Nutrition Throughout Life: Infants (0-1)
Iron Deficiency in Pregnancy and Children
Learn how to prevent iron deficiency in pregnancy, infancy, and childhood!
Healthy Beginnings – Infant and Toddler Feeding
Having a hard time understanding what, when, and how to feed your infant or toddler? Or maybe you’re looking for some additional tips and tricks to add to what you already know. We provide research-based answers to those tough questions
Fluoride: From Birth to Adolescence
In this fact sheet we will discuss the benefits of using fluoride, the most common concerns about fluoride intake in children, and recommendations from birth to adolescence.
Baby-Led Weaning: An Approach to Introducing Solid Foods to Infants
Baby-Led Weaning (BLW) is a safe and effective alternative to the traditional method as it introduces solid foods in a way that respects an infant’s autonomy, provides supplemental nutrition, and promotes healthy weight and eating behaviors (Rapley 2015)....
Understanding Caffeine vs. Kids
Children enjoy numerous foods and drinks on a regular basis that contain caffeine. This is a concern because studies show caffeine can affect children and adults differently, and too much caffeine can have detrimental health effects on kids.
Breastfeeding or Formula Feeding: A Mother’s Choice
Deciding how to feed an infant is a decision that should be made by a mother and her family. The benefits of exclusively breastfeeding an infant for the first six months of life are well established (World Health Organization [WHO], 2017); however, it may...
Fresh and Easy: How to Make Pureed Baby Food
Starting the transition from breast milk or formula to solid foods can be quite daunting for parents.To add to the challenge, there are hundreds of commercial pureed baby food options on the market to choose from. In
How to Nourish Mom and Baby Alike: Nutrition During Pregnancy
Eating nutritious foods and gaining the appropriate amount of weight during pregnancy is vital to a healthy pregnancy, delivery, newborn, and recovery for mom. In fact, eating a well-balanced diet during pregnancy has been found to decrease your risk for ...
Ensuring Adequate Vitamin D Intake Among Infants and Children
Many people in the United States, including children, do not get enough vitamin D in their diet’s. In fact, about 52% of children have low levels of vitamin D in their blood.