Tier 2 Methods and Instructions

Tier 2 Volunteers assist water quality scientists on an as-needed basis to collect high quality data. Often this work validates water quality improvements, usually by monitoring the effectiveness of specific restoration projects or Best Management Practices (BMPs). Tier 2 monitoring requires additional training and a higher level of commitment from a volunteer.

Manuals and Documents

Tier 2 Volunteer Manual Volunteer Tracking Form E. coli IDEXX Datasheet Multi-Probe Calibration Sheet

Stream Flow Calculator Stream Flow Datasheet Macroinvertebrate Collection Form Pre-Project Photo Point Monitoring Form




Multiprobe, tablet, or data logger, deionized water, calibration sheet, calibration standards (pH and conductivity), waste bottle, calibration cup and guard (should already be with your multiprobe), field data sheet, pen/pencil.

General Probe Best Practices

  1. Calibrate within 24 hours prior to sampling, best done before going out in the field.
  2. Calibrate for each sensor you will be using (conductivity, pH and dissolved oxygen).
    • Rinse with deionized water (DI) once, followed by the next standard you will be using. Rinse an additional two times with standard, for a total of three, before calibrating. Triple rinsing will be a common procedure in many of the SOPs you encounter.
    • Ensure probes are fully saturated in the buffer solutions
    • Take the “pre reading” value from the main reading screen.
    • Start with Conductivity (SpCond) – use 2 point calibration if possible
    • pH – use 2 point calibration that buffers the expected measurement
    • Dissolved oxygen, use saturated air to calibrate to 100% sat. Some probes may require knowing the barometric pressure.
    • Temperature cannot be calibrated, but is good to do a check against a NIST certified thermometer to make sure the equipment is working properly.
  3. Document all buffers and readings on the calibration sheet provided.
  4. Perform a check after calibration by taking a reading in the conductivity solution, pH solution and saturated air. The reading should be within ±5% of the expected value.
Data Collection
  1. Turn on the multiprobe and position the meter in the thalweg (main streamflow); or along a bank/edge in the flow if the waterbody is too deep or fast; or lower from a bridge. Ensure the measurements are upstream of other sampling activity, in well mixed water and avoid disturbing bottom sediments.
  2. Wait 1-2 minutes for the values to settle and record them on the data sheet provided.
  3. When finished sampling, make sure the probe is properly stored in the cap with a damp sponge or with tap or stream water to keep the sensors from drying out.
SmarTroll Specific Instructions

The SmarTroll probe is used to measure Temperature, pH, Conductivity, Dissolved Oxygen and Depth


Note: The DWQ reccomends rinsing the conductivity probe with Deionized (DI) water, followed by a gentle dry with a lint free paper towel.

Connect multiprobe to the battery pack and turn on the battery pack and handheld device (e.g. tablet or phone).
  1. Open the iSitu app on the handheld device.
  2. Select a location for calibration, such as the lab or your home (You may need to select a new site on the bottom right)
  3. It will show the sensor readings
  4. Select flask icon at the bottom of the screen to start calibration

Use a standard close to what you expect the water body you are testing to be (we usually use 718μS/cm or 1413 μS/cm).

Record the standard value and expiration date on the calibration sheet
  1. In calibration mode, select conductivity sensor on the handheld device.
  2. Rinse calibration cup once with DI water and three times with the appropriate standard.
  3. Add conductivity standard to the fill line.
  4. Select “Start” at the bottom of the screen. The unit should detect the calibration standard being used, but if not type it in.
  5. When reading is stable, select “Accept”.
  6. Go back to the main screen and ensure the conductivity is reading the current calibration standard and record that as the post calibration reading.
  7. Discard the calibration standard and rinse the probes and cup with DI water
  8. Go back to the main calibration page

