Weber County 4-H Portfolios / Record Books
Due Date: Portfolios and Record Books for all project areas are due by September 1st.
Exception: Turkey Project Portfolio's are due around November 1st. for proper record-keeping.
Submit Portfolios/Record Books on ZSuite
County Portfolio Contest
Open to all Weber County 4-H youth. This submission is a combination of a resume and cover letter regarding 4-H experiences. This is due September 1st and submitted through ZSuite. The state portfolio objectives should be used as a guideline. Portfolios will be judged and awarded a blue, red, or white ribbon. Prizes will be given to top winners. Portfolios are encouraged to be entered into the Weber County Fair 4-H Indoor Exhibits.
Horse Portfolio
The youth enrolled in the horse project area will be required to submit a Horse Portfolio (a combination of a resume and cover letter) by September 1st through ZSuite to qualify for Horse Awards. The state portfolio objectives should be used as a guideline. Portfolios will be judged and awarded a blue, red or white ribbon.
For information about portfolios, check out the state website:
Portfolio Rubric: Coming Soon
Livestock Record Book
The youth enrolled in the livestock project area will be required to submit a Record Book by September 1st through ZSuite in order to be considered a 4-H member in good standing and be eligible to receive their Jr. Livestock auction check. Record Books will be judged and awarded a blue, red or white ribbon.
How to create your Record Book in ZSuite: Click Here
Record Book Rubric: Click Here
Turkey Portfolio
See the Utah Jr Turkey Show page for more information on how to submit your Turkey Portfolio: