American Smoketree

Cotinus obovatus

Planted 2011

American Smoketree is an all-season performer. The new foliage emerges a pinkish bronze that darkens to a green with a bluish cast in the summer. The flowers appear mid-summer and resemble clouds of puffy pink smoke. In autumn, the leaves turn shades of bright orange, gold, yellow, scarlet and purple. There are purple leaf varieties.

American Smoketree
Close up of American Smoketree flower
Close up of American Smoketree leaf

Close up of American Smoketree bark
Height Width Zone Growth Rate Water Use
20-25 ft. 15-20 ft. 5   Low


Alternate simple, entire, obovate to elliptic-obovate, 2-5” long, 1/2 as wide, bluish to dark green.


1/4” wide, kidney-shaped, dry, reticulate drupe.


Dioecious. Male showier than female. Greenish flowers. Panicles are 6-10” long and 3/4 as wide.


Mostly disease resistant. Adaptable to acid soils. Offers four season interest. Very showy in spring.


Susceptible to scale and occasional dieback.