USU Extension Box Elder County 4-H

Box Elder County Office

Enroll in 4-H at


In 4‑H programs, youth complete hands-on projects in areas like health, science, agriculture and civic engagement in a positive environment where they receive guidance from adult mentors and are encouraged to take on proactive leadership roles. Click below to view some of the Box Elder County 4-H programming. 

See Schedule

Youth Leadership

The County Leadership Programs host 4-H members who work cooperatively with the County Extension Staff in planning and implementing County 4-H Events. This level of leadership sets youth apart and is a resume builder. 4-H Leadership provides youth with growth opportunities and social expansion. 

4-H County Leadership

Market Livestock & Poultry 

The 4-H and FFA junior livestock & Poultry programs in Box Elder County provide an excellent opportunity to teach youth about poultry, livestock husbandry, work ethic, responsibility as well as interaction with other people and fair play.

Program Details

County Fair

Learn how 4-H youth can participate in the county fair, include the fair book, small animal forms and more!

Welcome to the 2024 Box Elder County Fair! 

County Fair Resources

Summer Camp Banner

Box Elder County Horse Programs