Hunter Klingensmith

Swaner Preserve & EcoCenter

Director of Exhibits and Visitor Experience

Hunter  Klingensmith

Contact Information

Phone: 435-797-8943


Hunter leads the creation and implementation of interpretive experiences at Swaner. You can find her working with her team to create unique opportunities for nature engagement at the EcoCenter, researching, installing, and managing fun traveling exhibits, leading tours on the Preserve, and coordinating walks, talks, and workshops. Hunter is passionate about facilitating fun, hands-on, experiences that nurture visitors' connection to nature. Hunter holds a BS in Environmental and Sustainability Studies and Business from the University of Utah and enjoys ongoing learning opportunities in interpretation and science engagement. Hunter's passion for the natural world transfers to her free time too - outside of work she can be found stopped on a trail to examine an animal track, interesting plant, or animal skeleton, reading a book about beavers in her favorite hammock, or playing games with friends.