USU Extension
Tooele County Office
Monday - Thursday:
8:00 a.m - 6:00 p.m.
Friday: 8:00 a.m - noon
What is USU Extension?
With offices covering Utah's 29 counties, Utah State University Extension provides research-based community education, resources and programs in the areas of agriculture and natural resources; business and community; food, health, and wellness; home, finance, and relationships; and 4-H and youth.Follow Us/Subscribe
How We Can Help
USU Extension offers expertise and pertinent information specific to the needs of our county
Tooele County 4-H & Youth
Local 4-H forms and fliers:
To register in one of our 4-H activities, you need to first be registered in 4-H for 2023-24. Once your status is "active" you can register in the activity. Enroll in 4-H and register for 4-H activities at
Looking for new 4-H project ideas you can do now at home? Check out the DISCOVER 4-H CLUBS curriculum. Download for free today. There are highlighted topics can be done with supplies you probably already have at home!
Tooele County 4-H 2024 Service Adventures:
- A BIG Thank You to everyone who contributed to the March 2024 Service Adventure: Birthday Kits for the Food Bank. They were very excited to receive the kits knowing that each one will make a child's birthday an even more joyous occasion. If you enjoyed this service opportunity consider doing it again and taking it to the food bank yourself. The need is always there and they distribute the kits rather quickly. Watch for more Service Adventure opportunities to come!
Additional Resources
- Enroll in Tooele County 4-H
- State 4-H Calendar
- Utah State 4-H website
- 4-H Volunteer Resources
- Scholarships
- 2024 Tooele County 4-H Horse Council By-Laws
- 4-H Horse Test Study Material Book 1
- Western Horse Program Rule Book
- 4-H Horse Test Study Material Book 2
- 4-H Horse Program Rank Book
- Updated Utah State Turkey Show Rules
Tooele County Junior Livestock Show
The 2024 Tooele County Jr. Livestock Show will be held July 31-Aug 3 at Deseret Peak.
- 2024 Tooele County Jr. Livestock Show Checklist
- 2024 TC Jr. Livestock Show & Sale Book
- 2024 Tooele County Jr. Livestock Show Scholarship Application
Tooele County Agriculture & Natural Resources
Tooele County has a substantial agricultural base, with more than 400,000 acres of farmland. Agriculture products account for over $15,000,000 in the Tooele County economy. The Tooele County Extension Office is involved in disseminating educational materials and providing educational programs that improve the profitability and sustainability of farms in the County.
Junior Livestock
The Utah 4-H Livestock Program is designed for youth with interest in livestock and livestock events.
Entry Forms and Show BookTooele County Gardening
Master Gardener Program
Master Gardeners provide an essential part of the Extension horticulture program. They volunteer their time to the Extension office by helping with: phone calls, information booths, garden shows, fairs, demonstration gardens, plant diagnostic clinics, and serving in other community programs. Visit our Facebook page for activities and newsletters.
Become a Master Gardener. Classes begin soon. Check back here for more information.
For more information, call 435-277-2400 or 435-277-2409.
2023 Master Gardener registration form
Pest Management
Learn how to deal with those pesky pests that seem to ruin your garden and your day.
Garden Answer Clinic (Plant/Pest Diagnostic Clinic)
What: USU Extension and the Tooele Master Gardeners conduct a Plant/Pest Diagnostic Clinic
When: May - September, Every Wednesday, 3-6 p.m.
Where: USU Extension Office, 151 North Main Street, Tooele
Bring: Your horticulture samples for diagnosis and your questions for answers. We will be pleased to serve you.
Become a Master Gardener. Classes begin soon. Call 435-277-2409 for more information.
Calling All Volunteers
Master Gardener programs are in frequent need of volunteers to assist with events like Community Gardens, Garden Expo, Diagnostic Clinic, and other seasonal events.
If you are interested please let us know at 435-277-2409 or or
USU Extension Garden StoreTooele County Home, Family & Food
Family and Consumer Sciences
Family and Consumer Sciences (FCS) address the issues of family communication, parenting, child development, nutrition, management of personal finances, and the balance of work and family.
The FCS Agent’s focus is to teach the knowledge, skills, attitudes, and behaviors needed for:
- Balancing personal, home, family and work lives.
- Promoting optimal nutrition and wellness across the life span.
- Strengthening the well-being of individuals and families across the life span.
- Using critical and creative thinking skills to address problems in diverse family, community, and work environments.
- Ensuring security for the family’s financial needs.
- Promoting and sustaining the 4-H youth organization.
Finance - Money Management
Putting together a monthly spending plan is key to successful money management.
Download and fill out this spending plan to get started.
Coupon Presentation Resources
- NEAFCS Coupon Powerpoint Presentation
- AFCPE Coupon Powerpoint Presentation
- Coupon Craze Powerpoint Presentation
- Coupon Presentation Evaluation
- Coupon Class Promo - Three Flyer on Page
Food Preservation & Canning
From the USDA Complete Guide to Home Canning, find tasty recipes and ensure you are doing canning correctly. Learn the proper methods of food preservation to fully enjoy your final food products.
More InfoFood Resources
Youth Development:
Make a difference in the life of local youth by sharing your time and talents. Become a 4-H youth volunteer by assisting in existing 4-H clubs or start your own 4-H club. The clubs in place are livestock, horse, sewing, cooking, computer, poultry, insects, and many more. Begin the volunteering process here, or contact the Tooele County USU Extension Office at 435-277-2405.
Get involved in agriculture/natural resource research projects, workshops, tours, and farm field days. To volunteer contact Linden Greenhalgh at 277-2407or email
If you enjoy gardening come join the Master Gardener Organization. Master Gardeners server this community by teaching gardening classes, answering gardening questions and helping with community gardens.
For more information visit the Gardening tab.
Family Consumer Sciences:
Utah State University Extension offers a variety of workshops and classes. These provide many opportunities for volunteers to become involved. These volunteers augment the success of these programs. Come and get involved in planning and delivering valuable programs to the people of Tooele County.
Call Darlene Christensen, Family and Consumer Science Agent, at 277-2406, or email
Tooele County Health and Wellness
USU Extension Tooele County Contact Information