape - Round
Hardiness Zone - 7
Type - Broadleaf
Tolerance of Alkalinity - High
Utah Native - No
Mature Height - Low
Hardiness Zone - 6
Growth Rate - Low
Tolerance of Poor Drainage - Medium
Tolerance of Salt - Medium
Bark - No
Power Lines - Yes
Hardiness Zone - 9
Fall Color - No
Tolerance of Shade - Medium
Flowers - Yes
Cultivar - Yes
Foliage - No
Hardiness Zone - 5
Longevity - Medium
Family - Bignoniaceae - Catalpa
Tolerance of Transplanting - High
Fruit - No
Catalpa bignonioides 'Nana'
Bignoniaceae - Catalpa family
Catalpa, Umbrella | TreeBrowser

Catalpa, Umbrella

Catalpa bignonioides 'Nana'
Bignoniaceae - Catalpa family

Flowers - Yes
Power Lines - No
Hardiness Zone - 6
Tolerance of Alkalinity - High
Crown Shape - Round
Hardiness Zone - 8
Fruit - No
Utah Native - No
Hardiness Zone - 9
Mature Height - Medium
Family - Rosaceae - Rose
Tolerance of Drought - Medium
Fall Color - No
Hardiness Zone - 3
Longevity - Medium
Hardiness Zone - 4
Foliage - No
Hardiness Zone - 5
Tolerance of Salt - Medium
Type - Broadleaf
Growth Rate - Medium
Tolerance of Poor Drainage - Medium
Tolerance of Shade - Medium
Hardiness Zone - 7
Bark - No
Tolerance of Transplanting - High
Cultivar - Yes
Prunus mahaleb
Rosaceae - Rose family
Cherry, Mahaleb | TreeBrowser

Cherry, Mahaleb

Prunus mahaleb
Rosaceae - Rose family

Tolerance of Salt - Medium
Tolerance of Poor Drainage - Medium
Bark - No
Power Lines - No
Tolerance of Transplanting - Medium
Longevity - Medium
Tolerance of Alkalinity - Medium
Hardiness Zone - 6
Foliage - Yes
Fruit - Yes
Tolerance of Drought - Medium
Hardiness Zone - 9
Hardiness Zone - 5
Tolerance of Shade - Low
Utah Native - No
Family - Fagaceae - Beech and Oak
Hardiness Zone - 8
Flowers - Yes
Hardiness Zone - 4
Type - Broadleaf
Cultivar - Yes
Crown Shape - Round
Fall Color - No
Hardiness Zone - 7
Growth Rate - Medium
Mature Height - Low
Castanea mollissima
Fagaceae - Beech and Oak family
Chestnut, Chinese | TreeBrowser

Chestnut, Chinese

Castanea mollissima
Fagaceae - Beech and Oak family

Longevity - Medium
Tolerance of Salt - High
Foliage - No
Cultivar - Yes
Mature Height - Medium
Tolerance of Alkalinity - High
Tolerance of Transplanting - High
Fall Color - No
Utah Native - No
Tolerance of Shade - Medium
Growth Rate - High
Hardiness Zone - 10
Type - Broadleaf
Hardiness Zone - 9
Tolerance of Drought - High
Flowers - Yes
Fruit - Yes
Crown Shape - Round
Tolerance of Poor Drainage - Medium
Bark - No
Power Lines - No
Family - Meliaceae - Mahogany
Hardiness Zone - 8
Melia azedarach
Meliaceae - Mahogany family
Chinaberry | TreeBrowser


Melia azedarach
Meliaceae - Mahogany family

Tolerance of Alkalinity - High
Tolerance of Shade - Low
Family - Bignoniaceae - Catalpa
Foliage - No
Type - Broadleaf
Flowers - Yes
Cultivar - Yes
Growth Rate - High
Longevity - Medium
Hardiness Zone - 9
Tolerance of Drought - High
Tolerance of Poor Drainage - Medium
Bark - No
Fruit - No
Crown Shape - Shrubby
Mature Height - Medium
Tolerance of Transplanting - High
Power Lines - No
Fall Color - No
Hardiness Zone - 7
Hardiness Zone - 6
Tolerance of Salt - High
Utah Native - No
Hardiness Zone - 8
Chitalpa x tashkentensis
Bignoniaceae - Catalpa family
Chitalpa | TreeBrowser


Chitalpa x tashkentensis
Bignoniaceae - Catalpa family

Power Lines - No
Hardiness Zone - 3
Tolerance of Poor Drainage - Medium
Cultivar - Yes
Tolerance of Alkalinity - High
Utah Native - No
Tolerance of Drought - High
Growth Rate - Medium
Bark - Yes
Fruit - Yes
Hardiness Zone - 6
Family - Fabaceae - Legume
Hardiness Zone - 8
Crown Shape - Round
Tolerance of Salt - Medium
Mature Height - High
Fall Color - Yes
Tolerance of Shade - Medium
Hardiness Zone - 7
Hardiness Zone - 4
Tolerance of Transplanting - Medium
Flowers - No
Foliage - Yes
Longevity - High
Hardiness Zone - 5
Type - Broadleaf
Gymnocladus dioicus
Fabaceae - Legume family
Coffeetree, Kentucky | TreeBrowser

Coffeetree, Kentucky

Gymnocladus dioicus
Fabaceae - Legume family

Tolerance of Shade - Low
Family - Rutaceae - Rue
Tolerance of Alkalinity - High
Hardiness Zone - 5
Utah Native - No
Power Lines - No
Flowers - No
Foliage - No
Tolerance of Salt - Medium
Crown Shape - Round
Hardiness Zone - 8
Tolerance of Transplanting - Medium
Tolerance of Poor Drainage - Medium
Longevity - High
Hardiness Zone - 7
Bark - Yes
Growth Rate - Medium
Hardiness Zone - 3
Fruit - Yes
Mature Height - Medium
Hardiness Zone - 4
Cultivar - Yes
Hardiness Zone - 6
Fall Color - Yes
Type - Broadleaf
Tolerance of Drought - High
Phellodendron amurense
Rutaceae - Rue family
Corktree, Amur | TreeBrowser

Corktree, Amur

Phellodendron amurense
Rutaceae - Rue family

Bark - No
Utah Native - No
Tolerance of Alkalinity - High
Tolerance of Transplanting - High
Hardiness Zone - 9
Hardiness Zone - 5
Tolerance of Shade - Low
Crown Shape - Round
Growth Rate - Medium
Family - Rosaceae - Rose
Hardiness Zone - 6
Fall Color - No
Hardiness Zone - 3
Hardiness Zone - 8
Mature Height - Low
Longevity - Medium
Hardiness Zone - 7
Flowers - Yes
Type - Broadleaf
Foliage - Yes
Hardiness Zone - 4
Tolerance of Salt - High
Tolerance of Drought - Medium
Power Lines - Yes
Tolerance of Poor Drainage - Medium
Fruit - Yes
Cultivar - Yes
Malus species
Rosaceae - Rose family
Crabapple | TreeBrowser


Malus species
Rosaceae - Rose family

Crown Shape - Irregular
Power Lines - No
Hardiness Zone - 7
Hardiness Zone - 9
Foliage - No
Utah Native - Yes
Tolerance of Poor Drainage - Medium
Bark - No
Tolerance of Alkalinity - High
Tolerance of Drought - Medium
Hardiness Zone - 8
Flowers - Yes
Hardiness Zone - 10
Tolerance of Shade - Low
Longevity - Low
Cultivar - No
Tolerance of Salt - Medium
Family - Bignoniaceae - Catalpa
Fruit - Yes
Tolerance of Transplanting - Medium
Mature Height - Medium
Type - Broadleaf
Growth Rate - Medium
Fall Color - No
Chilopsis linearis
Bignoniaceae - Catalpa family
Desertwillow | TreeBrowser


Chilopsis linearis
Bignoniaceae - Catalpa family

Bark - Yes
Family - Cornaceae - Dogwood
Foliage - No
Hardiness Zone - 8
Type - Broadleaf
Power Lines - Yes
Fruit - Yes
Hardiness Zone - 6
Cultivar - Yes
Growth Rate - Low
Mature Height - Low
Hardiness Zone - 7
Tolerance of Alkalinity - High
Longevity - Medium
Tolerance of Shade - Medium
Tolerance of Poor Drainage - Medium
Fall Color - No
Tolerance of Drought - Medium
Crown Shape - Round
Flowers - Yes
Hardiness Zone - 5
Tolerance of Transplanting - Medium
Tolerance of Salt - Low
Hardiness Zone - 4
Utah Native - No
Cornus mas
Cornaceae - Dogwood family
Dogwood, Corneliancherry | TreeBrowser

Dogwood, Corneliancherry

Cornus mas
Cornaceae - Dogwood family

Type - Conifer
Cultivar - Yes
Hardiness Zone - 5
Tolerance of Transplanting - Medium
Fruit - Yes
Bark - No
Tolerance of Shade - Medium
Utah Native - Yes
Hardiness Zone - 4
Tolerance of Alkalinity - High
Fall Color - No
Hardiness Zone - 6
Longevity - High
Tolerance of Poor Drainage - Medium
Foliage - Yes
Mature Height - High
Flowers - No
Tolerance of Drought - Low
Growth Rate - Medium
Crown Shape - Pyramidal
Power Lines - No
Family - Pinaceae - Pine
Tolerance of Salt - Medium
Pseudotsuga menziesii
Pinaceae - Pine family
Douglas-fir | TreeBrowser


Pseudotsuga menziesii
Pinaceae - Pine family

Fall Color - No
Hardiness Zone - 4
Growth Rate - Medium
Bark - Yes
Foliage - Yes
Tolerance of Poor Drainage - Medium
Crown Shape - Oval
Hardiness Zone - 5
Mature Height - High
Tolerance of Alkalinity - High
Tolerance of Salt - Medium
Tolerance of Drought - High
Longevity - High
Flowers - No
Power Lines - No
Hardiness Zone - 6
Hardiness Zone - 9
Fruit - No
Type - Broadleaf
Family - Ulmaceae - Elm
Utah Native - No
Hardiness Zone - 7
Hardiness Zone - 8
Tolerance of Transplanting - Medium
Cultivar - Yes
Tolerance of Shade - Medium
Ulmus parvifolia
Ulmaceae - Elm family
Elm, Lacebark or Chinese | TreeBrowser

