Singleleaf Pinyon Pine

Pinus monophylla

Planted 2016

This is the only single-needled pine. It does very well in the Great Basin area since it is a native to this area. Very drought tolerant and does well in alkaline soils. It is pyramidal in youth, but becomes rounded as it ages with upward sweeping branches.

Pinyon Pine
Close up of Singleleaf Pinyon Pine Needles
Close up of Singleleaf Pinyon Pine Bark
Height Width Zone Growth Rate Water Use
15-25 ft. 8-20 ft. 4-8 Slow Very Low


Needles, flat, single, striated.


Cones, 1 ½-2 ½” long, light brown, edible seeds.




Very drought tolerant, seeds are edible, tolerant of alkaline soils and cold dry wind, does best in full sun.
