Katherine Veeder

Swaner Preserve & EcoCenter

Director of Education

Katherine  Veeder

Contact Information

Phone: 435-797-8942
Email: Katherine.Veeder@usu.edu


Katherine oversees the development and implementation of youth education experiences at Swaner. She’s also lucky enough to teach programs, so it is not uncommon to spot her looking for frogs during summer camp, playing a game of camouflage with afterschool, or dressing up as a red fox to help field trip students understand animal adaptations. Katherine is passionate about supporting classroom teachers’ science efforts in their classrooms and providing hands-on learning experiences that connect kids to nature. Katherine completed her MEd in Science Curriculum & Instruction at Utah State University, and holds a BS in Environmental Studies & Political Science from the University of Utah. Outside of work, Katherine enjoys looking for pikas in alpine environments, exploring with her dog Rhubarb, eating delicious snacks, and playing board games.