In most environments in Utah, a 2-point with pH 7 and pH 10 is sufficient. If expected value is less than pH 7, use a pH 4 and pH 7. Record the standard values and expiration date on the calibration sheet.
  1. On the handheld device, select pH calibration, then “2-point-calibration”. (If you are using a 3-point calibration, use all 3 standards – 4, 7 and 10 and select “3-point calibration”. Follow the same steps as below.)
  2. It will indicate Buffer “1 of 2”
  3. Start with the lowest pH standard (usually pH 7) and rinse probe with standard three times
  4. Add standard to the fill line and select “Start”, it should detect the buffer value
  5. When stable, record the pre-calibration reading on the calibration sheet (it may take a couple of minutes to stabilize)
  6. Select “Accept” and record the standard value (i.e. 7.00) as the post calibration reading.
  7. It will immediately proceed to Buffer 2
  8. Rinse cup and probes with DI Water and add next buffer
  9. Repeat steps above with pH 7 or pH 10 for 2-point
Rinse probe with DI water

Dissolved Oxygen

Calibrate dissolved oxygen (DO) by selecting RDO Calibration, 100% Calibration
  1. Add a saturated sponge in the cup and select “Start” at the bottom of the screen
  2. When it is finished it will read “stable” and have 3 green check marks
  3. Record the initial reading and temperature
  4. Select “Accept”
  5. Use arrow to go back to main calibration page
  6. Remove damp sponge and rinse cup with DI water

Depth Calibration is only necessary if it is not reading zero out of the water
  1. Select Depth, Zero in Air
  2. Make sure the pressure sensor is open to the air
  3. When stable, select “Accept”
Final Meter Check

After calibration is complete, a “check” is done to ensure proper calibration
  1. Go back out of the calibration mode and to the Reading screen.
  2. Place the probe in the calibration cup with saturated sponge to get a DO reading. Record the DO reading.
  3. Rinse probe with conductivity standard and add conductivity solution to the calibration cup and place probe in the solution. Record the reading; it should be within ±5% of expected value. Rinse with DI water.
  4. Rinse cup and probe with buffer solution and add pH buffer to the calibration cup and place the probe in the solution. Record the reading; it should be ±5% of expected value.
  5. Rinse off the probe and cup and prepare for the field.
Data Collection
  1. Connect multiprobe to the battery pack and turn on the battery pack and handheld device (e.g. iPad).
  2. Open the iSitu app on the handheld.
  3. Select your site from the list.
  4. If you are at a new site, you may need to create a new site at the bottom right. You will be able to add the Site Name, Description, take a picture and use the GPS or manually enter the Lat/Long coordinates.
  5. Select “save” and it will bring you back to the Site list. To take a reading, select “set” which will bring up the readings.
  6. Position the sonde in the thalweg (main streamflow); or along a bank/edge in the flow if the waterbody is too deep or fast; or lower from a bridge. Ensure the sonde is upstream of other sampling activity, in well mixed water and avoid disturbing bottom sediments.
  7. Wait 1-2 minutes for the values to settle and record them on the data sheet provided. Also select “record” which will save the values on the handheld device.
When finished sampling, make sure the probe is properly stored in the cap with a damp sponge or with tap or stream water to keep the sensors from drying out.

Oakton PCSTestr

PCSTestr is used to measure Temperature, pH, and Conductivity.


Remove sensor cap and rinse the sensor under warm tap water for one minute. (Note: After extended period without use (2 months or more), remove the sensor cap and soak the sensor in warm tap water or pH 4 buffer for approximately 1 hour and then rinse) with tap water.

Press “ON/OFF” to turn on meter.


Note: In calibration mode, the larger number on top is the uncalibrated value, while the smaller bottom number should change and lock on the closest automatic calibration
  1. Select "MODE ENT" until "Cond Auto" comes up on the screen
  2. Rinse end of probe and calibration cup with deionized water and calibration standard (718μS/cm or 1413 μS/cm).
  3. Record standard value and expiration dates on calibration sheet
  4. Fill the calibration cup with conductivity standard so that the probe will be immersed in solution and push "CAL".
  5. Wait until the reading settles (1-2 minutes) and record the top number under "Initial Meter Reading" on the data sheet.
  6. Press "MODE ENT" to confirm the calibration value.
  7. The top number will flash after it has been calibrated. Record this new number under "Post Calibration Reading".

