Horse Science Club

Utah County 4-H

Did you know that you can be involved in Utah 4-H Horse Projects without owning and riding horses? Although most horse enthusiasts would prefer to spend time with living and breathing horses 24/7, participating in horseless activities provides opportunities to learn more about horses, network with horsey peers, develop mastery, and enjoy various activities and fun competitions. The horseless activities do not just promote horse education, but youth also develop valuable life skills and become more productive. The horseless horse events, or horse classics, are some of the most popular horse related activities across the nation.

Join our Remind Group by texting @horseless4 to 81010 or sign up for emails here.

Horse Science Series Logo
Horse Science Nights

Horse Science runs monthly from September to May of each 4-H year. You DO NOT need to own your own horse to participate. Come explore the equine industry, grow your knowledge, and experience hands-on activities that are sure to excite all horse enthusiasts.
Horse Study or Horse Science Nights are a great way for youth to get involved with not only 4-H, but the entire equine industry. Each club meeting starts off with a short ice-breaker game, or get to know you activity. This is followed by a lesson on a specific horse-related topic. Youth do not need any prior experience with horses or knowledge/skill level. All are welcome, and we strive to make a fun and comfortable environment for all to learn. Meetings typically end with a hands-on activity or game to help apply the newly gained knowledge, and last one hour. 
As part of horse science, we try to plan field trips or clinics that further explore different areas of the industry. Last year we had the opportunity to tour South Valley Equine and learn from their veterinarians. We look forward to another fun year of learning!