Maple, Sycamore
Acer pseudoplatanus
Aceraceae - Maple


Leaves: Opposite; simple; 5 lobed with many rounded teeth; 3" to 6" wide; deciduous; dark green above and lighter beneath, with some pubescence on veins; leathery; petiole 2" to 4" long; yellow to brown fall color.

Twigs/buds: Twigs with prominent lenticels; glabrous; brown; slightly four-angled. Buds remain green throughout the winter.

Flowers/fruit: Monoecious. Fruit a samara; 1-1/4" to 2" long; wings angled at about 60 degrees from one another; fall maturing.

Bark: Gray and reddish-brown to orange; scaly, flaking off and exposing orange inner bark.

Wood: Used to make musical instruments; little information available.

General: Native to Europe and western Asia. Tolerates a wide variety of soil and environmental conditions, including considerable salt tolerance. Intolerant to moderately shade tolerant.

Landscape Use: A large tree somewhat similar to Norway maple. Heavily planted in Europe and very adaptable. I have seen it doing well in older parts of Salt Lake City and in Utah County. Needs considerable pruning to keep it in good shape. Zones 4-7.

Cultivars: 'Atropurpureum', 'Brilliantissimum', 'Erectum', 'Erythrocarpum', 'Leopoldii', 'Prinz Handjery', f. variegatum, 'Worley'.



Family Aceraceae - Maple
Cultivar Availability Yes
Hardiness Zone 4-7
Type Broadleaf
Utah Native No


Growth Rate Medium
Mature Height High
Longevity High
Is Good Under Power Lines No
Crown Shapes Oval


Bark No
Fall Color No
Flowers No
Foliage Yes
Fruit Yes


Shade Medium
Salt High
Drought High
Poor Drainage Medium
Alkalinity High
Transplanting Medium