This probe uses the 3-point calibration so you will use pH 4, pH 7 and pH 10 to calibrate. Record standards and expiration dates on the calibration sheet.
  1. Select "MODE ENT" until "pH" comes up on the screen
  2. Immerse the sensor in the pH buffer and push "CAL".
  3. The larger number on top is the un-calibrated value, while the smaller bottom number should change and lock on the closest automatic calibration value.
  4. Allow time for the top number to stabilize (1-2 min), then record the top number under "Initial Value" on the data sheet.
  5. Next press "MODE ENT" to confirm the calibration value. The initial number will briefly blink before the post calibration number displays.
  6. Record this new number under "Post Calibration Reading".
  7. Repeat steps 3 and 4 for additional buffers as needed for 2 or 3 point calibration.
Data Collection
  1. Press "ON/OFF" to turn on meter and select "MODE ENT" to select the first parameter that you want to measure. Remove the cap and store in a safe location.
  2. Hold the tip of the probe completely submerged underwater, but leave the screen visible.
  3. Wait one to two minutes while the value adjusts. Once the value has settled, record the number on your data sheet.
  4. You can press the "HOLD" button to lock in the current value if you need to remove the sensor from the water to write on the datasheet.
  5. Pay special attention to the units. The conductivity, TDS, and salinity can change based on the hardness of the water. Record the units on your datasheet.
  6. After you have measured all parameters, rinse the sensors off with clean water.
  7. Place a little bit of tap water or pH 4 buffer in the cap. Replace the cap and store upright indoors. Do not leave your field probe in your car where it can be exposed to extreme temperatures.

Ensure you have all the equipment necessary; check the SAP or with the project coordinator for project specific requirements.  You will be provided with a kit in advance that will include sample bottles and data sheets.

Label all sample bottles with date, time, site and initials.  Label when you arrive at your site.  Read each bottle and note any that have acid preservation or are filter bottles. 

  • Bottles with acid preservation: do not rinse and use caution not to overfill.
  • Bottles for filtration: Do not fill these with native water. A transfer bottle will be used to collect water for these samples.

When using a transfer bottle (for filtered samples), rinse three times with native water between each site. 

Collection by Wading
(when safe)

  1. Wade out to collect the sample in the thalweg (deepest flow or main flow of the stream).  If the thalweg is too deep, find another area where the water is flowing and appears to be well mixed.
  2. Wait until disturbed sediment has moved down stream before collecting a sample.
  3. Do not rinse the bottles unless you know they do not contain preservative.  Bottles containing preservative are labeled as such.  If using a transfer bottle, triple rinse it with stream water.
  4. Remove first sample bottle cap.  Avoid touching the inside of bottle cap, container or lip.  
  5. Reach forward with the bottle opening facing upstream and quickly plunge the bottle below the surface avoiding any surface scum, floating debris or the bottom of the stream.
  6. Be careful not to overfill the bottle unless otherwise directed by the lab (for volatile organic compound analysis).  For bottles with pre-filled with preservative, overfilling would cause a loss of preservative, so leave some headspace in the bottle and immediately replace the cap.
  7. Repeat with all sample bottles and return to shore.

Collection from Bank Edge
(when water is too deep or fast to wade safely)

  1. Use a dip sampler from bank to reach into the main flow.
  2. If flow is too strong, sample may be collected by hand directly from the bank in a flowing, well-mixed area.
  3. Follow the same instructions as wading.


