USU Extension
Weber County Office
Monday - Friday 8:00 a.m.- 5:00 p.m.
What is USU Extension?
With offices covering Utah's 29 counties, Utah State University Extension provides research-based community education, resources and programs in the areas of agriculture and natural resources; business and community; food, health, and wellness; home, finance, and relationships; and 4-H and youth.Weber County Resources
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How We Can Help
USU Extension offers expertise and pertinent information specific to the needs of our county
Weber County Gardening
Ogden Botanical Gardens
Visitors find answers and glean ideas to inspire and enhance their quality of life through improved plant selection, cultural practices and environmentally sound activities.Garden Workshops and Classes
Fruit tree grafting, succulent planting, beekeeping and more.
Better Your Garden Today
USU Yard and Garden provides resources on fruits, vegetables, trees, and flowers for new gardeners and more experienced green thumbs.
Utah State University Botanical Center
Visitor's of the USU Botanical Center enjoy beautiful surroundings, experience hands-on fun and learning, and discover ways to live well while using resources wisely.Master Gardener Class
This course is designed for those interested in gardening, with a desire to learn more, and willing to provide community service to certify as a Master Gardener. No previous experience is necessary prior to taking this course.
Weber County Home, Family, Food & Finance
Weber County's Home, Family, Food and Finance goal is to enhance economic opportunities and quality of life among families and communities. We supports this goal by focusing on how individuals and families obtain and use resources such as money, time, human capital, material resources, and community services. We also focus on exploring the relationship between individuals and families and the larger economy as well as studying the impact of public issues, policies, and programs on family economic well-being.
Master Food Preserver
If you're interested in preserving your own food and learning the science behind food preservation, then it's time you become a Master Food Preserver! Our Master Food Preserver courses cover topics on: canning basics, drying foods, freezing foods, food safety, pickled foods, and more.
Healthy Relationships
Learn how to thrive in a healthy relationship in every stage. Classes such as How to Avoid Falling in Love with a Jerk (or Jerk-ette) and Smart Dating Adventures are perfect for singles. While others such as Marriage Survival and Date Nights are perfect for committed couples.
Create Better Health (SNAP-Ed)
Even the United States as the wealthiest nation in the world is home to many families who wonder where their next meal is coming from or how their food is going get their family through the entire month. Create Better Health, Utah’s SNAP-Ed program aims to help those low-income families budget properly and get the best nutrition out of what they can afford.
EFNEP (Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program)
Designed to assist limited resource audiences in acquiring the knowledge, skills, attitudes, and changed-behavior necessary for nutritionally sound diets, and to contribute to their personal development and the improvement of the total family diet and nutritional well-being.
The Sampler Newsletter
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- September - October 2022
Weber County 4-H

USU Extension Weber County Contact Information