Ivory Spear Crabapple

Malus Ivory Spear 'JFS KW214MX'

Planted 2018

The Ivory Spear crabapple is a low water-use tree with densely upright, narrow growth. The foliage has a dark green summer color and a touch of yellow fall color. Flower buds are a deep pink color and the flowers are white. Small, bright red fruits ripen and persist late into the autumn season.

Ivory Spear Crabapple tree
Close up of leaf on Ivory Spear Crabapple
Close up of Ivory Spear Crabapple bark
Height Width Zone Growth Rate Water Use
18 ft. 7 ft. 4-7 Medium Low


Alternate, serrate, elliptical, bright green foliage.


Bright cherry red, ½”in diameter.




Adapts to many different soil types, exceptionally resistant
to fire blight.


Messy fruit in the fall.