  1. Gently invert the sample you collected for filtering to mix thoroughly and place intake tubing in the sample container.
  2. Flush the filter holder and tubing with 500mLof sample water to rinse using either the GeoPump or hand pump.
  3. Unscrew the filter holder to access the filter stage, being careful not to touch the inside.
  4. Using clean forceps, load the filter holder with an unused membrane filter (0.45 µm), being careful not to touch the filter.
  5. You may use a glass-fiber pre-filter if there is visible turbidity in the sample.  The pre-filter should be “upstream”of the membrane filter. 
  6. Screw the filter holders back together.
  7. Remove caps from sample bottles, turn on the pump and hold the filter holder over the sample bottle without touching it to the bottle and the filter stream fills the bottles.
  8. Continuously swirl the raw water sample during filtration to ensure homogeneity.
  9. If the filter clogs before filling the bottle, stop the pump, remove and replace used filter with a new one.
  10. Be sure not to overfill the preserved sample bottles and leave some headspace.  Overfilling pre-preserved bottles will cause a loss of preservative.
  11. Stop the pump and replace the bottle cap.
  12. Remove and discard used filter and rinse apparatus with 500mL DI water
Post Collection Handling

  1. After collection at each site, record time, date, specific conductance and site notes on the individual lab sheets provided. See an example in the appendix. *Be sure time and date match the trip sheet*
  2. Keep all samples on ice in a cooler and out of the light until delivered to the lab. Send samples with the trip sheet and lab sheets and deliver samples within the holding time. If unsure of the holding time, refer to the SOP, SAP or check with the project coordinator.
  3. At the end of the day, clean the sampling equipment by soaking the filter holders and GeoPump tubing in a solution of Liqui-nox overnight followed by light scrubbing and rinse with DI water in the morning

Flow meter, tape measure (in feet), paper to write data, waders, pencil/pen

Choosing a Site

Establish a stream cross section for flow measurement to occur. Desirable characteristics for the site location include:
  • A straight section of stream, away from stream bends
  • Stream flow approximately parallel to stream banks
  • A constant stream gradient
  • No obstacles protruding from water surface (i.e. stones, plants, bridge piers)
When establishing the cross section, look for an area of smooth flow with minimal obstructions and turbulence. Obstructions, including large rocks, can be moved out of the way of the cross section, but only before flow measurements begin and never during the measurement. When wading, depth should
not exceed 3 feet.

Conducting a Measurement
  1. Stretch a tape measure across the stream and attach it on both ends. Make sure it is perpendicular to the flow and tightly stretched.
  2. Using the tape, measure the interval given below:
    • If stream width < 10 feet, collect data every 0.5 feet; and take first reading at 0.25 feet (half of interval) from edge.
    • If stream width > 10 feet, collect 20 evenly divided measurements across the entire stream; take the first reading at half of the determined interval from edge
Data Collection

Collecting flow data works best with a team of two people. One person handles the flow meter while the other records the stream width, depths, and velocities.
  1. Make sure the flow meter is reading flow in feet per second (ft/s) and the allotted time for reading flow is set at twenty seconds.
  2. The sensor must be facing upstream and both members of the team must take care to stand to the side and slightly behind the flow meter, to avoid impacting the measurement.
  3. The operator will measure the actual water depth using the wading rod and call it out to the recorder who will record it on the field sheet.
  4. The wading rod is then adjusted to the correct depth – place the flow meter at 0.6 (60%) of the water depth, measured from the surface. (If using a probe without a wading rod such as a Globe Flow Probe, moving the probe throughout the depth will calculate an average velocity, instead of using the 0.6 depth).
  5. Begin measuring velocity once the depth is set. After 20 seconds, the operator will call out the
    average velocity to the recorder and then continue to the next location. 

Calculating the Flow

Depth and velocity values need to be converted into a flow measurement by using the Excel template found below, or using the following calculation.  

Remember, flow is (velocity*width*depth) or (ft/sec * ft * ft = ft3/sec or CFS)

Total Flow is a combination each measurement across the stream cross-section. 

(Combination of each box) = (W1*SD1*SV1) + (W2*SD2*SV2) + (W3*SD3*SV3) +...  

Depth and velocity values can be converted into a flow measurement using the Excel template below. 