Elm, Lacebark or Chinese

Ulmus parvifolia
Ulmaceae - Elm family

Tolerance of Drought - Medium
Longevity - High
Utah Native - No
Type - Conifer
Bark - Yes
Foliage - Yes
Fruit - Yes
Family - Cupressaceae - Cypress
Tolerance of Alkalinity - Medium
Tolerance of Poor Drainage - Medium
Flowers - No
Hardiness Zone - 8
Hardiness Zone - 4
Power Lines - No
Hardiness Zone - 7
Tolerance of Transplanting - Low
Crown Shape - Pyramidal
Hardiness Zone - 5
Tolerance of Salt - Medium
Tolerance of Shade - High
Growth Rate - Low
Fall Color - No
Mature Height - Medium
Hardiness Zone - 6
Cultivar - No
Chamaecyparis nootkatensis
Cupressaceae - Cypress family
Falsecypress, Nootka or Alaska-cedar | TreeBrowser

Falsecypress, Nootka or Alaska-cedar

Chamaecyparis nootkatensis
Cupressaceae - Cypress family

Fall Color - No
Power Lines - No
Utah Native - No
Bark - No
Tolerance of Shade - Medium
Tolerance of Poor Drainage - Medium
Foliage - Yes
Fruit - No
Tolerance of Alkalinity - Medium
Tolerance of Transplanting - Medium
Cultivar - Yes
Mature Height - High
Family - Cupressaceae - Cypress
Hardiness Zone - 4
Flowers - No
Tolerance of Salt - Low
Longevity - High
Hardiness Zone - 6
Hardiness Zone - 5
Type - Conifer
Growth Rate - Medium
Crown Shape - Pyramidal
Tolerance of Drought - Low
Hardiness Zone - 7
Hardiness Zone - 8
Chamaecyparis pisifera
Cupressaceae - Cypress family
Falsecypress, Sawara or Japanese | TreeBrowser

Falsecypress, Sawara or Japanese

Chamaecyparis pisifera
Cupressaceae - Cypress family

Cultivar - Yes
Tolerance of Shade - Low
Tolerance of Salt - Low
Tolerance of Transplanting - Medium
Longevity - Medium
Hardiness Zone - 5
Tolerance of Alkalinity - High
Foliage - Yes
Flowers - No
Hardiness Zone - 8
Crown Shape - Shrubby
Type - Broadleaf
Bark - No
Fall Color - No
Tolerance of Poor Drainage - Medium
Power Lines - Yes
Utah Native - No
Hardiness Zone - 7
Hardiness Zone - 4
Hardiness Zone - 6
Family - Betulaceae - Birch
Mature Height - Low
Fruit - No
Growth Rate - Low
Tolerance of Drought - Medium
Corylus avellana
Betulaceae - Birch family
Filbert, European | TreeBrowser

Filbert, European

Corylus avellana
Betulaceae - Birch family

Power Lines - Yes
Type - Broadleaf
Hardiness Zone - 6
Hardiness Zone - 5
Growth Rate - Medium
Hardiness Zone - 8
Tolerance of Alkalinity - High
Cultivar - No
Hardiness Zone - 7
Mature Height - Low
Flowers - Yes
Tolerance of Transplanting - Medium
Tolerance of Shade - Low
Crown Shape - Shrubby
Tolerance of Drought - Medium
Bark - No
Fall Color - No
Foliage - Yes
Fruit - Yes
Tolerance of Poor Drainage - Medium
Family - Betulaceae - Birch
Hardiness Zone - 4
Tolerance of Salt - Low
Longevity - Medium
Utah Native - No
Corylus maxima
Betulaceae - Birch family
Filbert, Purple Giant | TreeBrowser

Filbert, Purple Giant

Corylus maxima
Betulaceae - Birch family

Bark - Yes
Longevity - High
Fall Color - No
Type - Broadleaf
Family - Betulaceae - Birch
Cultivar - No
Mature Height - Medium
Hardiness Zone - 7
Tolerance of Drought - Medium
Flowers - No
Tolerance of Shade - Low
Power Lines - No
Tolerance of Transplanting - Medium
Foliage - Yes
Hardiness Zone - 4
Tolerance of Poor Drainage - Medium
Hardiness Zone - 5
Crown Shape - Pyramidal
Fruit - No
Tolerance of Salt - Low
Growth Rate - Medium
Utah Native - No
Hardiness Zone - 6
Hardiness Zone - 8
Tolerance of Alkalinity - High
Corylus colurna
Betulaceae - Birch family
Filbert, Turkish or Turkish Hazel | TreeBrowser

Filbert, Turkish or Turkish Hazel

Corylus colurna
Betulaceae - Birch family

Tolerance of Shade - Low
Utah Native - No
Fruit - No
Hardiness Zone - 4
Hardiness Zone - 6
Tolerance of Poor Drainage - Medium
Bark - No
Tolerance of Salt - Medium
Longevity - High
Tolerance of Transplanting - Medium
Mature Height - High
Cultivar - Yes
Hardiness Zone - 8
Foliage - Yes
Hardiness Zone - 5
Power Lines - No
Family - Ginkgoaceae - Ginkgo
Growth Rate - Medium
Type - Broadleaf
Tolerance of Alkalinity - High
Flowers - No
Hardiness Zone - 9
Fall Color - Yes
Hardiness Zone - 7
Crown Shape - Oval
Hardiness Zone - 3
Tolerance of Drought - High
Ginkgo biloba
Ginkgoaceae - Ginkgo family
Ginkgo or Maidenhair Tree | TreeBrowser

Ginkgo or Maidenhair Tree

Ginkgo biloba
Ginkgoaceae - Ginkgo family

Foliage - No
Fruit - No
Tolerance of Shade - Medium
Hardiness Zone - 5
Cultivar - Yes
Power Lines - Yes
Flowers - Yes
Growth Rate - Medium
Hardiness Zone - 7
Bark - No
Crown Shape - Oval
Mature Height - Low
Tolerance of Poor Drainage - Medium
Hardiness Zone - 6
Longevity - Medium
Tolerance of Transplanting - Low
Tolerance of Salt - Medium
Utah Native - No
Tolerance of Drought - Medium
Fall Color - No
Tolerance of Alkalinity - High
Type - Broadleaf
Family - Fabaceae - Legume
Laburnum x watereri
Fabaceae - Legume family
Goldenchain Tree or Waterer Laburnum | TreeBrowser

Goldenchain Tree or Waterer Laburnum

Laburnum x watereri
Fabaceae - Legume family

Fruit - Yes
Cultivar - Yes
Power Lines - No
Tolerance of Transplanting - Medium
Bark - No
Hardiness Zone - 5
Utah Native - No
Tolerance of Shade - Low
Growth Rate - Medium
Hardiness Zone - 7
Family - Sapindaceae - Soapberry
Longevity - Medium
Mature Height - Medium
Tolerance of Alkalinity - High
Hardiness Zone - 9
Tolerance of Salt - High
Hardiness Zone - 6
Fall Color - No
Crown Shape - Oval
Hardiness Zone - 8
Flowers - Yes
Type - Broadleaf
Tolerance of Poor Drainage - Medium
Tolerance of Drought - High
Foliage - No
Koelreuteria paniculata
Sapindaceae - Soapberry family
Goldenraintree | TreeBrowser


Koelreuteria paniculata
Sapindaceae - Soapberry family

Fruit - No
Growth Rate - High
Bark - Yes
Fall Color - Yes
Hardiness Zone - 6
Tolerance of Drought - High
Hardiness Zone - 7
Hardiness Zone - 5
Foliage - No
Hardiness Zone - 8
Tolerance of Poor Drainage - Medium
Tolerance of Alkalinity - High
Flowers - No
Utah Native - No
Type - Broadleaf
Cultivar - Yes
Hardiness Zone - 3
Hardiness Zone - 4
Hardiness Zone - 2
Family - Ulmaceae - Elm
Power Lines - No
Mature Height - High
Tolerance of Transplanting - High
Longevity - High
Tolerance of Shade - Medium
Crown Shape - Vase
Hardiness Zone - 9
Tolerance of Salt - Medium
Celtis occidentalis
Ulmaceae - Elm family
Hackberry or Common Hackberry | TreeBrowser

Hackberry or Common Hackberry

Celtis occidentalis
Ulmaceae - Elm family

Bark - Yes
Fall Color - Yes
Tolerance of Poor Drainage - Medium
Crown Shape - Vase
Hardiness Zone - 6
Growth Rate - Medium
Hardiness Zone - 9
Utah Native - Yes
Tolerance of Alkalinity - High
Foliage - No
Fruit - No
Type - Broadleaf
Tolerance of Transplanting - High
Family - Ulmaceae - Elm
Hardiness Zone - 8
Mature Height - Medium
Tolerance of Salt - Medium
Tolerance of Drought - High
Longevity - High
Cultivar - No
Flowers - No
Power Lines - No
Hardiness Zone - 5
Hardiness Zone - 7
Tolerance of Shade - Medium
Celtis reticulata
Ulmaceae - Elm family
Hackberry, Netleaf | TreeBrowser

Hackberry, Netleaf

Celtis reticulata
Ulmaceae - Elm family

Tolerance of Salt - Medium
Hardiness Zone - 2
Growth Rate - Low
Hardiness Zone - 5
Tolerance of Transplanting - Medium
Longevity - Medium
Utah Native - Yes
Hardiness Zone - 7
Hardiness Zone - 4
Tolerance of Shade - Low
Cultivar - No
Crown Shape - Broad
Power Lines - Yes
Family - Rosaceae - Rose
Flowers - Yes
Type - Broadleaf
Tolerance of Alkalinity - High
Hardiness Zone - 8
Bark - No
Mature Height - Low
Foliage - No
Hardiness Zone - 3
Fruit - Yes
Tolerance of Drought - High
Fall Color - Yes
Tolerance of Poor Drainage - Medium
Hardiness Zone - 6
Crataegus douglasii
Rosaceae - Rose family
Hawthorn, Black or Douglas | TreeBrowser

Hawthorn, Black or Douglas

Crataegus douglasii
Rosaceae - Rose family

Tolerance of Shade - Low
Tolerance of Transplanting - Medium
Power Lines - Yes
Bark - No
Cultivar - Yes
Hardiness Zone - 5
Hardiness Zone - 6
Tolerance of Poor Drainage - Medium
Hardiness Zone - 3
Hardiness Zone - 4
Fall Color - Yes
Crown Shape - Broad
Mature Height - Low
Fruit - Yes
Growth Rate - Medium
Hardiness Zone - 8
Tolerance of Salt - Medium
Foliage - Yes
Type - Broadleaf
Flowers - Yes
Longevity - Medium
Family - Rosaceae - Rose
Tolerance of Alkalinity - High
Utah Native - No
Hardiness Zone - 7
Tolerance of Drought - High
Crataegus crus-galli
Rosaceae - Rose family
Hawthorn, Cockspur | TreeBrowser

