How a Gratitude Journal Can Help Limit Stress as a Parent
Research shows that the overall well-being of parents has a direct impact on the well-being and development of their child. Keeping a gratitude journal is one of those small things that can help you feel less stressed! Gratitude is acknowledging the good
Retirement: Making the Transition as a Couple
While retirement can and should be a joyous period, it can also bring contention and changes to marital relationships. Research shows that couple satisfaction often increases in retirement years, but also shows that there is a transition period that can
Healing the Wounds of Resentment
Resentment in relationships could potentially be traced back to feeling we have been mistreated, neglected, or taken advantage of. As a result of such strong feelings, the positive emotions of love and trust can weaken.
Anxiety: Understanding and Managing It
Anxiety is one of the most common mental health diagnoses, and the National Alliance on Mental Illness estimates that 48 million people experience one of the several types of anxiety disorders at some point in their lives.
How Can I Foster a Growth Mindset in my ADHD Kids?
“Studies show that the average child with ADHD has one to two negative interactions per minute with parents, peers, and teachers if you extrapolate, that’s half a million negative interactions a year,”
6 Simple ways the Strengthen your Relationship
Having children is great, but about 67% of new parents experience a drop in marital satisfaction after a new birth of a child. So, with so many things going on, what can you do to nourish your relationship with your spouse?
Managing Strong Emotions in Relationships
Though emotions are extremely beneficial for connecting, it is also important to remember that emotions can have just as much of a negative effect as a positive effect in a relationship.
Cultivating Patience
It is easy to lose patience in daily hassles, interpersonal relationships, and life hardships. Patience helps us achieve our goals, improves relationships, and improves wellbeing. It might be easy to recognize that patience improves wellbeing, but it is h
How to Relax After a Stressful Day
Here are some calming practices you can try at the end of a stressful day to calm your mind and body. This will reduce the negative impacts stress can have on your health and relationships.
The Benefits of Adult Friendships
Adults often find it more difficult to develop new friendships or maintain existing friendships. However, you are never too old, and it is never too late to reach out to old friends or make new friends.
Building Family Relationships Through Volunteering
Family volunteer projects are a powerful way to build family relationships by accomplishing a common goal together. Family volunteering provides members a way to grow relationships as they learn more about each other, see each other giving service, and h
Practicing Mindfulness
In a busy world with instant access to technology and constant stimulation, it has never been more important to slow down and live in the present moment, or in other words, to be mindful.
Preparing for Holidays with the in-laws
To curtail uncomfortable situations during the holiday season it pays to be prepared. The following suggestions will help you establish guidelines that can give you confidence as you face the holidays.
Tech Toys for Christmas
Each holiday season brings with it a new fancy game or tech gadget that is requested by children. Whether it is the latest model of a cell phone or the newest gaming system, or even the highest ‘learning’ games for your toddlers, when it comes to technolo