Equine Extension Publications
Preventing and Managing Gastric Ulcer Syndrome
Current industry trends regarding equine management practices largely contribute to the development of equine gastric ulcer syndrome (EGUS). Research on effective medical management exists; however, we lack studies on the efficacy of equine-welfare-minded...
Managing Equine Metabolic Syndrome
Equine metabolic syndrome (EMS) is a relatively new disease that we are still learning about. There are many things to investigate when dealing with a new disease: causes, predispositions, symptoms, secondary issues, treatments, and prevention. Because ch...
So, You’re Going on a Trail Ride
Horse trail rides are unique and enriching experiences for people of all ages. These serene journeys through nature provide an opportunity to connect with horses, appreciate their gentle nature, and develop a deeper understanding of their role in our live...
Equine Navicular Syndrome
Equine navicular syndrome greatly affects the horse industry by accounting for up to one-third of all chronic forelimb lamenesses. While the exact cause and development of this disease are still widely controversial, there are noticeable and significant c...
Utah Brand Inspections for Horses
Owning a horse can be an exciting endeavor. Horse-related activities have proven to be beneficial both for physical and mental health.
Aging Horses by Their Teeth
Being able to pinpoint age within a fairly narrow range can be of use to owners of unregistered horses or horses whose age is unknown for any reason. Many health and nutrition management decisions are directly related to age and dental wear, making it eve...
Helmets, Heads, and Health for Horse Enthusiasts
Accidents are likely when rider/horse partnerships are not equal or the horse reacts unexpectedly.
Horse Safety: “It’s Just Good Sense”
Utahns experience a significantly higher rate of horse related injuries than our counterparts in other western states. In Utah horses account for 58% of all documented agricultural injuries, and tend to produce more serious injuries than other causes. Hor...
Selecting a Saddle to Fit the Rider
So you have the brand new horse, now you need to find a saddle. Finding the proper saddle that fits the rider is very important. A correctly fitting saddle will aid the rider in maintaining a proper position in the saddle, ideal leg position and will be c...
Bitting the Horse: Snaffles
As horses are introduced to carrying a saddle and rider, they are also introduced to carrying a bit. The horse’s teeth should be evaluated prior to bitting. Points and hooks should be filed and wolf teeth should be removed. Wolf teeth are small, shallowro...
Daily Horse Observations for Horse Owners
When responsible for a horse, an owner must be very observant. Knowing what is normal and what is not for each individual horse can alert the owner or caretaker to a problem before it becomes a big issue. Owners that have a routine, which can be followed ...
Equine Piroplasmosis
Equine Piroplasmosis (EP) is a tick-borne disease also referred to as babesiosis or theileriosis. This disease can affect horses, donkeys, mules, and zebras. Theileria equi and Babesia caballi are the causative parasitic agents of this disease which is sp...
Equine First Aid Information Flipbook
The USU Extension Equine First Aid Information flipbook was developed for horse owners to keep important contact and first aid information together in one place. Users are encouraged to download the PDF, cut out the individual pages, and bind together wit...
Poisonous Plants and Equine
Poisonous plants can be found in almost all plant communities. Like most other species of livestock, equine/horses will not usually choose to consume weeds or poisonous plants when quality forages are available.
Equine Dental Care
Just as people visit the dentist on a regular basis to maintain proper dental health, horses also require regular dental care. Horses should have at least annual dental check-ups to maintain proper alignment and remove points and hooks.
Biosecurity at Equine Events: Event Committee Guidelines
Equine events have the potential for the perfect storm of equine disease spread. Horse’s immune systems are stressed by travel and competition, horses are comingled in close quarters, and various bacteria and viruses are brought from different locations. ...
Fecal Egg Count Tests Improve Deworming Programs
Management of internal parasites is an important aspect of horse health care, as parasites can harm the horse. These parasites include Ascarids, Strongyles, tape worms and bots.
Equine Immunity, Vaccination Guidelines, and Recommendations
Animals are constantly exposed to disease pathogens. Vaccines are used as a tool to minimize the effect infectious diseases have on the animals through selectively manipulating the immune system. Vaccines have the ability to stimulate a more specific acti...
Intrastate and Interstate Travel Requirements for Horses
Life and traveling with horses on public roads can be exciting. For first-time horse owners, many laws and requirements can be perplexing, confusing, and frustrating. However, when understood, it is easy to see that these laws and requirements are designe...
Inspecting and Buying a New or Used Saddle
Whether purchasing a new or used saddle, several aspects should be evaluated. To determine if the saddle is sturdy and well-made some aspects to check to include the leather, stitching, metal fittings, and tree.
Trail Ride First Aid for Horses
Horses can be a wonderful way to experience the beautiful land in which we live. They can be willing partners as they carry us to explore the surrounding hills, valleys, rivers, mountains, and country side. Horses are strong and powerful animals but, they...
Proper Basic Hoof Care
Equine hoof care is too often “out of sight, out of mind.” However, horse owners must realize that for maximum horse health and longevity, through hoof and leg soundness, regular hoof care is a must. This publication addresses the needs and procedures for...
Equine Nutrition: Forages
The following section on digestion will help horse owners understand the importance of feeding quality forages to insure proper feeding and care of their horses.
Foal Hoof Care: When and How Often to Trim?
There are many steps that need to be taken at foaling time and shortly thereafter to optimize mare and foal health, vigor, and longevity.
Equine Nutrition: Concentrates
Concentrates (grain) should be considered only as supplements to good quality hay. In general, a mature horse does not require the energy that would be provided by concentrate type feeds (grains/sweet feeds, pelleted feed, etc.) unless the horse is used f...
Time to Say Goodbye (Equine Euthanasia)
As hard as it is to say goodbye, many horse owners eventually have to make the decision to euthanize their horse. This choice is often the result of a carefully thought out decision made after a long and productive life of a good friend. However, sometime...
Caring for Horses in Cold Weather
During dark winter months, we often start to worry about our horses being outside in the cold. How do they stay warm? Horses adapt very well to colder weather. During the fall months, as temperatures cool gradually, horses begin to add additional fat and ...
Requisitos para el Viaje de Caballos Dentro del Estado de Utah y de un Estado a otro
Vivir y viajar con caballos en caminos/carreteras públicas puede ser emocionante. Para quienes son dueños de caballos por primera vez, muchas leyes y requerimientos pueden ser desconcertantes, confusos, y frustrantes. Sin embargo, luego de entender, es fá...
Buying Your First Horse
Buying a horse can be quite a task for the first time horse buyer. It is very beneficial for the buyer to have some horse experience prior to ownership, perhaps by working at a stable or by taking riding lessons. Prior experience with horse management and...