Lagoon and Runoff Pond Liner Requirements

Lagoon with liner

Liners are required to minimize seepage of wastewater through the bottom of a lagoon or runoff pond to protect the quality and beneficial uses of ground water.

The NRCS liner criteria tables should be used to determine the appropriate liner for and wastewater lagoon of pond.  Site-specific subsurface information is needed such as a soil profile of the unsaturated zone, depth of water table, background water quality (dissolved solids/ nitrates).

The depth of one soil exploration must be at least four feet below the final elevation of the lagoon or pond bottom, and the season high water table must be at least two feet below the lagoon or pond bottom.  Structural stability and the proposed lagoon dimensions must be elevated based on these findings.

Liner Criteria

Liner Criteria tables were published in Utah NRCS Conservation Practice Standard 313.  Waste Storage Facility (August 2006).  The Division of Water Quality incorporated the NRCS liner criteria tables in the rule by reference in UAC R317-1 for Construction Permits and R317-6 for Ground Water Discharge Permits.

The majority of lagoon and pond design requirements can be found in the latest edition of the NRCS Agricultural Waste Management Field Handbook.  In addition, the Utah Guidence for Construction Liquid Waste Storage Facilities for Animal Feeding Operations can be obtained from the Ground Water Protection Homepage.