Utah 4-H
State Horse Show

Utah 4-H State Horse Show

September 17–20th, 2025

Excited to be in South Jordan at the USU Bastian Agricultural Center!

View 2025/2026 Rulebook



  • Have your horse vaccinated according to policy
  • Have your updated 4-H Portfolio ready to submit with registration
  • Read the Premium Book fully, so that you register correctly!
  • Click the button below to register
Stall and RV Reservations
  • For both indoor and outdoor stalls, you will request your stall and pay your $10 stall fee (per stall) to be entered into the lottery system for indoor stall assignment.
  • After September 11th, your invoice will be updated to reflect your stall assignment, nights needed, and payment due.
  •  More information found in the Premium Book

4-H Volunteers and 4-H Youth Register Here

Other Information

vendors wanted

2024 Vendor Packet

• Over 500+ people on site throughout the week
• Shows begin at 9 a.m. each day
• $75 booth fee (or in-kind donations)
• Free booth space for 4-H Entrepreneurs Saturday

Vendor Application

girl on horse

Hotel Accomodations

The Best Western Plus Heber Valley Hotel has offered a discounted rate on available rooms for the State Horse Show.
Contact Keaton Ross to book at
keaton@henderson500.com or (435) 222-8707.
*Rooms are limited so book quickly!


 2024 Scores

  Working Ranch Scores   In-Hand Combined Scores   Two-hand Combined Scores   Individual Combined Scores   English Scores      

 2023 Scores

Working Ranch Scores   Individual Combined Scores   In-hand Combined Scores   Two-hand Combined Scores  

The Utah 4-H State Horse Show for Western Individual is a pre-qualifying event. Each county is given a number of individuals they can send to the State Show each year. For information, please refer to your County Horse Council or Coordinator to find out how many youth per age division your county may send.

Two-Handed, English, and Working Ranch Horse projects do not pre-qualify and participants are welcome to register and attend if they are registered in their county as a project.

Additional Information




  • Patterns coming soon



As many of you know, when we bring animals from all over the state into a central location, the risk of spreading disease becomes a major concern. Utah State University tries to be proactive and stay ahead of disaster and our State Extension Equine Specialist, Dr. Karl Hoopes DVM, has involved us in the creation and implementation of a biosecurity policy for all state equine events through the University. Click here for the 4-H Policy. Please look it over carefully, as this will affect those of you attending the State Show! These will be enforced, so please be prepared. I have pointed out a few key things below.

  • We will be requiring vaccinations. You will confirm that your horse has been vaccinated during the registration process online.
  • We will require that you have a health certificate by a veterinarian within 7 days of arrival. This health check should include your horse's temperature. This health certificate does NOT have to be an official CVI. You are welcome to use this form: Veterinarian Form (multiple horses can be on this form, but a copy should be in the trailer for each horse traveling)
  • Horses coming from counties with known contagious diseases will be required to have a formal CVI issued no more than 72 hours prior to arrival on the show grounds.
  • When you are stopped at the biosecurity check point, BEFORE UNLOADING, you will need to show the veterinarian check and three days of temperature checks done at home. To clarify - you will need one temperature on your form taken by your vet, and three additional temperatures for the three days leading up to the show and the morning before hauling.
  • A visual inspection will be completed by a veterinarian before you will be allowed to unload.
  • Horses that appear sick may be requested to be temped and checked by the show veterinarian again. Any signs of open lesions or illness will be cause for immediate dismissal from the show grounds and will affect the entire trailer load of horses.
  • It is highly recommended that you prepare to disinfect your stall when staying overnight before and after (as a courtesy).
  • Our State Horse Ambassadors are holding a fundraiser and will clean and disinfect your stall prior to arrival for $10. Request through registration on Eventbrite.

If you’d like to view the webinar hosted by USU Equine Specialist Dr. Karl Hoopes, you can see it here: 4-H Biosecurity Webinar

General Meeting

  • The State Horse Council Rules Meeting will be held in October 2024.
  • Rule Proposals: Changes or additions must be submitted here or by email to Aurora Quinn or Jessie Hadfield no later than September 1st in order to be considered
  • Each county council will be given rule change proposals and horse council nominations ahead of time for them to schedule county meeting to discuss and vote online.

What to Expect & What to Bring

If you’ve never been to a large horse show, it can be daunting! First and foremost, we want our youth to be safe and have fun. Read the rule book and make sure you understand each of the various events. Exhibitors are required to take the written test and participate in Showmanship in order to complete the rest of the show. Unlike many of the county shows, the State Horse Show will be all day. Please plan accordingly for the shows you are planning on participating in.

Wednesday: Working Ranch Horse & English Eventing Show

Thursday: Western Two-Handed Show

Friday & Saturday: Western Individual Show (pre-qualifying)

Below is a list of things you should consider bringing for the health and comfort of your equine companion.

information about internship

Utah 4-H is accepting internship applications for anyone interested in gaining experience and working behind the scenes for the horse show this September. Running an event at this scale requires many different skill sets and is a very rewarding and fulfilling accomplishment. 

This is a great opportunity for youth involved in the program (and will look great on job and scholarship applications!), volunteers looking for some additional experience, and anyone up for the challenge and thrill of working in a fast paced and intense, but fun work environment.  

This internship is UNPAID but lodging and meals will be provided (*limitations may apply – i.e. must be able to stay for 2 full days for lodging and meals)

Many institutions will count this internship towards university or college credit. Check with your advisor to see if this applies for you!

Interns will be expected to work a minimum of 10 hours (dependent on availability and intern position – could be four 10-hour days)

System Registration Link (must be logged IN to ZSuite to go to the registration page): https://4h.zsuite.org/event-registrations/14847

External Registration Link (must be logged OUT of ZSuite to go to the registration page): https://4h.zsuite.org/external-event-registration/14847

Check-in/Registration Day

Horse Check-In: You will be stopped at the first check point and asked to produce the following information:

  • Veterinarian Inspection - a Health Certificate/Form for each horse in the trailer will be reviewed and checked off. The temperature for each horse (taken at time of veterinarian inspection) must be written by the horse’s name. A copy is fine! A formal CVI is not needed except for horses coming from counties with known cases of contagious diseases. Here is an example of a form you can use: Health Certificate/Form
  • Daily temp checks – you will be asked to verify that each horse in the trailer was temped and was within the appropriate range (less than 101.5) for 3 days leading up to the event, including that morning. These temperatures should be written down and easily accessible for each horse in the trailer.

If you cannot complete both steps, you will be asked to wait in a holding area until a veterinarian can come and provide a health inspection and temperature at the exhibitor’s expense. This is obviously not going to be very fun, so please come prepared.


After your horses are checked in, you will be able to continue the registration process, pick up your packets with patterns and show information, and get your stall assignment. There will be no switching stalls. The show management has done their best to give everyone stalls and to accommodate requests. If your horse has special needs, it is your responsibility to come prepared with stall mats, tarps, fans, dividers, etc.

 Contact Jessie Hadfield | jessie.hadfield@usu.edu