MagnaRod Instructions

The Magna Rod is commonly used by Watershed Coordinators and follows the basic principles of all flow meters. The model you will be using may have a different interface, but the same basic procedural guidelines still apply and are simple to follow once you
learn the interface.

To turn on/off: press and hold both buttons

There are two main modes, rod adjustment, which tells you the depth to set the probe, and the current meter counter, which measures flow. Press and hold the left button to toggle modes.

Once you have set a tape across the stream and established the measurement interval, you may begin measuring the flow. Position the flow meter pointing upstream while standing to the side.

Setting up the Rod
  1. Hold left button until Top Set Rod (TSR) mode is activated, the screen should have zeros
  2. Move the rod to the bottom of the stream, press the left button
  3. Bring the rod upwards until the mechanisim is at the surface: the water depth is now shown, press the right button.
  4. Slide the rod downwards until the lower number displays 0.6 D.The upper number displays the depth from the surface while the lower number is the distance below the surface. The rod is now positioned at 0.6 of the depth, you are ready to take a measurement.
Taking a Measurement
  1. Press and hold the left button until the current meter counter (CMC) screen shows.
  2. You may need to adjust the interval setting, which should be at 20 seconds. To do this, press and hold the right button: this will bring up the settings menu. Use the left button to toggle until “Time” setting is selected, pressing the right button until 20 seconds shows. Save and exit.
  3. To begin the measurement, press the right hand button. The 20 second measurement will commence, and the display will show the average velocity and elapsed time, which will both stop changing after 20 seconds is reached.
  4. In your notebook record the tape interval, depth, and velocity. Repeat these steps at the next


Sample bottles (3 per site for lakes, 1 per site for streams), thermometer, cooler, ice, data sheet, sharpie, pen/pencil

Lakes and Reservoirs
  1. Label 3 - 120mL sterile sample bottles with sampling location, replicate number, date and time of collection. Do not label the lids, as these can potentially get mixed and placed on the wrong bottle.
  2. If needed, prepare a field blank (the project coordinator will notify you before sampling if this is required). The usual protocol is one field blank per day at the first site. This is prepared by filling the bottle with 100mL deionized water into the bottle. Bottle is labeled “Blank” with the date and time. Place the blank in the cooler.
  3. Take thermometer and 3 sample bottles out into reservoir until about knee deep.
  4. Record water temperature by holding the thermometer below the surface 15 cm (6in). Let it adjust for 1 minute before removing. Record the temperature at the same time as sample collection.
  5. Gently invert and fill up first replicate bottle at a depth of 12-18 in, being careful not to pour out the sodium thiosulfate and avoiding surface scum and bottom sediment. Make sure to fill the bottle to the 100mL mark as accurately as possible. Do not rinse the bottle, as it has sodium thiosulfate.
  6. Replace lid securely and mix by shaking the bottle.
  7. Walk 10 feet parallel to the shoreline to fill up the replicates. Repeat steps 4-5, for a total of 3 samples.
  8. Store on wet ice or ice packs in a cooler and out of the sun. Deliver to the lab within 8 hours- this is the maximum holding time.
  9. If processing the IDEXX samples in the lab, follow the instructions for IDEXX processing.
Streams and Rivers
  1. Label a 120mL sterile sample bottle with sampling location, replicate number, date and time of collection.
  2. Prepare a field blank if needed (One field blank per day at the first site). This is prepared by filling the bottle with 100mL distilled water into the bottle. Bottle is labeled “Blank” with the date and time. Place the blank in the cooler.
  3. If entering the water is unsafe, water may be collected from shore while ensuring the sample is representative of the main flow
  4. Record water temperature by holding the thermometer below the surface 15cm (6in). Let it adjust
    for 1 minute before removing. Record the temperature at the same time as the sample collection.
  5. Gently invert and fill up bottle at a depth of 12-18 in, being careful not to pour out the sodium thiosulfate and avoiding surface scum and bottom sediment. Make sure to fill the bottle to the 100mL mark as accurately as possible. Do not rinse the bottle, as it has sodium thiosulfate.
  6. Replace lid securely and mix by shaking the bottle.
  7. Store on wet ice or ice packs in a cooler and out of the sun. Deliver to the lab within 8 hours- this is the maximum holding time.
  8. If processing the IDEXX sample in the lab, follow the instructions for IDEXX analysis and processing.