Hawthorn, Cockspur

Crataegus crus-galli
Rosaceae - Rose family

Mature Height - Low
Tolerance of Transplanting - Medium
Hardiness Zone - 8
Fall Color - Yes
Crown Shape - Round
Tolerance of Alkalinity - High
Tolerance of Drought - Medium
Hardiness Zone - 5
Family - Rosaceae - Rose
Cultivar - Yes
Bark - Yes
Fruit - Yes
Hardiness Zone - 4
Longevity - Medium
Tolerance of Salt - Medium
Tolerance of Poor Drainage - Medium
Hardiness Zone - 6
Growth Rate - Medium
Type - Broadleaf
Tolerance of Shade - Low
Flowers - Yes
Foliage - No
Hardiness Zone - 7
Utah Native - No
Power Lines - Yes
Crataegus laevigata
Rosaceae - Rose family
Hawthorn, English | TreeBrowser

Hawthorn, English

Crataegus laevigata
Rosaceae - Rose family

Mature Height - Low
Tolerance of Salt - Medium
Growth Rate - Medium
Type - Broadleaf
Utah Native - No
Tolerance of Drought - High
Hardiness Zone - 4
Power Lines - Yes
Cultivar - Yes
Bark - No
Fall Color - Yes
Tolerance of Shade - Low
Hardiness Zone - 6
Tolerance of Alkalinity - High
Flowers - Yes
Foliage - No
Hardiness Zone - 7
Fruit - Yes
Hardiness Zone - 8
Tolerance of Poor Drainage - Medium
Hardiness Zone - 5
Family - Rosaceae - Rose
Crown Shape - Broad
Tolerance of Transplanting - Medium
Longevity - Medium
Crataegus viridis
Rosaceae - Rose family
Hawthorn, Green | TreeBrowser

Hawthorn, Green

Crataegus viridis
Rosaceae - Rose family

Power Lines - Yes
Cultivar - Yes
Tolerance of Shade - Low
Tolerance of Transplanting - Medium
Flowers - Yes
Hardiness Zone - 7
Mature Height - Low
Tolerance of Drought - High
Hardiness Zone - 8
Foliage - Yes
Tolerance of Salt - Medium
Family - Rosaceae - Rose
Fall Color - Yes
Utah Native - No
Type - Broadleaf
Tolerance of Alkalinity - High
Bark - No
Hardiness Zone - 5
Fruit - Yes
Hardiness Zone - 6
Tolerance of Poor Drainage - Medium
Hardiness Zone - 4
Growth Rate - Medium
Longevity - Medium
Crown Shape - Irregular
Crataegus x lavallei
Rosaceae - Rose family
Hawthorn, Lavalle | TreeBrowser

Hawthorn, Lavalle

Crataegus x lavallei
Rosaceae - Rose family

Power Lines - Yes
Growth Rate - Medium
Longevity - Medium
Flowers - Yes
Hardiness Zone - 5
Hardiness Zone - 4
Hardiness Zone - 8
Tolerance of Alkalinity - High
Crown Shape - Broad
Cultivar - Yes
Type - Broadleaf
Fall Color - Yes
Tolerance of Salt - Medium
Tolerance of Drought - High
Bark - No
Hardiness Zone - 3
Tolerance of Shade - Low
Tolerance of Transplanting - Medium
Tolerance of Poor Drainage - Medium
Foliage - No
Hardiness Zone - 6
Mature Height - Low
Utah Native - No
Hardiness Zone - 7
Family - Rosaceae - Rose
Fruit - Yes
Crataegus phaenopyrum
Rosaceae - Rose family
Hawthorn, Washington | TreeBrowser

Hawthorn, Washington

Crataegus phaenopyrum
Rosaceae - Rose family

Hardiness Zone - 7
Mature Height - Low
Foliage - Yes
Bark - Yes
Power Lines - Yes
Tolerance of Drought - Medium
Fall Color - No
Type - Broadleaf
Family - Betulaceae - Birch
Crown Shape - Shrubby
Hardiness Zone - 8
Hardiness Zone - 6
Growth Rate - Medium
Tolerance of Shade - Medium
Cultivar - No
Tolerance of Salt - Low
Tolerance of Transplanting - Medium
Utah Native - No
Tolerance of Poor Drainage - Medium
Hardiness Zone - 5
Tolerance of Alkalinity - High
Fruit - Yes
Longevity - Medium
Hardiness Zone - 4
Hardiness Zone - 9
Flowers - Yes
Corylus americana
Betulaceae - Birch family
Hazelnut, American | TreeBrowser

Hazelnut, American

Corylus americana
Betulaceae - Birch family

Hardiness Zone - 5
Hardiness Zone - 8
Hardiness Zone - 7
Bark - No
Tolerance of Drought - Medium
Crown Shape - Irregular
Tolerance of Shade - Medium
Type - Broadleaf
Fruit - Yes
Foliage - Yes
Family - Aquifoliaceae - Holly
Growth Rate - Low
Hardiness Zone - 9
Mature Height - Medium
Flowers - No
Utah Native - No
Hardiness Zone - 6
Fall Color - No
Power Lines - No
Tolerance of Transplanting - Low
Tolerance of Salt - Medium
Tolerance of Alkalinity - Medium
Longevity - Medium
Cultivar - Yes
Tolerance of Poor Drainage - Medium
Ilex opaca
Aquifoliaceae - Holly family
Holly, American | TreeBrowser

Holly, American

Ilex opaca
Aquifoliaceae - Holly family

Tolerance of Drought - Medium
Mature Height - Medium
Hardiness Zone - 7
Fall Color - Yes
Hardiness Zone - 9
Hardiness Zone - 3
Growth Rate - Low
Longevity - Medium
Hardiness Zone - 6
Hardiness Zone - 8
Family - Betulaceae - Birch
Tolerance of Shade - High
Cultivar - Yes
Hardiness Zone - 4
Bark - Yes
Tolerance of Transplanting - Medium
Type - Broadleaf
Utah Native - No
Crown Shape - Round
Foliage - No
Fruit - Yes
Power Lines - No
Hardiness Zone - 5
Tolerance of Salt - Low
Tolerance of Poor Drainage - Medium
Flowers - No
Tolerance of Alkalinity - Medium
Carpinus caroliniana
Betulaceae - Birch family
Hornbeam, American or Musclewood | TreeBrowser

Hornbeam, American or Musclewood

Carpinus caroliniana
Betulaceae - Birch family

Tolerance of Shade - Medium
Mature Height - Medium
Hardiness Zone - 8
Flowers - No
Tolerance of Salt - Low
Hardiness Zone - 6
Tolerance of Transplanting - Medium
Bark - Yes
Tolerance of Alkalinity - Medium
Longevity - Medium
Cultivar - Yes
Tolerance of Poor Drainage - Medium
Crown Shape - Round
Fruit - Yes
Hardiness Zone - 4
Growth Rate - Low
Tolerance of Drought - Medium
Hardiness Zone - 7
Utah Native - No
Power Lines - No
Fall Color - No
Family - Betulaceae - Birch
Foliage - No
Hardiness Zone - 5
Type - Broadleaf
Carpinus betulus
Betulaceae - Birch family
Hornbeam, European | TreeBrowser

Hornbeam, European

Carpinus betulus
Betulaceae - Birch family

Flowers - Yes
Tolerance of Shade - Medium
Mature Height - High
Tolerance of Alkalinity - Medium
Crown Shape - Round
Utah Native - No
Tolerance of Drought - Medium
Cultivar - Yes
Longevity - High
Foliage - No
Tolerance of Poor Drainage - Medium
Hardiness Zone - 4
Fall Color - No
Fruit - No
Hardiness Zone - 5
Type - Broadleaf
Family - Hippocastanaceae - Buckeye
Tolerance of Transplanting - Medium
Hardiness Zone - 3
Hardiness Zone - 6
Bark - No
Power Lines - No
Growth Rate - Medium
Tolerance of Salt - High
Hardiness Zone - 7
Aesculus hippocastanum
Hippocastanaceae - Buckeye family
Horsechestnut | TreeBrowser


Aesculus hippocastanum
Hippocastanaceae - Buckeye family

Tolerance of Poor Drainage - Medium
Fall Color - No
Tolerance of Salt - Medium
Flowers - Yes
Fruit - No
Hardiness Zone - 4
Hardiness Zone - 7
Bark - No
Tolerance of Transplanting - Medium
Mature Height - Medium
Tolerance of Shade - Medium
Growth Rate - Medium
Longevity - Medium
Utah Native - No
Crown Shape - Round
Tolerance of Alkalinity - Medium
Hardiness Zone - 5
Power Lines - No
Type - Broadleaf
Cultivar - Yes
Tolerance of Drought - Medium
Family - Hippocastanaceae - Buckeye
Foliage - No
Hardiness Zone - 6
Aesculus x carnea
Hippocastanaceae - Buckeye family
Horsechestnut, Red | TreeBrowser

Horsechestnut, Red

Aesculus x carnea
Hippocastanaceae - Buckeye family

Tolerance of Shade - Medium
Fall Color - No
Tolerance of Transplanting - Medium
Crown Shape - Pyramidal
Hardiness Zone - 8
Flowers - No
Growth Rate - Medium
Hardiness Zone - 7
Tolerance of Salt - Medium
Tolerance of Poor Drainage - Medium
Power Lines - No
Cultivar - Yes
Tolerance of Alkalinity - High
Mature Height - High
Hardiness Zone - 6
Tolerance of Drought - Medium
Hardiness Zone - 5
Bark - Yes
Utah Native - No
Fruit - Yes
Longevity - High
Family - Cupressaceae - Cypress
Foliage - Yes
Type - Conifer
Calocedrus (Libocedrus) decurrens
Cupressaceae - Cypress family
Incense-cedar | TreeBrowser


Calocedrus (Libocedrus) decurrens
Cupressaceae - Cypress family

Tolerance of Salt - High
Cultivar - No
Fruit - Yes
Type - Broadleaf
Tolerance of Transplanting - Medium
Power Lines - Yes
Tolerance of Shade - Low
Mature Height - Low
Flowers - Yes
Foliage - Yes
Hardiness Zone - 8
Tolerance of Alkalinity - High
Tolerance of Poor Drainage - Medium
Growth Rate - Low
Fall Color - No
Family - Liliaceae - Lily
Tolerance of Drought - High
Utah Native - Yes
Hardiness Zone - 9
Bark - No
Longevity - Medium
Crown Shape - Irregular
Hardiness Zone - 7
Hardiness Zone - 10
Yucca brevifolia
Liliaceae - Lily family
Joshua-tree | TreeBrowser


