July 15, 2024

Exciting Black Top Games for Kids and Families 

kids playing blacktop games

When it comes to fun and physical activity, black top games offer a perfect solution for kids and families. These games are ideal for outdoor play on asphalt surfaces, such as driveways, playgrounds, and schoolyards. Let's dive into some exciting black top games that can bring joy, exercise, and quality time to families.

Four Square


  1. Setup: Draw a large square divided into four smaller squares. Number them 1 to 4. 
  2. Players: 4 players, one in each square. 
  3. Objective: Players aim to move up to the highest-ranked square (Square 1) and stay there. 
  4. Gameplay: 
    • The player in Square 1 serves the ball by bouncing it in their square and hitting it towards another square. 
    • The receiving player must let the ball bounce once in their square before hitting it to another square. 
    • If a player fails to hit the ball into another square or lets it bounce more than once, they are out and move to the lowest square. 
    • Other players move up to fill the vacant square



  1. Setup: Draw a hopscotch pattern with numbered squares (typically 1 to 10) on the blacktop. 
  2. Players: Any number of players can participate. 
  3. Objective: Complete the hopscotch course by hopping on one foot through the numbered squares. 
  4. Gameplay: 
    • Players take turns tossing a small object (like a stone) onto the numbered squares. 
    • The object must land in the correct square without bouncing out. 
    • Players then hop through the squares on one foot, skipping the square with the object. 
    • Upon reaching the end, the player turns and hops back, picking up the object on the way. 

Chalk Obstacle Course


  1. Setup: Use chalk to draw a fun obstacle course with various challenges like zigzags, hop-on-one-foot sections, and circles for spinning. 
  2. Players: Any number of players can join. 
  3. Objective: Complete the course as quickly as possible. 
  4. Gameplay: 
    • Players take turns navigating the course, following the drawn instructions. 
    • Each player is timed, and the fastest time wins. 
    • Add challenges like balance beams (a straight line to walk on) or jumping jacks sections for extra fun. 

Hula Hoop Relay


  1. Setup: Place hula hoops in a straight line or zigzag pattern. 
  2. Players: Divide into two or more teams. 
  3. Objective: Be the first team to complete the relay. 
  4. Gameplay: 
    • Players take turns hopping from hoop to hoop. 
    • Each player must complete the course before the next player starts. 
    • The first team to have all members complete the course wins. 

Shadow Tag


  1. Setup: No specific setup is required, just a sunny day! 
  2. Players: 3 or more players. 
  3. Objective: Tag other players by stepping on their shadows. 
  4. Gameplay: 
    • One player is chosen as "It." 
    • "It" tries to tag other players by stepping on their shadows. 
    • Once tagged, the player becomes the new "It." 

Basketball Knockout/ Lightning


  1. Setup: A basketball hoop and two basketballs are needed. 
  2. Players: 3 or more players. 
  3. Objective: Knock out other players by scoring a basket before them. 
  4. Gameplay: 
    • Players line up a single file behind the free-throw line. 
    • The first two players start with a basketball each. 
    • The first player shoots; if they miss, they must quickly retrieve the ball and score. 
    • The second player can shoot as soon as the first player takes their shot. 
    • If the second player scores before the first, the first player is knocked out. 
    • The game continues until one player remains. 


Blacktop games provide a wonderful opportunity for families to engage in physical activity, foster teamwork, and create lasting memories. Whether it's the strategic play of Four Square, the rhythmic hopping of Hopscotch, or the cooperative challenge of a Chalk Obstacle Course, these games are sure to bring fun and fitness to any outdoor gathering. 

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