Computer Science

Utah County 4-H provides opportunities for youth to engage to learn and grow in the are of Computer Science. Through workshops and learning clinics youth learn and practice computer science skills using a variety of resources.
Computer science is not just about building computers or writing computer programs (programming or coding). However, Utah County 4-H utilizes this coding as our primary focus and sees coding as a means to ends.
Embedded into your activities are the critical deep thinking and develop computational thinking skills youth require in their future CS careers and in life.

In addition, engineers, designers, and many other career areas use the Design Theory Process as they create and improve their products or ideas. The key steps are:
- Experimenting and Iterating
- Developing a little bit, then trying it out, then developing more
- Testing and Debugging
- Making sure things work and finding and solving problems when they arise
- Reusing and Remixing
- Making something by building on existing projects or ideas
- Abstracting and Modularizing
- Exploring connections between the whole and the parts

The purpose of the CS Playbook is to provide elements of 4-H Positive Youth Development in tandem with the latest CS resources and activities. It also provides guidance for incorporating CS into various 4-H delivery modes or content areas, and may serve as a blueprint for 4-H educators, volunteers and teen leaders to integrate CS into any aspect of the 4-H experience.
You can download the full Playbook and navigate the menus below which have direct links to Playbook resources. Computer Science Playbook Download
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