Nutrition Throughout Life: Teenagers (14-18 years)
Understanding Caffeine vs. Kids
Children enjoy numerous foods and drinks on a regular basis that contain caffeine. This is a concern because studies show caffeine can affect children and adults differently, and too much caffeine can have detrimental health effects on kids.
Nutritional Needs Among High School Athletes
High school athletes have a greater need for nutritional adequacy for proper growth, development, wellness and performance as compared to students who do not participate in sports (Bingham, Borkan, & Quatromoni, 2015). In this fact sheet we will discuss t...
Fluoride: From Birth to Adolescence
In this fact sheet we will discuss the benefits of using fluoride, the most common concerns about fluoride intake in children, and recommendations from birth to adolescence.
Increasing Fiber Intake During Childhood and Adolescence
Fiber is an important part of a healthful diet that provides numerous benefits when adequately consumed. We will discuss what fiber is, along with its health benefits, current recommendations, and strategies for incorporating fiber into your child’s diet....
Hidden Vegetables
It can be difficult to get your children to eat enough vegetables, especially if they are picky eaters. Hiding vegetables in other dishes is one way to avoid any disliked flavors or textures (Blatt, 2011). However, there are pros and cons to taking this a...