Urban Ag Club

Did you know you can be involved with 4-H without owning your own animal?

The Urban Ag Club acts as an introduction to agriculture that allows for 4-H members, regardless of experience, to learn more about the industry. Twice-monthly meetings are held at the 4-H Office every first and third Wednesday, November - May. 

All youth ages 8-18 are welcome to join. This club's focus is to provide fun, hands on education pertaining to agriculture. Along with its educational purposes, this club gives youth the opportunity to develop leadership, compete in various contests, and gain new friendships. 

Sign up via 4h.Zsuite.org

Each month the club will focus on a different unit. Below is a likely representation of topics that will be discussed. Please note this is not an actual schedule. 
  • Horses
  • Cattle (Specially Beef) 
  • Hogs
  • Sheep
  • Goats
  • Dairy
  • Small Animals (Poultry, Rabbits, etc.)
  • Farming
  • Ag Careers

Members of this club will be afforded various opportunities, such as:


  • Prepare for and compete in 4-H Contests
    • Youth can qualify for the National Western Round-up held in Denver, Colorado, in conjunction with the National Western Stock Show. 

  • Complete 4-H Club Projects that can be entered into the Utah County Fair Indoor Exhibit 

  • Hands-on Experience
    • Along with the classroom style learning, many of the units will include a type of hands-on experience.