Yucca brevifolia
Liliaceae - Lily family

Flowers - No
Growth Rate - Medium
Hardiness Zone - 8
Type - Broadleaf
Hardiness Zone - 6
Bark - No
Hardiness Zone - 7
Tolerance of Poor Drainage - Medium
Tolerance of Alkalinity - Medium
Tolerance of Salt - Medium
Utah Native - No
Foliage - Yes
Fruit - No
Tolerance of Drought - Low
Longevity - Medium
Hardiness Zone - 4
Tolerance of Transplanting - Low
Tolerance of Shade - Medium
Crown Shape - Oval
Hardiness Zone - 5
Cultivar - Yes
Fall Color - Yes
Mature Height - Low
Family - Cercidiphyllaceae - Katsuratree
Power Lines - No
Cercidiphyllum japonicum
Cercidiphyllaceae - Katsuratree family
Katsuratree | TreeBrowser


Cercidiphyllum japonicum
Cercidiphyllaceae - Katsuratree family

Type - Conifer
Tolerance of Transplanting - High
Hardiness Zone - 5
Bark - No
Tolerance of Shade - Low
Flowers - No
Foliage - Yes
Cultivar - Yes
Growth Rate - High
Tolerance of Drought - Low
Crown Shape - Pyramidal
Utah Native - No
Hardiness Zone - 4
Tolerance of Alkalinity - Medium
Mature Height - High
Family - Pinaceae - Pine
Tolerance of Poor Drainage - Medium
Hardiness Zone - 6
Tolerance of Salt - High
Longevity - High
Fruit - Yes
Hardiness Zone - 2
Hardiness Zone - 3
Fall Color - Yes
Power Lines - No
Larix decidua
Pinaceae - Pine family
Larch, European | TreeBrowser

Larch, European

Larix decidua
Pinaceae - Pine family

Cultivar - Yes
Hardiness Zone - 5
Tolerance of Salt - High
Tolerance of Poor Drainage - Medium
Fruit - Yes
Longevity - High
Hardiness Zone - 4
Family - Pinaceae - Pine
Power Lines - No
Hardiness Zone - 6
Fall Color - Yes
Crown Shape - Pyramidal
Mature Height - High
Tolerance of Drought - Low
Type - Conifer
Foliage - Yes
Growth Rate - High
Hardiness Zone - 7
Tolerance of Shade - Low
Flowers - No
Utah Native - No
Tolerance of Transplanting - High
Tolerance of Alkalinity - Medium
Bark - No
Larix kaempferi
Pinaceae - Pine family
Larch, Japanese | TreeBrowser

Larch, Japanese

Larix kaempferi
Pinaceae - Pine family

Mature Height - Low
Foliage - No
Type - Broadleaf
Flowers - Yes
Tolerance of Shade - Low
Tolerance of Poor Drainage - Medium
Hardiness Zone - 7
Bark - Yes
Fall Color - No
Fruit - No
Family - Oleaceae - Olive
Crown Shape - Oval
Power Lines - Yes
Growth Rate - Low
Longevity - High
Hardiness Zone - 5
Hardiness Zone - 8
Tolerance of Alkalinity - High
Tolerance of Salt - High
Tolerance of Drought - Medium
Tolerance of Transplanting - Medium
Hardiness Zone - 6
Cultivar - Yes
Utah Native - No
Hardiness Zone - 3
Hardiness Zone - 4
Syringa reticulata subsp. pekinensis
Oleaceae - Olive family
Lilac, Chinese Tree or Peking Lilac | TreeBrowser

Lilac, Chinese Tree or Peking Lilac

Syringa reticulata subsp. pekinensis
Oleaceae - Olive family

Foliage - No
Tolerance of Drought - Medium
Hardiness Zone - 7
Flowers - Yes
Fall Color - No
Hardiness Zone - 5
Mature Height - Low
Hardiness Zone - 4
Hardiness Zone - 8
Tolerance of Alkalinity - High
Tolerance of Poor Drainage - Medium
Tolerance of Salt - High
Tolerance of Shade - Low
Growth Rate - Medium
Hardiness Zone - 6
Longevity - High
Fruit - No
Power Lines - Yes
Type - Broadleaf
Utah Native - No
Crown Shape - Oval
Tolerance of Transplanting - Medium
Hardiness Zone - 3
Family - Oleaceae - Olive
Bark - Yes
Cultivar - Yes
Syringa reticulata
Oleaceae - Olive family
Lilac, Japanese Tree | TreeBrowser

Lilac, Japanese Tree

Syringa reticulata
Oleaceae - Olive family

Flowers - Yes
Tolerance of Shade - Medium
Tolerance of Transplanting - High
Tolerance of Salt - Low
Hardiness Zone - 6
Longevity - High
Family - Tiliaceae - Linden
Fall Color - No
Tolerance of Drought - Medium
Growth Rate - Medium
Hardiness Zone - 3
Cultivar - Yes
Crown Shape - Oval
Tolerance of Alkalinity - High
Utah Native - No
Hardiness Zone - 4
Power Lines - No
Fruit - Yes
Hardiness Zone - 5
Foliage - No
Tolerance of Poor Drainage - Medium
Bark - No
Type - Broadleaf
Hardiness Zone - 7
Mature Height - High
Tilia x euchlora
Tiliaceae - Linden family
Linden, Crimean | TreeBrowser

Linden, Crimean

Tilia x euchlora
Tiliaceae - Linden family

Hardiness Zone - 6
Growth Rate - Medium
Fruit - Yes
Mature Height - Medium
Fall Color - No
Tolerance of Salt - Low
Hardiness Zone - 7
Tolerance of Transplanting - High
Bark - No
Utah Native - No
Power Lines - No
Type - Broadleaf
Hardiness Zone - 4
Tolerance of Drought - Medium
Flowers - Yes
Hardiness Zone - 3
Hardiness Zone - 5
Foliage - No
Tolerance of Poor Drainage - Medium
Crown Shape - Pyramidal
Tolerance of Alkalinity - High
Family - Tiliaceae - Linden
Tolerance of Shade - Medium
Longevity - Medium
Cultivar - Yes
Tilia cordata
Tiliaceae - Linden family
Linden, Littleaf European | TreeBrowser

Linden, Littleaf European

Tilia cordata
Tiliaceae - Linden family

Cultivar - Yes
Crown Shape - Pyramidal
Growth Rate - Medium
Family - Tiliaceae - Linden
Flowers - Yes
Bark - No
Tolerance of Alkalinity - High
Hardiness Zone - 4
Utah Native - No
Tolerance of Salt - Medium
Foliage - Yes
Power Lines - No
Tolerance of Transplanting - High
Hardiness Zone - 5
Type - Broadleaf
Longevity - Medium
Hardiness Zone - 6
Tolerance of Drought - Medium
Tolerance of Poor Drainage - Medium
Hardiness Zone - 7
Fruit - Yes
Tolerance of Shade - Medium
Mature Height - High
Fall Color - No
Tilia tomentosa
Tiliaceae - Linden family
Linden, Silver | TreeBrowser

Linden, Silver

Tilia tomentosa
Tiliaceae - Linden family

Fall Color - No
Tolerance of Alkalinity - High
Fruit - No
Power Lines - No
Growth Rate - Medium
Tolerance of Drought - High
Tolerance of Salt - High
Hardiness Zone - 8
Hardiness Zone - 5
Tolerance of Shade - Low
Cultivar - Yes
Flowers - Yes
Hardiness Zone - 4
Bark - Yes
Tolerance of Transplanting - High
Foliage - Yes
Tolerance of Poor Drainage - Medium
Hardiness Zone - 9
Longevity - Medium
Family - Fabaceae - Legume
Hardiness Zone - 7
Type - Broadleaf
Hardiness Zone - 6
Crown Shape - Oval
Mature Height - Medium
Utah Native - No
Hardiness Zone - 3
Robinia pseudoacacia
Fabaceae - Legume family
Locust, Black | TreeBrowser

Locust, Black

Robinia pseudoacacia
Fabaceae - Legume family

Utah Native - No
Tolerance of Poor Drainage - Medium
Tolerance of Shade - Low
Tolerance of Drought - High
Tolerance of Salt - High
Hardiness Zone - 3
Bark - No
Crown Shape - Oval
Longevity - Medium
Type - Broadleaf
Hardiness Zone - 5
Tolerance of Alkalinity - High
Foliage - Yes
Growth Rate - Medium
Family - Fabaceae - Legume
Flowers - Yes
Mature Height - Medium
Power Lines - No
Hardiness Zone - 4
Hardiness Zone - 7
Hardiness Zone - 8
Hardiness Zone - 6
Tolerance of Transplanting - High
Fall Color - No
Fruit - No
Cultivar - Yes
Robinia x ambigua
Fabaceae - Legume family
Locust, Idaho Flowering | TreeBrowser

Locust, Idaho Flowering

Robinia x ambigua
Fabaceae - Legume family

Tolerance of Alkalinity - High
Tolerance of Salt - High
Fruit - No
Hardiness Zone - 8
Tolerance of Shade - Low
Flowers - Yes
Hardiness Zone - 9
Foliage - Yes
Crown Shape - Oval
Hardiness Zone - 6
Type - Broadleaf
Hardiness Zone - 7
Bark - No
Longevity - Medium
Cultivar - No
Mature Height - Medium
Hardiness Zone - 5
Tolerance of Transplanting - High
Utah Native - Yes
Tolerance of Drought - High
Fall Color - No
Power Lines - No
Family - Fabaceae - Legume
Growth Rate - Medium
Tolerance of Poor Drainage - Medium
Robinia neomexicana
Fabaceae - Legume family
Locust, New Mexican | TreeBrowser

Locust, New Mexican

Robinia neomexicana
Fabaceae - Legume family

Tolerance of Shade - Medium
Bark - No
Hardiness Zone - 8
Tolerance of Drought - High
Foliage - Yes
Fruit - Yes
Type - Broadleaf
Power Lines - Yes
Tolerance of Alkalinity - High
Cultivar - Yes
Family - Rosaceae - Rose
Tolerance of Transplanting - High
Fall Color - No
Crown Shape - Irregular
Tolerance of Salt - Medium
Flowers - Yes
Growth Rate - Medium
Utah Native - No
Mature Height - Low
Longevity - Medium
Hardiness Zone - 9
Hardiness Zone - 10
Tolerance of Poor Drainage - Medium
Eriobotrya japonica
Rosaceae - Rose family
Loquat | TreeBrowser


