4-H Shooting Sports
In Salt Lake County, we currently have one club that offers the Shooting Sports project:
High Sights 4-H Club
Current disciplines include: Archery, Rifle, Shotgun, as well as wildlife identification & knowledge test
Club Leader: Danielle & DJ Macdonald danielle.r.macdonald@hotmail.com
In order to participate in the shooting sports program, all youth must be current ACTIVE 4-H members and must select "High Sights" as either their primary or a secondary club and "Shooting Sports" as a project.
*All participating youth must have completed a Hunter Education Course!*
There is also a rank advancement program and state contests that the youth can participate in to further their project skill. For more information click HERE.
Safety Rules
- While on the firing line, firearms may be handled/touched only with the permission of the event judge/range operator. Actions of uncased firearms must be open except when the firearm is on the firing line, ready to fire.
- Firearms are to remain unloaded until a competitor is on the firing line and has received instructions from the event judge to load/fire. Arrows will remain in a quiver when they are not being shot from a bow. Firearm muzzles are to be pointed in a safe direction. The position and direction of firearm muzzles and arrows should be such that accidental injury to others cannot occur.
- Listen and obey all range commands immediately. Dry firing of firearms is permitted only on the firing line with the judge’s permission. Eye and hearing protection is each participant’s responsibility and must be worn. Participants including competitors, coaches, judges and spectators MUST wear adequate eye and hearing protection while on the firing line or while near a firearm range.
- When not shooting a firearm, it will be placed in a gun rack, stored in a case, or locked in an automobile. While standing at the firing position, arrows may be handled/touched only with the permission of the event judge/range operator. Arrows may be nocked only when the shooter is on the archery shooting line and has received instructions from the event judge to nock an arrow/shoot.
- When competitors are carrying/transporting firearms - not actually shooting the firearm - the firearm is to remain unloaded and the action is to remain open. During the competition, if firearms and/or ammunition are/is stored in vehicles, the vehicles are to remain locked. When competitors are carrying/transporting archery equipment – not actually shooting the bow - the arrows are to remain in a quiver that shields the arrow points.
- No shooting sports equipment is allowed on the USU campus. Keep all firearms and ammunition stored separately in locked containers. Contestants must provide their own equipment and factory-loaded ammunition, including eye and hearing protection.
- It is the responsibility of 4-H Shooting Sports participants to assure that their shooting sports equipment operates properly, and that the equipment is appropriate for use in the State 4-H Competition.
Code of Conduct
While attending 4-H activities and events, I will:
- Be accompanied by an adult at each activity.
- Obey all rules established by the 4-H program, the local club/program and all local, state and federal laws.
- Conduct myself in a courteous manner and be respectful of the authority of adult volunteers, youth leaders, 4-H staff and others in leadership roles.
- Not use, accept, or carry alcohol, drugs or tobacco, or associate with or remain in the presence of others using the substances.
- Respect all persons, facilities, and vehicles. I will be responsible for any damage caused resulting from my behavior.
- Help others have a pleasant experience by making every attempt to include all participants in activities.
- Use appropriate language and dress appropriately for each event.
- Acknowledge that searches of personal property may take place when there is reasonable suspicion of violations of law or policies.
Practice Schedule
- Contact Danielle & DJ Macdonald danielle.r.macdonald@hotmail.com
We will not provide any ammunition, guns, bows, hearing, or eye protection. If you get to a practice without any of the aforementioned items you may not be allowed to participate.
Hunter Safety (Online Courses)
All youth participating in the 4-H shooting sports activities must have completed a Hunter Education Course. Anyone who needs or would like to retake their hunter safety course will need to complete the online course prior to our Hunter safety field day. If you already have your blue card you, will need to provide proof before attending any event.
HunterCourse.com - This online course is provided by a private vendor and includes narration, illustrations, animations, and videos. It also includes a virtual field day to prepare you for your field day and your time in the field.
Hunter-ed.com - This course is provided by a private vendor which includes narration in both English or Spanish and has interactive animations.
HunterEdCourse.com - This online course, which is provided by a private vendor, includes narration and interactive animations.
State Shooting Sports**:
- 4-H Shooting Sports State Contest#1| Hurricane, Utah | TBD
- 4-H Shooting Sports State Contest #2 | Logan, Utah | May 6-7, 2024
- 4-H Shooting Sport National Contest | Grand Island, Nebraska | TBD
- 4-H Western Heritage State and National Contest | Price, Utah | July 28-31, 2024
**Look for registration for these events on ZSuite**
- Utah 4-H shooting sports website - https://extension.usu.edu/utah4h/programs/shooting-sports