Analysis and Quantification

Once you have collected your sample(s) for E. coli analysis, processing will need to take place within 8 hours. Sample(s) should be kept on ice until then. Follow the instructions below and refer to the DWQ SOP provided in your notebook or the link below.


Collected Samples, gloves, incubator (set at 35ᵒC), sealer and
rubber tray, UV light, comparator trays, MPN table, marker, datasheet.
For each sample: Quanti-Tray 2000 and Colilert reagent.

Preparation and Sealing
  1. Make sure to turn on incubator and sealer an hour before starting so that they have time to warm up.
  2. Wash hands or put on gloves.
  3. Pour one packet of Colilert reagent into each bottle
  4. Gently swirl bottle until reagent is fully dissolved. This may take a few minutes if the sample is cold. Avoid vigorous mixing, which creates bubbles.
  5. Prepare the 97-well Quanti-tray by labeling the tray for each sample, including site name, replicate number (if applicable), initials, and time.
  6. Squeeze the sides of the 97-well Quanti-tray to open, being careful not to touch the inside of the tray.
  7. Pour entire 100mL sample into the tray and tap the tray to remove any air bubbles
  8. Place tray well side down on the rubber sealer insert.
  9. Feed sample through the sealer with the opening of the tray facing away from the sealer.
  10. Place the trays evenly into the incubator and incubate at 35 ±0.5°C for 24-28 hours (18-22 hours if using Colilert 18).
  11. Remove the trays from the sealer and quantify the results.
  1. There are 49 large wells and 48 small wells that are counted individually. (The elongated well on top is counted as one of the large wells.)
  2. Count the number of yellow wells (large and small) and record on the data sheet provided. This indicates the presence of coliform bacteria.
  3. Hold the UV light 5 inches from the tray (turn out ambient lights for best results). Do not look directly at the light or wear safety glasses to protect your eyes from the UV light.
  4. Count the number of wells (large and small) that are both yellow and fluorescent under UV lighting and record on the data sheet. This indicates the presence of E. coli bacteria. If unsure, there is a comparator tray to use as a guide.
*Empty wells: If there are > 2 empty wells, the test is invalid. If there are 1 or 2 empty wells, record these as negative (no E. coli). If only 1 well is empty and all other wells are positive, count the well as positive.

  1. After counting the number of large and small wells that are yellow, or yellow and fluorescent, we will use an MPN (most probable number) table to determine E. coli concentration. The units are colonies /100 ml.
  2. Record the MPN result the data sheet.

Trays will need to be autoclaved (sterilized) before disposal. Check with the lab you are working in for disposal protocol.

If levels are >409 MPN/100ml, contact UWW or Calah Worthen (calahworthen@utah.gov)
D-net, sketch paper, sample collection form, 1L HDPE sample bottle, tape measure, waders, sieve bucket (500 µm), 95% ethanol.

Riffle – Water that moves over a shallow area of cobbles and gravel creates a riffle (a length of stream
characterized by shallow, fast moving water broken by rocks).
Pool – A deep area of fairly still water which creates refuges for fish to hide in and to rest from the current.
Glide – A shallow stream reach where the water is moving more slowly
Reach – section of stream used for assessment
Run – an area where the water is flowing rapidly and is deeper than a riffle.
Rapid – water movement is rapid and turbulent; surface with intermittent “white water” with breaking waves
Fine/sand – not gritty to gritty, up to lady bug-sized (2mm)
Gravel – fine to coarse gravel (ladybug to tennis ball-sized; 2mm to 64mm)
Coarse – cobble to boulder (tennis ball to car-sized; 64mm to 4000mm)

