'MaacNificent' Amur Maakia

Maakia amurensis 'JFS-Schichtel1'

Planted 2014

This tree has a beautiful rounded shape that is perfect for a shade or accent tree. It has multiple points of interest from its fuzzy leaves, to its fragrant flowers, to its olive bark. This tree grows best in full sun and does well in average soils.

Amur Maakia tree
Close up of Amur Maakia leaf
Close up of amur Maakia bark
Height Width Zone Growth Rate Water Use
25-30 ft. 20-25 ft. 3 Slow Moderate


Small, compound green leaves emerge fuzzy and silvery.


Not showy.


Long clusters of white, fragrant flowers.


Adaptable to different soil conditions and is drought tolerant.


No significant disadvantages.