Eriobotrya japonica
Rosaceae - Rose family

Hardiness Zone - 7
Longevity - Medium
Hardiness Zone - 6
Tolerance of Shade - Low
Fall Color - No
Tolerance of Alkalinity - High
Family - Fabaceae - Legume
Cultivar - No
Type - Broadleaf
Tolerance of Salt - Medium
Crown Shape - Round
Utah Native - No
Flowers - Yes
Mature Height - Medium
Hardiness Zone - 8
Power Lines - No
Fruit - No
Growth Rate - Low
Foliage - Yes
Tolerance of Drought - Medium
Hardiness Zone - 5
Tolerance of Transplanting - High
Tolerance of Poor Drainage - Medium
Hardiness Zone - 4
Bark - Yes
Maackia amurensis
Fabaceae - Legume family
Maackia, Amur | TreeBrowser

Maackia, Amur

Maackia amurensis
Fabaceae - Legume family

Tolerance of Transplanting - Low
Fruit - Yes
Tolerance of Drought - Medium
Crown Shape - Pyramidal
Flowers - Yes
Growth Rate - Medium
Family - Magnoliaceae - Magnolia
Bark - No
Foliage - Yes
Tolerance of Alkalinity - Medium
Utah Native - No
Power Lines - No
Hardiness Zone - 8
Type - Broadleaf
Tolerance of Poor Drainage - Medium
Tolerance of Shade - Medium
Longevity - High
Mature Height - High
Tolerance of Salt - Medium
Fall Color - No
Hardiness Zone - 9
Cultivar - Yes
Hardiness Zone - 7
Magnolia grandiflora
Magnoliaceae - Magnolia family
Magnolia, Southern | TreeBrowser

Magnolia, Southern

Magnolia grandiflora
Magnoliaceae - Magnolia family

Longevity - Medium
Tolerance of Transplanting - High
Type - Broadleaf
Family - Aceraceae - Maple
Foliage - Yes
Crown Shape - Round
Tolerance of Shade - Medium
Tolerance of Poor Drainage - Medium
Hardiness Zone - 6
Hardiness Zone - 7
Hardiness Zone - 8
Fall Color - Yes
Fruit - No
Flowers - No
Power Lines - Yes
Bark - Yes
Utah Native - No
Hardiness Zone - 4
Tolerance of Salt - Medium
Cultivar - Yes
Mature Height - Low
Hardiness Zone - 3
Tolerance of Alkalinity - Medium
Hardiness Zone - 5
Growth Rate - Medium
Hardiness Zone - 2
Tolerance of Drought - High
Acer ginnala
Aceraceae - Maple family
Maple, Amur or Ginnala | TreeBrowser

Maple, Amur or Ginnala

Acer ginnala
Aceraceae - Maple family

Fall Color - Yes
Family - Aceraceae - Maple
Tolerance of Salt - Medium
Hardiness Zone - 7
Tolerance of Shade - Medium
Tolerance of Alkalinity - High
Mature Height - Medium
Tolerance of Poor Drainage - Medium
Flowers - No
Longevity - High
Type - Broadleaf
Power Lines - No
Hardiness Zone - 4
Tolerance of Drought - Medium
Foliage - No
Utah Native - Yes
Growth Rate - Medium
Cultivar - Yes
Fruit - No
Hardiness Zone - 5
Crown Shape - Oval
Bark - No
Hardiness Zone - 6
Tolerance of Transplanting - Medium
Acer grandidentatum
Aceraceae - Maple family
Maple, Canyon or Bigtooth | TreeBrowser

Maple, Canyon or Bigtooth

Acer grandidentatum
Aceraceae - Maple family

Growth Rate - Medium
Hardiness Zone - 6
Utah Native - No
Mature Height - Medium
Longevity - Medium
Hardiness Zone - 5
Fall Color - Yes
Tolerance of Drought - Medium
Flowers - No
Fruit - No
Cultivar - Yes
Tolerance of Shade - Medium
Hardiness Zone - 7
Hardiness Zone - 8
Power Lines - No
Bark - No
Family - Aceraceae - Maple
Crown Shape - Broad
Tolerance of Poor Drainage - Medium
Tolerance of Salt - High
Hardiness Zone - 4
Type - Broadleaf
Tolerance of Transplanting - High
Tolerance of Alkalinity - High
Foliage - No
Acer campestre
Aceraceae - Maple family
Maple, Hedge | TreeBrowser

Maple, Hedge

Acer campestre
Aceraceae - Maple family

Hardiness Zone - 3
Hardiness Zone - 8
Tolerance of Salt - High
Flowers - No
Power Lines - No
Hardiness Zone - 6
Tolerance of Drought - Medium
Type - Broadleaf
Hardiness Zone - 4
Bark - No
Tolerance of Shade - Medium
Hardiness Zone - 5
Hardiness Zone - 7
Tolerance of Poor Drainage - Medium
Family - Aceraceae - Maple
Longevity - High
Foliage - Yes
Fruit - No
Tolerance of Alkalinity - High
Cultivar - Yes
Fall Color - Yes
Tolerance of Transplanting - High
Crown Shape - Round
Growth Rate - Medium
Mature Height - High
Utah Native - No
Acer platanoides
Aceraceae - Maple family
Maple, Norway | TreeBrowser

Maple, Norway

Acer platanoides
Aceraceae - Maple family

Fall Color - Yes
Tolerance of Shade - Medium
Hardiness Zone - 4
Type - Broadleaf
Foliage - No
Fruit - No
Flowers - No
Hardiness Zone - 8
Longevity - Medium
Tolerance of Salt - Medium
Hardiness Zone - 6
Bark - Yes
Mature Height - Medium
Tolerance of Alkalinity - Medium
Tolerance of Poor Drainage - Medium
Power Lines - Yes
Cultivar - Yes
Family - Aceraceae - Maple
Tolerance of Drought - Low
Tolerance of Transplanting - Low
Utah Native - No
Hardiness Zone - 7
Growth Rate - Low
Crown Shape - Oval
Hardiness Zone - 5
Acer griseum
Aceraceae - Maple family
Maple, Paperbark | TreeBrowser

Maple, Paperbark

Acer griseum
Aceraceae - Maple family

Hardiness Zone - 7
Tolerance of Salt - Medium
Cultivar - Yes
Tolerance of Alkalinity - Medium
Bark - No
Family - Aceraceae - Maple
Growth Rate - Low
Mature Height - Medium
Hardiness Zone - 6
Type - Broadleaf
Utah Native - No
Foliage - Yes
Tolerance of Poor Drainage - Medium
Power Lines - Yes
Tolerance of Drought - Medium
Tolerance of Transplanting - Medium
Hardiness Zone - 4
Fruit - No
Hardiness Zone - 8
Fall Color - Yes
Flowers - No
Tolerance of Shade - Medium
Hardiness Zone - 5
Longevity - Medium
Crown Shape - Round
Acer truncatum
Aceraceae - Maple family
Maple, Purpleblow or Shantung | TreeBrowser

Maple, Purpleblow or Shantung

Acer truncatum
Aceraceae - Maple family

Fruit - No
Foliage - No
Fall Color - Yes
Hardiness Zone - 7
Mature Height - Low
Tolerance of Shade - Medium
Tolerance of Drought - Medium
Longevity - Medium
Tolerance of Transplanting - High
Hardiness Zone - 5
Flowers - No
Crown Shape - Round
Hardiness Zone - 4
Bark - No
Growth Rate - Medium
Power Lines - Yes
Hardiness Zone - 6
Utah Native - Yes
Tolerance of Salt - Medium
Type - Broadleaf
Tolerance of Alkalinity - Medium
Tolerance of Poor Drainage - Medium
Cultivar - Yes
Family - Aceraceae - Maple
Acer glabrum
Aceraceae - Maple family
Maple, Rocky Mountain | TreeBrowser

Maple, Rocky Mountain

Acer glabrum
Aceraceae - Maple family

Fruit - Yes
Family - Aceraceae - Maple
Foliage - Yes
Tolerance of Salt - High
Tolerance of Transplanting - Medium
Mature Height - High
Tolerance of Alkalinity - High
Type - Broadleaf
Cultivar - Yes
Growth Rate - Medium
Flowers - No
Hardiness Zone - 7
Utah Native - No
Hardiness Zone - 5
Bark - No
Hardiness Zone - 6
Tolerance of Shade - Medium
Longevity - High
Tolerance of Poor Drainage - Medium
Fall Color - No
Tolerance of Drought - High
Power Lines - No
Crown Shape - Oval
Hardiness Zone - 4
Acer pseudoplatanus
Aceraceae - Maple family
Maple, Sycamore | TreeBrowser

Maple, Sycamore

Acer pseudoplatanus
Aceraceae - Maple family

Tolerance of Salt - Medium
Bark - No
Utah Native - No
Flowers - Yes
Family - Aceraceae - Maple
Hardiness Zone - 6
Power Lines - Yes
Cultivar - Yes
Tolerance of Drought - High
Fruit - Yes
Mature Height - Medium
Foliage - No
Fall Color - Yes
Tolerance of Shade - Low
Tolerance of Alkalinity - High
Hardiness Zone - 8
Tolerance of Transplanting - Medium
Hardiness Zone - 3
Hardiness Zone - 7
Tolerance of Poor Drainage - Medium
Crown Shape - Round
Hardiness Zone - 4
Growth Rate - Medium
Hardiness Zone - 5
Longevity - High
Type - Broadleaf
Acer tataricum
Aceraceae - Maple family
Maple, Tatarian | TreeBrowser

Maple, Tatarian

Acer tataricum
Aceraceae - Maple family

Longevity - Medium
Tolerance of Poor Drainage - Medium
Flowers - No
Type - Broadleaf
Foliage - Yes
Utah Native - No
Growth Rate - Low
Hardiness Zone - 8
Fruit - No
Tolerance of Drought - High
Hardiness Zone - 9
Tolerance of Shade - Low
Bark - Yes
Mature Height - Medium
Family - Aceraceae - Maple
Hardiness Zone - 7
Crown Shape - Round
Cultivar - No
Fall Color - Yes
Tolerance of Transplanting - High
Tolerance of Alkalinity - Medium
Hardiness Zone - 6
Hardiness Zone - 5
Power Lines - Yes
Tolerance of Salt - Medium
Acer buergeranum
Aceraceae - Maple family
Maple, Trident | TreeBrowser

