Malus species
Rosaceae - Rose


See also apple description and illustrations

Leaves: Similar to apple, but some species/cultivars have lobed leaves and undersides of leaves may or may not be hairy.

Twigs/buds: Twigs red-brown; somewhat woolly; characteristic sweet taste. Terminal bud woolly (particularly at tip), blunt; lateral buds similar but smaller; round.

Flowers/fruit: Flowers perfect; similar to apple; sometimes doubled (with extra sets of petals); cultivars available with white, pink, red, or purplish flowers. Fruit a red, yellow, orange, or green pome; mostly smaller than apple, 1/4" to 2" diameter, depending on cultivar.

Bark: Variable; often smooth early on; gray-brown, shiny, thin, and scaly on older trunks.

Wood: Heartwood reddish-gray; sapwood light-red; darker when steamed; wild trees probably better than cultivated varieties; hard, difficult to work and split; easy to stain and polish; used to make furniture, toys, tool handles, canes, and pianos.

General: Crabapples are a confusing group of trees from a horticultural or botanical standpoint. They consist of several species and hundreds of cultivars from all over the world. The most concise definition I have seen, by Michael Dirr, is that if the fruit is 2" in diameter or less it is a crabapple; if more than 2" it is an apple. Shade intolerant. Fruit and/or plant part can be nuisances; use fruitless varieties if possible. Sucker (sprout) growth can be a problem.

Landscape Use: Crabapples are extremely valuable from an ornamental standpoint, making excellent small to medium-sized landscape trees. They vary widely, however, in their disease resistance, ornamental characteristics, and size. For a very complete discussion of crabapples, see Dirr's 1990 Manual of Woody Landscape Plants. Also Kuhns' Trees of Utah book has a table on crabapples for Utah. Zones 3-9.

Cultivars: Numerous varieties.



Family Rosaceae - Rose
Cultivar Availability Yes
Hardiness Zone 3-9
Type Broadleaf
Utah Native No


Growth Rate Medium
Mature Height Low
Longevity Medium
Is Good Under Power Lines Yes
Crown Shapes Rounded


Bark No
Fall Color No
Flowers Yes
Foliage Yes
Fruit Yes


Shade Low
Salt High
Drought Medium
Poor Drainage Medium
Alkalinity High
Transplanting High