Naturalist News

Naturalist News
Although winter can be cold and dark, it is also a great season to explore and engage with nature in new ways! A fun and easy way to do this is by building your own snow gauge! With a paint stirrer and a few materials, you can measure snowfall and connect
DIY Snow Gauge

DIY Snow Gauge

Although winter can be cold and dark, it is also a great season to explore and engage with nature in new ways! A fun and easy way to do this is by building your own snow gauge! With a paint stirrer and a few materials, you can measure snowfall and connect...

Naturalist News
If you enjoy summer days hiking in the local mountains or sitting among the flowers in a nearby garden, you have undoubtedly observed butterflies flitting from flower to flower or gliding on updrafts overhead. These small fragile creatures have withstood
Amazing Butterflies

Amazing Butterflies

If you enjoy summer days hiking in the local mountains or sitting among the flowers in a nearby garden, you have undoubtedly observed butterflies flitting from flower to flower or gliding on updrafts overhead. These small fragile creatures have withstood ...

Naturalist News
While winter in Park City tends to bring the hustle and bustle of ski season, winter for wildlife often means a time to migrate, hibernate, hunker down, or reduce activity to survive the long and cold season. Lucky for us, a blanket of snow across the lan
Tracing Tracks: Winter Wildlife

Tracing Tracks: Winter Wildlife

While winter in Park City tends to bring the hustle and bustle of ski season, winter for wildlife often means a time to migrate, hibernate, hunker down, or reduce activity to survive the long and cold season. Lucky for us, a blanket of snow across the lan...

Naturalist News
Places like the Swaner Preserve have become increasingly rare. Behind a shopping plaza with diverse restaurants, boutiques, and condos, there lies a 1,200-acre piece of permanently protected open space. It starkly contrasts the life around its border—a sl
How Stars and Nature Guide Us Through Change

How Stars and Nature Guide Us Through Change

Places like the Swaner Preserve have become increasingly rare. Behind a shopping plaza with diverse restaurants, boutiques, and condos, there lies a 1,200-acre piece of permanently protected open space. It starkly contrasts the life around its border—a sl...

Naturalist News
With the holiday season just around the corner, many of us are planning festive meals to share with friends and loved ones. The abundance of large dishes and special treats often exceeds what we normally consume. Unfortunately, this often results in exces
Eat, Save, and Be Merry: Reducing Holiday Food Waste 

Eat, Save, and Be Merry: Reducing Holiday Food Waste 

With the holiday season just around the corner, many of us are planning festive meals to share with friends and loved ones. The abundance of large dishes and special treats often exceeds what we normally consume. Unfortunately, this often results in exces...

Naturalist News
If you’ve driven, ridden, or walked past the Swaner Preserve on Highland Drive, you might have noticed a scattering of little pink flags dotting the landscape. What are they all about? Let us fill you in!
Why Are There Pink Flags on the Swaner Preserve?

Why Are There Pink Flags on the Swaner Preserve?

If you’ve driven, ridden, or walked past the Swaner Preserve on Highland Drive, you might have noticed a scattering of little pink flags dotting the landscape. What are they all about? Let us fill you in!

Naturalist News
As fall arrives in Park City, we begin to see an incredible sight unfold in the sky above. With their distinctive red crowns and prehistoric calls, flocks of sandhill cranes embark on an extraordinary migratory journey to their southern wintering grounds.
Sticking Together Like Birds of a Feather: The Migration of Sandhill Cranes

Sticking Together Like Birds of a Feather: The Migration of Sandhill Cranes

As fall arrives in Park City, we begin to see an incredible sight unfold in the sky above. With their distinctive red crowns and prehistoric calls, flocks of sandhill cranes embark on an extraordinary migratory journey to their southern wintering grounds....

Naturalist News
Did you know that Utah has several native thistles, including Wavyleaf Thistle (Cirsium undulatum) and Elk Thistle (Cirsium scariosum), which are commonly spotted at Swaner Preserve? Learn more about the differences between native and invasive thistles.
Leave the Wavyleaf: Native vs. Invasive Thistle

Leave the Wavyleaf: Native vs. Invasive Thistle

Did you know that Utah has several native thistles, including Wavyleaf Thistle (Cirsium undulatum) and Elk Thistle (Cirsium scariosum), which are commonly spotted at Swaner Preserve? Learn more about the differences between native and invasive thistles.

Naturalist News
Want to learn more about innovations in wine production that put people and the planet at the forefront? Swaner Preserve and Vine Lore have teamed up to bring a sampling of sustainable, biodynamic, or innovative wines to this event!
Wine Among the Willows 2024

Wine Among the Willows 2024

Want to learn more about innovations in wine production that put people and the planet at the forefront? Swaner Preserve and Vine Lore have teamed up to bring a sampling of sustainable, biodynamic, or innovative wines to this event!

Naturalist News
As snow slowly melts from mountain peaks - allowing the world around us to bloom into vibrant colors and lush habitats - we encourage you to slow down and zoom in! There are many small wonders to be found in the broad landscapes we inhabit here in Park Ci
Small Wonders

Small Wonders

As snow slowly melts from mountain peaks - allowing the world around us to bloom into vibrant colors and lush habitats - we encourage you to slow down and zoom in! There are many small wonders to be found in the broad landscapes we inhabit here in Park Ci...

Naturalist News
It's weed season, Park City! Help our native ecosystem by tackling invasive weeds in your area, or joining in one of Swaner's upcoming volunteer events!
Wanted: Invasive Weeds

Wanted: Invasive Weeds

It's weed season, Park City! Help our native ecosystem by tackling invasive weeds in your area, or joining in one of Swaner's upcoming volunteer events!

Naturalist News
It’s spring, which means baby animals of all kinds are starting to appear! Learn what to do if you find a baby bird during this time of year.
What To Do If You Find a Baby Bird

What To Do If You Find a Baby Bird

It’s spring, which means baby animals of all kinds are starting to appear! Learn what to do if you find a baby bird during this time of year.

Naturalist News
Between March 23 and April 2, five dead beavers were discovered near the Swaner Preserve & EcoCenter by Swaner staff. All five beavers shared one lodge outside the EcoCenter, and samples collected from one of the beavers tested positive for tularemia.
Loss of Beaver Population Next to Swaner EcoCenter

Loss of Beaver Population Next to Swaner EcoCenter

Between March 23 and April 2, five dead beavers were discovered near the Swaner Preserve & EcoCenter by Swaner staff. All five beavers shared one lodge outside the EcoCenter, and samples collected from one of the beavers tested positive for tularemia.

Naturalist News
We are thrilled to announce our new executive director, Lewis Kogan. Learn more about his impressive career and excitement to join the organization.
Swaner Preserve & EcoCenter Welcomes New Executive Director

Swaner Preserve & EcoCenter Welcomes New Executive Director

We are thrilled to announce our new executive director, Lewis Kogan. Learn more about his impressive career and excitement to join the organization.