Crusader Cockspur Hawthorn

Crataegus crus-galli 'Crusader'

Planted 2008

This is a thornless variety of Cockspur hawthorn that possesses all the good features of the species. It is a dense, low-branched, broad-rounded tree, native from Quebec to North Carolina. It grows well in average, well-drained soils in full sun.

Crusader Cockspur Hawthorn
Close up of leaf on Crusader Cockspur Hawthorn
Close up of Crusader Cockspur Hawthorn bark
Height Width Zone Growth Rate Water Use
20 ft. 25 ft. 4-7 Slow - Medium Medium


Lustrous dark green in
summer; bronze-red
to purple-red in fall.


Showy, deep red
pome-like fruit that
persist late into the
fall but drop before it
snows. Edible but
best left for the birds.


White flowers that
bloom in May have a
“fishy” odor because
of the chemical


This thornless form is
generally considered
to be a superior
landscape tree for
lawns or open
wooded areas.


Susceptible to cedar-
hawthorn and cedar-
quince rusts and