- 2020 Ambassador Handbook
- Apply through Zsuite (Open to apply between May 1 through Dec 1)
- Confidential Letter of Recommendation
Ambassador Interview Resources
- Interview: Judging Sheet
- Icebreaker/Leadership Workshop: Judging Sheet
- Prepared Speech: Judging Sheet - Video 1 -Video 2
- Topic: "The Impact of 4-H in my life and why 4-H needs you"
- Impromptu Speech: Judging Sheet - Video
- Leadership Skillathon
State Ambassador County Project
- Each State Ambassador application must include a project proposal from the applicant detailing a county project approved by the County Extension staff. This will be a three (3) month project conducted by and through the leadership of the Ambassador applicant.
This project must fit into one of the following categories:
- Public relations and awareness
- Fundraising
- County teen development
- County recruitment
- Lead a 4-H club
- Sponsor a county 4-H camp or event
- Selected Ambassador finalists will be notified. Documentation of this project will be required during the interview. Interview instructions will be sent to all State Ambassador finalists.
Summary of Ambassador Interview Process
- Between January and March, the current State 4-H Ambassador Candidates will hold several virtual practice sessions to help the individuals prepare for State Ambassador interviews.
State 4-H Ambassador Expectations and Performance Agreement
3 Month Project Report Resources
Submitted for interview selection:
2-page 4-H resume
- The resume should represent a cumulative summary of the 4-H members background, skills, and accomplishments. The 4-H member should summarize their 4-H experience by highlighting their project involvement, activities, awards/recognitions, leadership experiences, and community service. Each year, applicants will need to update their information, maintaining the most pertinent information over time. Content should be clearly identified as 4-H or non-4-H; style of resume and formatting are at the discretion of the applicant. Applicants should include contact information, county, school grade, and year in 4-H.
- 1-Page Cover Letter
- The Cover Letter should be sent in with a resume to include additional information about skills and experience. Applicants should review the objectives on the scoring rubric depending on the opportunity, and construct their message based to address each point. Each 4-H cover letter will have four required objectives to be scored. For the 4-H State Ambassador Cover Letter please address these four questions:
- Why do you want be a 4-H State Ambassador?
- How do you plan to serve your community and 4-H as an Ambassador?
- What Skills do you bring to the 4-H State Ambassador team?
- What have you done in the past to be an Ambassador for 4-H (with legislators, community leaders, funders or the general public)?
- The Cover Letter should be sent in with a resume to include additional information about skills and experience. Applicants should review the objectives on the scoring rubric depending on the opportunity, and construct their message based to address each point. Each 4-H cover letter will have four required objectives to be scored. For the 4-H State Ambassador Cover Letter please address these four questions:
- 4-Page 3-Month Project Summary
- Assessment: Explain what process did you used to select your 3-month project (such as needs assessment, identified problem, etc). Indicate which category/categories your 3-month project fit into.
- Plan: Explain the planning process needed to make your 3-month project happen
- Implementation: Explain what unfolded in your 3-month project, successes/failures and changes along the way
- Evaluation: What did you learn along the way and what impact did your project have on 4-H and you personally. Explain how your project addressed the category/categories you selected.
- 2-Page 3-Month Project Photos
- You have 2 pages of pictures to visually capture your 3-month project
- Please included captions about the photos
- You have 2 pages of pictures to visually capture your 3-month project
- 4-H Portfolio (Cover Letter and Resume): Judging Sheet
- 3-Month Project Report and Photos: Judging Sheet
- All paperwork listed above for the 3-month project will be submitted through (Due April 1)
- Click Here for Additional information on the 4-H Portfolio format