Establish a Sampling Reach and Subsample Locations:
  1. Establish average wetted width. Multiply this width by 40 to get the length of the reach to sample.
  2. Put a stake at the start and end of the reach.
  3. Take GPS points within the reach and record the coordinates, preferably in the center of the reach.
  4. Complete a rough sketch map of the designated stream reach being sure to note any interesting features or landmarks/directions that can be used to find the reach in future visits along with the GPS points.
  5. The collected sample is made up of 8 subsamples within the reach targeting riffle habitat. If no riffles are available, the edge may be targeted. Note: if edge sampling is required, it is best if volunteers are first shown by someone who has sampled edge habitat before.
    • To reduce human bias, alternate locations in the stream (e.g. Left- 25% of channel width, center- 50% of channel width, right- 75% of channel width). Start randomly with one of these locations and consistently follow the pattern of left (L), center (C), right (R) and repeat until all 8 subsamples are collected (See Figure 1 below). Multiple subsamples can be collected in one riffle habitat if riffle habitat in the reach is limited.
    • Begin walking upstream along the reach. While walking, look for desirable habitat: riffle/runs with coarse substrates. Target course substrates such as gravel (pea-sized and larger) to small boulders (basketball-size and smaller). If coarse substrates are lacking, woody debris, macrophytes (submersed plants) or leaf packs can be targeted. Identify and document these factors on the field sheet.
    • At each collection point, determine:
      • habitat type - pool, glide, riffle, or rapid
      • substrate - fine/sand, gravel, coarse or other (other includes occurrence of wood, leaves, edge habitat, overhanging vegetation, bedrock, hardpan, etc.)
    • At each of the collection points, follow specific instructions for each habitat type.

Collection of a Sample in Riffle/Run Habitats:
  1. Rinse net, sieve and bucket with site water. Do not dip sieve in water, instead rinse from the outside.
  2. Make sure net opening is facing upstream, directing flow into the net and eliminating gaps under frame by avoiding large rocks that prevent full streambed contact.
  3. Collect all available BMI w/in the area upstream of the net opening (net width wide and net width long or 1 ft²).
    • Disturb substrate w/hand, be sure to pick by hand larger organisms like mussels and snails.
    • Pick up loose rocks or other substrate and dislodge organisms washing them into the net, ensuring substrate remains in front of the net opening and flow directed into the net
    • After scrubbing larger substrates (> golf-ball size) and removed from the area in front of the net,
      focus on the smaller substrate to a depth of 3 inches. Vigorously perturb smaller substrate within the quadrat for 30 seconds with your hands. You may use your boot if it is too deep.
  4. Immerse the net (excluding the opening) in the stream several times to remove fine sediments and
    send all bugs to the bottom of the net.
  5. Determine the predominant substrate size/type you sampled within the quadrat and record on the
    Sample Collection Form. Note: if there are multiple co-dominant substrate types, you may fill in more than one circle. (Fine/sand, gravel, coarse, other)
  6. Identify the habitat type where the sampling quadrat was located and fill in on the Sample Collection Form. (Pool, glide, riffle or rapid).
  7. If the net is full, transfer contents to the bucket before moving to the next location.
  8. Repeat this process at the seven remaining locations within the reach.