Maple, Trident

Acer buergeranum
Aceraceae - Maple family

Growth Rate - Medium
Fall Color - No
Tolerance of Shade - Medium
Hardiness Zone - 8
Tolerance of Drought - High
Tolerance of Alkalinity - High
Hardiness Zone - 6
Hardiness Zone - 2
Foliage - Yes
Flowers - No
Hardiness Zone - 3
Hardiness Zone - 7
Type - Broadleaf
Tolerance of Poor Drainage - Medium
Bark - No
Crown Shape - Broad
Hardiness Zone - 4
Tolerance of Transplanting - Medium
Hardiness Zone - 5
Utah Native - No
Longevity - High
Tolerance of Salt - Medium
Cultivar - No
Mature Height - High
Family - Fagaceae - Beech and Oak
Power Lines - No
Fruit - Yes
Quercus macrocarpa
Fagaceae - Beech and Oak family
Oak, Bur | TreeBrowser

Oak, Bur

Quercus macrocarpa
Fagaceae - Beech and Oak family

Tolerance of Poor Drainage - Medium
Tolerance of Drought - High
Growth Rate - Medium
Utah Native - No
Fall Color - Yes
Power Lines - No
Crown Shape - Oval
Hardiness Zone - 4
Hardiness Zone - 6
Bark - No
Type - Broadleaf
Cultivar - No
Foliage - Yes
Tolerance of Alkalinity - High
Hardiness Zone - 5
Family - Fagaceae - Beech and Oak
Tolerance of Transplanting - Medium
Hardiness Zone - 7
Longevity - High
Tolerance of Salt - Medium
Flowers - No
Fruit - No
Tolerance of Shade - Medium
Mature Height - High
Quercus muehlenbergii
Fagaceae - Beech and Oak family
Oak, Chinkapin | TreeBrowser

Oak, Chinkapin

Quercus muehlenbergii
Fagaceae - Beech and Oak family

Crown Shape - Round
Cultivar - Yes
Tolerance of Poor Drainage - Medium
Tolerance of Drought - Medium
Hardiness Zone - 7
Tolerance of Salt - High
Hardiness Zone - 4
Tolerance of Shade - Medium
Tolerance of Transplanting - Medium
Power Lines - No
Type - Broadleaf
Utah Native - No
Hardiness Zone - 8
Growth Rate - Medium
Flowers - No
Mature Height - High
Foliage - Yes
Fruit - No
Hardiness Zone - 6
Hardiness Zone - 5
Fall Color - No
Family - Fagaceae - Beech and Oak
Tolerance of Alkalinity - High
Longevity - High
Bark - No
Quercus robur
Fagaceae - Beech and Oak family
Oak, English | TreeBrowser

Oak, English

Quercus robur
Fagaceae - Beech and Oak family

Power Lines - Yes
Tolerance of Transplanting - Low
Fruit - No
Type - Broadleaf
Hardiness Zone - 8
Utah Native - Yes
Tolerance of Shade - Low
Growth Rate - Low
Bark - No
Fall Color - Yes
Hardiness Zone - 5
Hardiness Zone - 7
Family - Fagaceae - Beech and Oak
Foliage - No
Longevity - Medium
Flowers - No
Crown Shape - Shrubby
Tolerance of Alkalinity - High
Tolerance of Drought - High
Hardiness Zone - 4
Tolerance of Poor Drainage - Medium
Cultivar - No
Hardiness Zone - 6
Tolerance of Salt - Medium
Mature Height - Low
Quercus gambelii
Fagaceae - Beech and Oak family
Oak, Gambel or Scrub or Rocky Mtn. White | TreeBrowser

Oak, Gambel or Scrub or Rocky Mtn. White

Quercus gambelii
Fagaceae - Beech and Oak family

Growth Rate - Medium
Flowers - No
Mature Height - High
Bark - No
Hardiness Zone - 6
Hardiness Zone - 8
Tolerance of Transplanting - Medium
Type - Broadleaf
Power Lines - No
Tolerance of Salt - Medium
Hardiness Zone - 5
Tolerance of Alkalinity - Medium
Tolerance of Poor Drainage - Medium
Hardiness Zone - 7
Tolerance of Shade - Medium
Hardiness Zone - 4
Cultivar - No
Utah Native - No
Longevity - High
Family - Fagaceae - Beech and Oak
Foliage - Yes
Crown Shape - Oval
Fall Color - Yes
Tolerance of Drought - High
Fruit - No
Quercus imbricaria
Fagaceae - Beech and Oak family
Oak, Shingle | TreeBrowser

Oak, Shingle

Quercus imbricaria
Fagaceae - Beech and Oak family

Bark - No
Hardiness Zone - 9
Foliage - Yes
Growth Rate - Low
Utah Native - Yes
Tolerance of Shade - Medium
Cultivar - No
Mature Height - Low
Type - Broadleaf
Tolerance of Salt - Medium
Crown Shape - Shrubby
Longevity - Medium
Fall Color - No
Flowers - No
Tolerance of Transplanting - Medium
Hardiness Zone - 8
Tolerance of Alkalinity - High
Hardiness Zone - 7
Tolerance of Drought - High
Fruit - No
Family - Fagaceae - Beech and Oak
Power Lines - Yes
Tolerance of Poor Drainage - Medium
Quercus turbinella
Fagaceae - Beech and Oak family
Oak, Shrub Live | TreeBrowser

Oak, Shrub Live

Quercus turbinella
Fagaceae - Beech and Oak family

Hardiness Zone - 9
Hardiness Zone - 6
Crown Shape - Pyramidal
Tolerance of Transplanting - Medium
Family - Fagaceae - Beech and Oak
Longevity - High
Tolerance of Poor Drainage - Medium
Hardiness Zone - 7
Tolerance of Shade - Medium
Tolerance of Salt - Medium
Type - Broadleaf
Power Lines - No
Mature Height - High
Hardiness Zone - 8
Tolerance of Drought - High
Utah Native - No
Cultivar - No
Growth Rate - Medium
Fruit - No
Fall Color - Yes
Bark - No
Hardiness Zone - 5
Foliage - Yes
Flowers - No
Tolerance of Alkalinity - High
Quercus shumardii
Fagaceae - Beech and Oak family
Oak, Shumard | TreeBrowser

Oak, Shumard

Quercus shumardii
Fagaceae - Beech and Oak family

Mature Height - High
Growth Rate - Medium
Type - Broadleaf
Longevity - High
Utah Native - No
Family - Fagaceae - Beech and Oak
Tolerance of Poor Drainage - Medium
Hardiness Zone - 7
Tolerance of Salt - Medium
Fall Color - No
Tolerance of Alkalinity - High
Tolerance of Drought - High
Crown Shape - Round
Bark - Yes
Fruit - Yes
Tolerance of Transplanting - Medium
Foliage - No
Cultivar - Yes
Hardiness Zone - 5
Tolerance of Shade - Medium
Flowers - No
Power Lines - No
Hardiness Zone - 6
Quercus cerris
Fagaceae - Beech and Oak family
Oak, Turkey | TreeBrowser

Oak, Turkey

Quercus cerris
Fagaceae - Beech and Oak family

Utah Native - Yes
Flowers - No
Hardiness Zone - 7
Tolerance of Salt - Medium
Power Lines - Yes
Longevity - Medium
Hardiness Zone - 8
Cultivar - No
Hardiness Zone - 9
Mature Height - Low
Tolerance of Transplanting - Medium
Family - Fagaceae - Beech and Oak
Tolerance of Poor Drainage - Medium
Type - Broadleaf
Tolerance of Drought - High
Tolerance of Shade - Medium
Bark - No
Foliage - Yes
Growth Rate - Low
Fruit - No
Fall Color - No
Tolerance of Alkalinity - High
Crown Shape - Shrubby
Quercus undulata
Fagaceae - Beech and Oak family
Oak, Wavyleaf | TreeBrowser

Oak, Wavyleaf

Quercus undulata
Fagaceae - Beech and Oak family

Fall Color - Yes
Fruit - No
Longevity - High
Hardiness Zone - 7
Hardiness Zone - 8
Tolerance of Drought - High
Cultivar - Yes
Tolerance of Shade - Low
Hardiness Zone - 6
Growth Rate - Medium
Tolerance of Poor Drainage - Medium
Bark - Yes
Tolerance of Transplanting - High
Crown Shape - Round
Utah Native - No
Type - Broadleaf
Family - Moraceae - Mulberry
Flowers - No
Power Lines - No
Foliage - No
Tolerance of Alkalinity - High
Mature Height - Medium
Hardiness Zone - 9
Tolerance of Salt - Medium
Hardiness Zone - 4
Hardiness Zone - 5
Maclura pomifera
Moraceae - Mulberry family
Osage-orange | TreeBrowser


Maclura pomifera
Moraceae - Mulberry family

Mature Height - Medium
Tolerance of Poor Drainage - Medium
Bark - No
Flowers - Yes
Power Lines - No
Hardiness Zone - 8
Hardiness Zone - 5
Tolerance of Drought - Medium
Foliage - No
Hardiness Zone - 4
Hardiness Zone - 6
Longevity - High
Cultivar - Yes
Tolerance of Shade - Low
Growth Rate - Medium
Tolerance of Transplanting - Medium
Family - Fabaceae - Legume
Tolerance of Salt - Medium
Fall Color - Yes
Fruit - No
Type - Broadleaf
Tolerance of Alkalinity - High
Crown Shape - Round
Hardiness Zone - 7
Utah Native - No
Sophora japonica
Fabaceae - Legume family
Pagodatree, Japanese or Scholar-tree | TreeBrowser

Pagodatree, Japanese or Scholar-tree

Sophora japonica
Fabaceae - Legume family

Power Lines - No
Hardiness Zone - 6
Type - Broadleaf
Tolerance of Shade - Medium
Hardiness Zone - 7
Hardiness Zone - 8
Utah Native - No
Longevity - High
Foliage - Yes
Fruit - No
Tolerance of Transplanting - High
Flowers - Yes
Cultivar - Yes
Hardiness Zone - 5
Tolerance of Alkalinity - High
Tolerance of Salt - Medium
Tolerance of Poor Drainage - Medium
Fall Color - Yes
Mature Height - Medium
Family - Hamamelidaceae - Witch-hazel
Growth Rate - Medium
Tolerance of Drought - High
Bark - Yes
Crown Shape - Oval
Parrotia persica
Hamamelidaceae - Witch-hazel family
Parrotia, Persian | TreeBrowser

Parrotia, Persian

Parrotia persica
Hamamelidaceae - Witch-hazel family

Foliage - Yes
Tolerance of Shade - Low
Tolerance of Alkalinity - High
Longevity - Medium
Bark - No
Utah Native - No
Type - Broadleaf
Hardiness Zone - 9
Tolerance of Poor Drainage - Medium
Hardiness Zone - 7
Family - Rosaceae - Rose
Tolerance of Drought - High
Growth Rate - Medium
Mature Height - Medium
Hardiness Zone - 5
Cultivar - Yes
Hardiness Zone - 8
Flowers - Yes
Tolerance of Salt - Medium
Tolerance of Transplanting - High
Power Lines - No
Fruit - No
Crown Shape - Pyramidal
Hardiness Zone - 6
Fall Color - Yes
Pyrus calleryana
Rosaceae - Rose family
Pear, Callery | TreeBrowser

