Other Regulations

Permitted Utah facilities should use the approved Nutrient Management Plan (NMP) template (below). Other regulations and guidances to consider when planning a livestock facility, developing a Nutrient Management Plan, and/or obtaining a CAFO/AFO permit are also listed. NRCS Conservation Practice Standards are often incorporated in federal & state regulations.
Nutrient Management Plan Template
General Resources
- Lagoon and Runoff Pond Liner Requirements
- Construction Permits
- Ground Water Permits
- Mortality Composting
- NRCS Guidelines: Nutrient Management Standard PDF
Resources for Developing Nutrient Management Plans
- NRCS Practice Standard 313 - Waste Storage Facility
- NRCS Practice Standard 316 - Animal Mortality Facility
- NRCS Practice Standard 329 - Residue & Tillage Management, No-Till
- NRCS Practice Standard 330 - Contour Farming
- NRCS Practice Standard 332 - Contour Buffer Strips
- NRCS Practice Standard 340 - Cover Crop
- NRCS Practice Standard 345 - Residue & Tillage Management, Reduced Till
- NRCS Practice Standard 360 - Waste Facility Closure
- NRCS Practice Standard 386 - Field Border
- NRCS Practice Standard 393 - Filter Strip
- NRCS Practice Standard 447 - Irrigation System, Tailwater Recovery
- NRCS Practice Standard 561 - Heavy Use Area Protection
- NRCS Practice Standard 590 - Nutrient Management
- NRCS Practice Standard 600 - Terrace
- NRCS Practice Standard 629 - Waste Treatment
- NRCS Practice Standard 632 - Waste Separation Facility
- NRCS Practice Standard 634 - Waste Transfer
- NRCS Practice Standard 635 - Vegetated Treatment Area
- NRCS Practice Standard 656 - Constructed Wetland
- USU Calibrating and Operating Manure Spreaders
- USU Lab Guidelines for Sampling Manure
- Utah Animal Feedlot Runoff Risk Assessment tool (UAFRRI)
- Utah Fertilizer Guide
- Utah Guidance for Constructing Liquid Waste Storage
- Utah Manure Application Risk Index (UMARI)