Paperbark Maple

Acer griseum

Planted 1984

The Paperbark maple is a moderate water-use tree. The trifoliate leaves are normally a dark green to bluish green color and in the fall they turn bright red. The seeds are double samaras that persist through the winter. The exfoliating cinnamon-brown bark peels in thin translucent sheets and is a strong ornamental feature.

Paperbark Maple
up close image of Paperbark Maple leaf
Close up of Paperbark Maple bark
Close up of Paperbark Maple seeds
Height Width Zone Growth Rate Water Use
25 ft. 25 ft. 5-7 Slow Moderate


Triofoliate, opposite, 3 to 6" long.




Not showy.


Beautiful bark gives fall and winter interest. 


No serious pest or disease problems.