Utah Junior Turkey Show

What is the UJTS?
The Turkey Program provides an opportunity for youth to experience the poultry production industry from start to finish. At the end of the project the youth will have freshly processed turkeys just in time for Thanksgiving. Utah's State Junior Turkey Show is unique in that 4-H and FFA members raise their birds to market age just like other shows, but then the birds are processed in a state-inspected poultry processing plant, cooled in stainless steel tanks, and judged for quality and conformation. The top 30 toms and 30 hens from the judging and the heaviest tom and hen are then sold at the Utah State Junior Turkey Auction. Many of the remaining birds are often sold at participating county auctions. Youth are required to submit a 4-H or FFA record book on their turkey project and are eligible to compete for cash prizes and scholarships sponsored by the show.
UJTS Website
Important Dates for Box Elder Couty Participants
- State Show bird processing Nov 14-15th
- State Show & Auction Saturday November 16th
- County Procressing Dates on UJTS website
- County Show & Auction November 26th (Share This Flier With Buyers)
4-H Portfolio Information
For those that would like your record books or portfolios judged for competition and awards please see the following information. 4-H Portfolios to be judged must be submitted online in order to be judged and entered into the 4-H portfolio contest. No paper portfolios will be accepted. To submit your Utah 4-H Portfolio for the Utah State Turkey Show click HERE. Portfolios improperly submitted will not be eligible for awardsTurkey Cooking Instructions
Treat your Turkey Right - Keep your family safe! Poultry causes the greatest number of food borne illnesses and hospitalizations every year Contamination by raw poultry (turkey especially) and under cooking are the biggest causes of these illnesses. Most of the food borne illnesses caused by bacteria in turkey occur in November and December. Chilling and Cooking turkey correctly can PREVENT most food borne illnesses Safety Tips: Keep your bird cold, below 40 degrees. Check the temperature in your refrigerator to make sure it is cold enough. Freeze your turkey if you aren’t going to cook it within 2 DAYS from slaughter. Turkey will keep for 1 year in the freezer. Thaw turkey in the fridge, NEVER leave it at room temperature. For every 4 pounds it will take 24 hours to thaw your turkey: 4 pounds – 1 day, 8 pounds – 2 days, 12 pounds – 3 days, 16 pounds – 4 days. Keep raw turkey away from other foods, thaw turkey in a pan to contain dripping juices. Clean and sanitize pans, cutting boards, counters, knifes, and other utensils that touched the raw turkey before you use them for other foods. DO NOT wash turkey before cooking it. There is no need to wash the turkey in your sink, cooking will kill the bacteria AND you avoid getting bacteria in your sink, on your counters, and on you! Cook turkey completely, USE A THERMOMETER to make sure turkey is completely cooked. Turkey should be 165⁰ in the thickest part of the breast and leg. Don’t forget the stuffing if you stuff your bird, it needs to be 165⁰ in the center of the stuffing. Refrigerate leftover turkey as soon as possible, if it sits out from longer than 2 HOURS throw it out!