Collection of sample in Any Habitat Type

Preservation and Transport of the Sample
  1. Transfer contents of net into a 2.5 gallon bucket, inspecting the net for any remaining bugs that may still be clinging to it. Using a wash bottle full of stream water and/or forceps, flush/pick them off the net and into the bucket.
  2. Fill the bucket with stream water to cover the collected materials.
  3. Swirl the bucket to suspend lighter organic materials (sticks, leaves, organisms). Pour into sieve bucket leaving the heavier material (inorganic) in the 2.5 gallon bucket.
  4. Continue rinsing and swirling until no more bugs are seen crawling around in the 2.5 gallon bucket and are back in the sieve bucket. Be sure to inspect the bucket for caddisfly cases as sometimes the cases are composed of gravel-sized materials.
  5. Place the new contents of the sieve bucket into a 1L sample bottle by hand, no more than 40% full. Use multiple jars if necessary. Check to make sure no organisms are left in the bucket. If so, use a pair of forceps to pick the bugs out.
  6. Completely fill the jar with 95% ethanol (no headspace). Denatured alcohol preferred.
  7. Fill out two labels – one on waterproof paper with pencil that will go inside the jar. The second will be taped on the outside. Label includes Site name, STORET #, Initials, date, # of bottles (1 of 1) or (1 of 2) and equipment/method (D-net; 8 subsamples)
  8. Slowly tip the jar to a horizontal position and then gently rotate the jar to mix the preservative. Do not shake. After mixing, place waterproof label inside the jar and seal the jar lid with electrical tape. Place the sample label on the jar.
  9. Store filled jars in an empty cooler or jar tote during transportation. Samples do not need to be
    refrigerated or stored on ice

After collection, follow decontamination procedures to reduce the spread of invasive species.
  • Remove all visible attached mud, debris, plants or animals from the equipment
  • Scrub equipment with a stiff bristled brush to dislodge anything that is stuck
  • Spray boots and nets and sieve with Clorox Formula 409

To register a new site, bring the Photo Point Registration Form, phone or camera, compass/GPS and a pen or pencil.
Follow up visits require a camera, compass and preferably a copy of the previous photo.

Determine a Location

Most volunteers will take photo points at pre-determined sites, in which case skip to the “Take a photo” section.

Things to consider when determining a photo point site:
  • What are the changes we are looking to document?
  • Will the photo capture the “area of interest”?
  • Is this location consistently easy to access?
  • Will the location of the photo point need to change over time? (ideally no)
  • You will want to have as much of your site visible as possible from the photo point location.
Fill Out the Photo Point Registration Form
  1. The site name (your UWW site name, or name assigned by coordinator)
  2. The retake frequency (e.g. seasonally, monthly, etc.) Mark these dates on your calendar so that you do not forget. This frequency will be established specific to the project and need.
  3. The subject and purpose of the photo point monitoring site (e.g. ‘Monitor UWW site’, or ‘To document recovery after bank stabilization’)
  4. Establish a site marker: Determine a marker from which you will be taking photos. An ideal marker would be something permanent like a large tree or a bridge. Describe and take the GPS points of the marker. Take photos of the marker and place in Google Drive in your ‘notes’ subfolder. Label the photo ‘site marker X’ GPS points should be taken in the decimal degree format (e.g. 31.542321342 ̊N, 152.463564354 ̊W)
  5. Determine the direction photos are to be taken and record these on the registration form.
  6. When you have completed the form, scan or take a photo of the form and upload it into the Google Drive ‘notes’ folder associated with the site, this form will be used as reference for taking photos. Be sure to send the form to waterquality@usu.edu too.
Take the Photo
  1. If possible, take a photo from the previous photo point and line up the site using the photo as best you can.
  2. Choose the camera settings that give the greatest depth of field. For digital cameras a "landscape" setting generally fulfills this requirement.
  3. Hold the camera at eye level. Try to include about 1/3 sky in the photo for scale and for consistent replication.
  4. Take the photos in early morning, late afternoon or slightly overcast days to eliminate harsh glares or dark shadows. Take the photos with the sun at your back and avoid days when visibility is poor due to fog or heavy rain.
Upload and Share Photos
  1. Name the photo: The name of the file should contain the site name (e.g. WER-01-S), the direction (by using a compass) ‘bearing N’ as well as the date (MMDDYYYY). You can easily edit the photo's file name via your computer file manager.
    • e.g. using cardinal direction: “WER01S-N-08222016”
  2. Submit the pictures: Save the photos on Utah Water Watch Google drive in a folder created for each site and located under the watershed.
    • Utah Water Watch will share access to your site folder.
    • Folders will be visible under the My Drive or Shared with me sections on the left in your Google drive