Pear, Callery

Pyrus calleryana
Rosaceae - Rose family

Utah Native - No
Foliage - No
Tolerance of Shade - Low
Bark - No
Hardiness Zone - 4
Tolerance of Poor Drainage - Medium
Flowers - Yes
Growth Rate - Medium
Fall Color - Yes
Tolerance of Transplanting - High
Hardiness Zone - 9
Tolerance of Salt - Medium
Hardiness Zone - 8
Mature Height - Medium
Power Lines - No
Tolerance of Drought - High
Fruit - No
Tolerance of Alkalinity - High
Family - Rosaceae - Rose
Hardiness Zone - 6
Hardiness Zone - 7
Crown Shape - Round
Cultivar - Yes
Longevity - Medium
Hardiness Zone - 5
Type - Broadleaf
Pyrus communis
Rosaceae - Rose family
Pear, Common | TreeBrowser

Pear, Common

Pyrus communis
Rosaceae - Rose family

Hardiness Zone - 7
Fall Color - Yes
Flowers - Yes
Bark - No
Power Lines - No
Hardiness Zone - 3
Utah Native - No
Hardiness Zone - 5
Family - Rosaceae - Rose
Tolerance of Drought - High
Foliage - Yes
Type - Broadleaf
Tolerance of Shade - Low
Tolerance of Salt - Medium
Fruit - No
Crown Shape - Round
Longevity - Medium
Hardiness Zone - 4
Growth Rate - Medium
Tolerance of Poor Drainage - Medium
Mature Height - High
Tolerance of Transplanting - High
Tolerance of Alkalinity - High
Hardiness Zone - 6
Cultivar - No
Pyrus ussuriensis
Rosaceae - Rose family
Pear, Ussurian | TreeBrowser

Pear, Ussurian

Pyrus ussuriensis
Rosaceae - Rose family

Tolerance of Drought - Medium
Growth Rate - Medium
Power Lines - No
Hardiness Zone - 7
Hardiness Zone - 9
Tolerance of Alkalinity - High
Bark - No
Hardiness Zone - 6
Tolerance of Transplanting - Low
Foliage - Yes
Utah Native - No
Mature Height - High
Crown Shape - Round
Hardiness Zone - 8
Family - Juglandaceae - Walnut
Tolerance of Shade - Medium
Tolerance of Salt - Medium
Fruit - No
Longevity - High
Type - Broadleaf
Flowers - No
Cultivar - No
Tolerance of Poor Drainage - Medium
Hardiness Zone - 5
Fall Color - No
Carya illinoensis
Juglandaceae - Walnut family
Pecan | TreeBrowser


Carya illinoensis
Juglandaceae - Walnut family

Tolerance of Poor Drainage - Medium
Hardiness Zone - 9
Tolerance of Shade - Low
Fall Color - No
Mature Height - High
Hardiness Zone - 10
Hardiness Zone - 8
Tolerance of Alkalinity - High
Tolerance of Drought - High
Tolerance of Salt - High
Fruit - No
Bark - Yes
Cultivar - No
Growth Rate - Medium
Crown Shape - Pyramidal
Utah Native - No
Flowers - No
Power Lines - No
Longevity - High
Type - Conifer
Family - Pinaceae - Pine
Tolerance of Transplanting - Medium
Foliage - Yes
Pinus eldarica
Pinaceae - Pine family
Pine, Afghan or Mondell | TreeBrowser

Pine, Afghan or Mondell

Pinus eldarica
Pinaceae - Pine family

Fruit - No
Fall Color - No
Hardiness Zone - 8
Tolerance of Drought - High
Longevity - High
Hardiness Zone - 10
Foliage - Yes
Tolerance of Alkalinity - High
Tolerance of Shade - Low
Tolerance of Salt - High
Mature Height - Medium
Tolerance of Transplanting - Medium
Utah Native - No
Power Lines - No
Tolerance of Poor Drainage - Medium
Hardiness Zone - 9
Flowers - No
Crown Shape - Pyramidal
Cultivar - No
Growth Rate - Medium
Type - Conifer
Family - Pinaceae - Pine
Bark - No
Pinus halepensis
Pinaceae - Pine family
Pine, Aleppo | TreeBrowser

Pine, Aleppo

Pinus halepensis
Pinaceae - Pine family

Flowers - No
Hardiness Zone - 4
Hardiness Zone - 6
Tolerance of Alkalinity - High
Hardiness Zone - 3
Growth Rate - Medium
Type - Conifer
Tolerance of Transplanting - High
Bark - No
Hardiness Zone - 2
Fruit - No
Hardiness Zone - 5
Foliage - No
Longevity - Medium
Utah Native - No
Tolerance of Poor Drainage - Medium
Family - Pinaceae - Pine
Tolerance of Shade - Low
Hardiness Zone - 8
Hardiness Zone - 7
Tolerance of Drought - High
Tolerance of Salt - Medium
Fall Color - No
Crown Shape - Shrubby
Mature Height - Low
Cultivar - Yes
Power Lines - Yes
Pinus mugo
Pinaceae - Pine family
Pine, Mugo or Swiss Mountain | TreeBrowser

Pine, Mugo or Swiss Mountain

Pinus mugo
Pinaceae - Pine family

Bark - No
Power Lines - No
Family - Pinaceae - Pine
Longevity - High
Tolerance of Salt - Medium
Fall Color - No
Utah Native - No
Hardiness Zone - 5
Tolerance of Shade - Low
Growth Rate - Low
Hardiness Zone - 7
Crown Shape - Pyramidal
Mature Height - Medium
Type - Conifer
Hardiness Zone - 6
Foliage - Yes
Tolerance of Drought - Medium
Cultivar - Yes
Fruit - Yes
Hardiness Zone - 4
Tolerance of Poor Drainage - Medium
Tolerance of Alkalinity - Medium
Tolerance of Transplanting - Medium
Flowers - No
Hardiness Zone - 3
Pinus cembra
Pinaceae - Pine family
Pine, Swiss Stone | TreeBrowser

Pine, Swiss Stone

Pinus cembra
Pinaceae - Pine family

Mature Height - Medium
Family - Anacardiaceae - Cashew
Tolerance of Shade - Low
Tolerance of Alkalinity - High
Hardiness Zone - 9
Fruit - No
Crown Shape - Round
Hardiness Zone - 6
Bark - No
Tolerance of Drought - High
Longevity - High
Tolerance of Transplanting - High
Utah Native - No
Growth Rate - Medium
Hardiness Zone - 7
Type - Broadleaf
Foliage - No
Tolerance of Salt - High
Flowers - No
Power Lines - No
Tolerance of Poor Drainage - Medium
Fall Color - Yes
Cultivar - Yes
Hardiness Zone - 8
Pistacia chinensis
Anacardiaceae - Cashew family
Pistache, Chinese | TreeBrowser

Pistache, Chinese

Pistacia chinensis
Anacardiaceae - Cashew family

Foliage - Yes
Growth Rate - Low
Mature Height - Low
Hardiness Zone - 9
Type - Broadleaf
Utah Native - No
Tolerance of Alkalinity - High
Tolerance of Shade - Low
Longevity - High
Fall Color - Yes
Hardiness Zone - 7
Tolerance of Transplanting - High
Flowers - No
Family - Anacardiaceae - Cashew
Fruit - Yes
Bark - No
Hardiness Zone - 8
Tolerance of Drought - High
Hardiness Zone - 5
Tolerance of Poor Drainage - Medium
Tolerance of Salt - High
Crown Shape - Round
Power Lines - Yes
Hardiness Zone - 4
Cultivar - No
Hardiness Zone - 6
Pistacia vera
Anacardiaceae - Cashew family
Pistachio | TreeBrowser


Pistacia vera
Anacardiaceae - Cashew family

Hardiness Zone - 9
Bark - Yes
Fruit - Yes
Flowers - No
Mature Height - High
Hardiness Zone - 6
Hardiness Zone - 5
Longevity - High
Cultivar - Yes
Tolerance of Transplanting - High
Foliage - Yes
Tolerance of Alkalinity - Medium
Growth Rate - High
Hardiness Zone - 4
Tolerance of Poor Drainage - Medium
Type - Broadleaf
Tolerance of Drought - High
Family - Platanaceae - Sycamore
Power Lines - No
Tolerance of Shade - Medium
Fall Color - No
Crown Shape - Round
Utah Native - No
Tolerance of Salt - Medium
Hardiness Zone - 7
Hardiness Zone - 8
Platanus x acerifolia
Platanaceae - Sycamore family
Planetree, London | TreeBrowser

Planetree, London

Platanus x acerifolia
Platanaceae - Sycamore family

Foliage - No
Tolerance of Shade - Low
Tolerance of Poor Drainage - Medium
Fall Color - No
Hardiness Zone - 2
Tolerance of Salt - High
Tolerance of Transplanting - High
Growth Rate - High
Mature Height - High
Hardiness Zone - 5
Flowers - No
Power Lines - No
Bark - No
Longevity - Medium
Tolerance of Drought - Low
Hardiness Zone - 3
Type - Broadleaf
Hardiness Zone - 4
Cultivar - No
Crown Shape - Oval
Fruit - No
Tolerance of Alkalinity - High
Family - Salicaceae - Willow
Utah Native - Yes
Populus balsamifera
Salicaceae - Willow family
Poplar, Balsam | TreeBrowser

Poplar, Balsam

Populus balsamifera
Salicaceae - Willow family

Longevity - Medium
Hardiness Zone - 9
Crown Shape - Oval
Mature Height - High
Tolerance of Drought - Low
Fruit - No
Family - Salicaceae - Willow
Hardiness Zone - 7
Flowers - No
Fall Color - No
Growth Rate - High
Hardiness Zone - 6
Cultivar - Yes
Hardiness Zone - 5
Power Lines - No
Tolerance of Shade - Low
Hardiness Zone - 3
Type - Broadleaf
Utah Native - No
Foliage - No
Bark - No
Hardiness Zone - 4
Tolerance of Alkalinity - High
Tolerance of Transplanting - High
Hardiness Zone - 8
Tolerance of Salt - High
Tolerance of Poor Drainage - Medium
Populus x canadensis
Salicaceae - Willow family
Poplar, Carolina and Other Hybrids | TreeBrowser

