Kaysville Ponds and Nature Trails
The Kaysville Ponds were established in 1995 with the purpose of creating an urban fishery, accommodating stormwater for the city, improving water quality, and providing a space for educational opportunities about wetlands.
Wetlands play an important role in our community. They provide ecological, social, and economic benefits. Wetlands offer habitat for fish and other wildlife, protection from floods, and filter our water before it heads to the Great Salt Lake. Learn more about wetlands here.
Feel free to enjoy the ponds by fishing, using non-motorized water crafts (e.g. canoes, kayaks, stand up paddle boards) and using the trails for a stroll, jogging, or taking your dog for a walk while on leash. It’s a wonderful place to view wildlife, have a picnic, or just pause to enjoy the sights and sounds of nature.
The ponds and trails at the USU Botanical Center are open to the public seven days a week from dawn to dusk.