Sewing, Textile, & Home Arts

What's Your Next Project?

The USU Extension Sewing, Textiles, and Home Arts Program is designed to empower adults through hands-on learning in sewing, textiles, and home arts. This program provides valuable skills and fosters creativity while promoting personal growth and community engagement.

Program Information

Patterns & Education

Annual Sewing Conferences

Counties Served
  • Emery
  • Wasatch
  • Washington

  • Utah State Board of Education (Family & Consumer Science)


Social Media


Why Sewing Conference?
As many school and 4-H clothing/textile related programs began to dissolve throughout Utah, University faculty recognized a lack of understanding of the relevance of sewing skills as well as a lack of resources for 4-H leaders, volunteers, and family and consumer science (FCS) teachers.  In an effort to revitalize the programs and offer knowledge building trainings, Utah State University developed the USU Clothing and Textile Training – a two day conference following the experiential learning model and offering a myriad of classes to empower 4-H leaders, volunteers, and FCS teachers. 

Program Leadership


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If you have updates to this page, please contact Jocelin Gibson at