Poplar, Carolina and Other Hybrids

Populus x canadensis
Salicaceae - Willow family

Hardiness Zone - 9
Foliage - No
Fall Color - Yes
Hardiness Zone - 4
Power Lines - No
Hardiness Zone - 6
Type - Broadleaf
Hardiness Zone - 5
Hardiness Zone - 7
Tolerance of Drought - Low
Fruit - No
Hardiness Zone - 8
Tolerance of Shade - Low
Crown Shape - Columnar
Family - Salicaceae - Willow
Tolerance of Alkalinity - High
Tolerance of Poor Drainage - Medium
Tolerance of Transplanting - High
Mature Height - High
Cultivar - Yes
Flowers - No
Utah Native - No
Tolerance of Salt - High
Growth Rate - High
Bark - No
Hardiness Zone - 3
Longevity - Low
Populus nigra 'Italica'
Salicaceae - Willow family
Poplar, Lombardy | TreeBrowser

Poplar, Lombardy

Populus nigra 'Italica'
Salicaceae - Willow family

Utah Native - No
Hardiness Zone - 8
Hardiness Zone - 5
Fruit - No
Fall Color - No
Crown Shape - Oval
Power Lines - No
Hardiness Zone - 4
Longevity - High
Tolerance of Transplanting - High
Tolerance of Poor Drainage - Medium
Foliage - Yes
Hardiness Zone - 3
Hardiness Zone - 7
Mature Height - High
Cultivar - Yes
Tolerance of Salt - High
Flowers - No
Tolerance of Alkalinity - High
Bark - Yes
Family - Salicaceae - Willow
Tolerance of Shade - Low
Type - Broadleaf
Hardiness Zone - 9
Growth Rate - High
Tolerance of Drought - Medium
Hardiness Zone - 6
Populus alba
Salicaceae - Willow family
Poplar, White | TreeBrowser

Poplar, White

Populus alba
Salicaceae - Willow family

Growth Rate - Medium
Fruit - Yes
Tolerance of Drought - Low
Utah Native - No
Hardiness Zone - 7
Tolerance of Shade - Medium
Cultivar - Yes
Tolerance of Poor Drainage - Medium
Bark - Yes
Hardiness Zone - 8
Longevity - High
Mature Height - High
Family - Taxodiaceae - Redwood
Tolerance of Transplanting - Medium
Hardiness Zone - 6
Fall Color - No
Power Lines - No
Tolerance of Salt - Low
Flowers - No
Foliage - Yes
Crown Shape - Pyramidal
Type - Conifer
Tolerance of Alkalinity - Medium
Sequoiadendron giganteum
Taxodiaceae - Redwood family
Sequoia, Giant | TreeBrowser

Sequoia, Giant

Sequoiadendron giganteum
Taxodiaceae - Redwood family

Cultivar - No
Bark - No
Tolerance of Poor Drainage - Medium
Longevity - High
Crown Shape - Oval
Tolerance of Shade - Low
Type - Broadleaf
Mature Height - Medium
Power Lines - No
Fruit - Yes
Tolerance of Transplanting - Medium
Hardiness Zone - 9
Hardiness Zone - 7
Foliage - No
Hardiness Zone - 6
Growth Rate - Medium
Utah Native - No
Family - Sapindaceae - Soapberry
Tolerance of Drought - High
Hardiness Zone - 8
Tolerance of Salt - Low
Flowers - Yes
Tolerance of Alkalinity - Medium
Fall Color - Yes
Sapindus drummondii
Sapindaceae - Soapberry family
Soapberry, Western | TreeBrowser

Soapberry, Western

Sapindus drummondii
Sapindaceae - Soapberry family

Power Lines - No
Tolerance of Drought - Medium
Longevity - Medium
Tolerance of Poor Drainage - Medium
Foliage - No
Family - Ericaceae - Heath
Flowers - Yes
Type - Broadleaf
Tolerance of Alkalinity - Medium
Mature Height - Medium
Cultivar - Yes
Hardiness Zone - 6
Fall Color - Yes
Crown Shape - Pyramidal
Utah Native - No
Tolerance of Salt - Medium
Tolerance of Transplanting - Medium
Tolerance of Shade - High
Hardiness Zone - 5
Hardiness Zone - 9
Hardiness Zone - 8
Growth Rate - Low
Hardiness Zone - 7
Fruit - Yes
Bark - Yes
Oxydendrum arboreum
Ericaceae - Heath family
Sourwood | TreeBrowser


Oxydendrum arboreum
Ericaceae - Heath family

Power Lines - No
Hardiness Zone - 6
Hardiness Zone - 2
Hardiness Zone - 4
Type - Conifer
Tolerance of Shade - Medium
Tolerance of Alkalinity - Medium
Foliage - Yes
Longevity - High
Fall Color - No
Tolerance of Transplanting - Medium
Tolerance of Salt - Low
Flowers - No
Mature Height - High
Hardiness Zone - 3
Fruit - Yes
Crown Shape - Pyramidal
Growth Rate - Medium
Cultivar - Yes
Hardiness Zone - 7
Family - Pinaceae - Pine
Utah Native - No
Tolerance of Drought - Medium
Tolerance of Poor Drainage - Medium
Bark - No
Hardiness Zone - 5
Picea abies
Pinaceae - Pine family
Spruce, Norway | TreeBrowser

Spruce, Norway

Picea abies
Pinaceae - Pine family

Growth Rate - Low
Tolerance of Alkalinity - Medium
Foliage - Yes
Fruit - No
Utah Native - No
Family - Sciadopityaceae - Umbrella-pine
Flowers - No
Fall Color - No
Cultivar - Yes
Power Lines - No
Type - Conifer
Hardiness Zone - 5
Crown Shape - Pyramidal
Hardiness Zone - 6
Tolerance of Drought - Medium
Longevity - High
Bark - Yes
Tolerance of Poor Drainage - Medium
Tolerance of Shade - Medium
Tolerance of Salt - Low
Tolerance of Transplanting - Medium
Hardiness Zone - 7
Mature Height - Medium
Sciadopitys verticillata major
Sciadopityaceae - Umbrella-pine family
Umbrella-pine or Japanese Umbrella-pine | TreeBrowser

Umbrella-pine or Japanese Umbrella-pine

Sciadopitys verticillata major
Sciadopityaceae - Umbrella-pine family

Tolerance of Alkalinity - High
Bark - No
Family - Juglandaceae - Walnut
Longevity - High
Type - Broadleaf
Hardiness Zone - 8
Tolerance of Salt - Medium
Tolerance of Shade - Low
Growth Rate - Low
Flowers - No
Power Lines - No
Foliage - Yes
Tolerance of Poor Drainage - Medium
Fall Color - No
Tolerance of Transplanting - Low
Utah Native - No
Fruit - No
Mature Height - Medium
Tolerance of Drought - High
Cultivar - No
Hardiness Zone - 7
Crown Shape - Oval
Juglans major
Juglandaceae - Walnut family
Walnut, Arizona | TreeBrowser

Walnut, Arizona

Juglans major
Juglandaceae - Walnut family

Hardiness Zone - 6
Growth Rate - Medium
Mature Height - High
Cultivar - Yes
Tolerance of Poor Drainage - Medium
Hardiness Zone - 5
Tolerance of Alkalinity - High
Longevity - High
Foliage - Yes
Hardiness Zone - 9
Hardiness Zone - 8
Type - Broadleaf
Bark - No
Tolerance of Salt - Medium
Fruit - No
Tolerance of Transplanting - Low
Flowers - No
Fall Color - Yes
Hardiness Zone - 4
Family - Juglandaceae - Walnut
Power Lines - No
Tolerance of Drought - Medium
Crown Shape - Oval
Tolerance of Shade - Low
Utah Native - No
Hardiness Zone - 7
Juglans nigra
Juglandaceae - Walnut family
Walnut, Black | TreeBrowser

Walnut, Black

Juglans nigra
Juglandaceae - Walnut family

Tolerance of Salt - Medium
Growth Rate - Medium
Mature Height - High
Tolerance of Drought - Medium
Cultivar - Yes
Tolerance of Shade - Low
Fruit - No
Power Lines - No
Tolerance of Transplanting - Low
Utah Native - No
Hardiness Zone - 4
Flowers - No
Type - Broadleaf
Bark - No
Hardiness Zone - 8
Hardiness Zone - 7
Tolerance of Alkalinity - High
Fall Color - No
Longevity - High
Foliage - Yes
Hardiness Zone - 6
Crown Shape - Round
Tolerance of Poor Drainage - Medium
Family - Juglandaceae - Walnut
Hardiness Zone - 5
Juglans regia
Juglandaceae - Walnut family
Walnut, English or Persian | TreeBrowser

Walnut, English or Persian

Juglans regia
Juglandaceae - Walnut family

Family - Magnoliaceae - Magnolia
Flowers - Yes
Tolerance of Alkalinity - Medium
Tolerance of Poor Drainage - Medium
Hardiness Zone - 4
Tolerance of Transplanting - Medium
Tolerance of Shade - Medium
Growth Rate - High
Fall Color - Yes
Hardiness Zone - 8
Hardiness Zone - 6
Type - Broadleaf
Longevity - High
Bark - No
Foliage - Yes
Hardiness Zone - 7
Mature Height - High
Hardiness Zone - 5
Hardiness Zone - 9
Tolerance of Drought - Medium
Tolerance of Salt - Low
Crown Shape - Oval
Fruit - Yes
Utah Native - No
Power Lines - No
Cultivar - Yes
Liriodendron tulipifera
Magnoliaceae - Magnolia family
Yellow-poplar | TreeBrowser


Liriodendron tulipifera
Magnoliaceae - Magnolia family

Tolerance of Alkalinity - High
Tolerance of Shade - Medium
Hardiness Zone - 7
Tolerance of Transplanting - Medium
Cultivar - Yes
Tolerance of Poor Drainage - Medium
Hardiness Zone - 5
Flowers - Yes
Family - Fabaceae - Legume
Growth Rate - Medium
Fall Color - Yes
Mature Height - High
Utah Native - No
Bark - Yes
Fruit - Yes
Type - Broadleaf
Hardiness Zone - 4
Hardiness Zone - 8
Longevity - Medium
Hardiness Zone - 6
Tolerance of Drought - Medium
Power Lines - No
Crown Shape - Round
Foliage - Yes
Tolerance of Salt - Medium
Cladrastis kentukea (lutea)
Fabaceae - Legume family
Yellowwood | TreeBrowser


Cladrastis kentukea (lutea)
Fabaceae - Legume family