Master Gardener
What is the USU Master Gardener Program?
The purpose of the Utah State University Extension Master Gardener Program is to develop a network of trained volunteers who can provide Utah communities with unbiased, research-based horticultural education and technical assistance in gardening and home horticulture.
Master Gardeners receive 13-14 weeks of college-level lecture and hands on training taught by Utah State University Extension Specialists and Extension Faculty. After completion of the training, USU Master Gardeners are required to provide a minimum of 40 hours of volunteer service back to their community.
Areas of Training
- Basic Botany
- Soils and Fertilizers
- Irrigation
- Fruits and Vegetables
- Trees, Shrubs and Flowers
- Weed Science
- Entomology
- Integrated Pest Management
- Turfgrass
- Landscape Design
Volunteer Service Examples
- Helping with projects located at USU public gardens and educational centers
- Partnering with communities, religious groups or other local organizations
- Plant diagnostic clinics
- Answering gardening questions over email and/or the phone
- Public outreach at fairs & gardening festivals
- Farmer's markets educational booth
- Manage public demonstration gardens
- Guided garden tours/walks
- Public speaking on gardening topics
Volunteers must complete the course requirements AND volunteer hours to receive a certificate.
Contact your local USU Extension Office for more information on dates, times, and registration requirements.