The Confidence Project

Empowering Future Leaders with Unshakable Confidence

Our Mission

Empowering youth and adults to enhance their own social-emotional well-being, to develop skills that promote resilience, to increase their leadership capacity, and ultimately provides them with a framework on which they can build a successful life.

Read a Book
Check out our newly released Leading with Understanding available for purchase today! 

Take a Class
Check out our Online Building Confidence course.

Teach a 4-H Club
Visit our Discover 4-H Building Confidence curriculum

Teach a Class
Check out our Utah Women in Leadership Project Building Confidence in Girls curriculum.

How Can We Help?

Research Articles

Confidently Managing Conflict

Have you ever been bothered by someone's words or actions but hesitated to address them for fear of harming the relationship? In such instances, you might avoid a person or situation entirely just to prevent a conflict. But why is the mere idea of conflic...

Confidence and Resilience: Bouncing Back from Setbacks

Research has provided valuable insights into how individuals can develop confidence and resilience to recover from adversity. Confidence is the belief in your abilities and judgment, which drives you to take action despite fears and uncertainties. Resilie...

The Power of Self-Esteem and Self-Confidence

While low self-esteem and self-confidence can indeed have negative impacts on various aspects of life, it's important to remember that there is hope for improvement and growth. Cultivating healthy coping mechanisms that foster the growth of confidence and...