Discover 4-H Clubs
Complete the form request and we'll email you the Discover 4-H curriculum. Upon completion of the form, you will be emailed the curriculum.
Click Here to Download! For Utah Residents Only: Discover Kits for CheckoutIf you are home-bound due to COVID-19, the curriculum highlighted in green (same as this alert box) is curriculum that you are likely to be able to do with resources already found in your home.
Find more USU Extension COVID-19 resources.
Stay at Home ResourcesAvailable Discover 4-H Curriculum
Choose from the below available Discover 4-H Curriculum!
For the Sustainable You! Curriculum and Resources, click here.
Sustainable You!
Sustainable You! Summer Camp was designed to help youth understand what it means to be sustainable through fun, interactive activities based around the five major areas of sustainability: land, air, food, energy, and water. The camp is broken down into five days, each based around one of the 5 themes. This camp is written for grades 4-6 (ages 9-12) but could be adapted for all ages.
*Please Note: When new guides are posted, a new submission form will need to be submitted in order to receive access to new guides.