Air & Water Quality

Check out the air and water quality in the Snyderville Basin! These are both determinants of environmental health and human well-being, profoundly influencing ecosystems, climate, and the health of our community.

Air Quality

We've installed air quality sensors from PurpleAir to monitor the air both inside and out of the Swaner EcoCenter. The sensors measure particulate matter between 0.3μm and 10μm in diameter. Particles less than 2.5μm in diameter, also known as fine particles or PM2.5, are harmful to human health. Take a look below to see what the air quality's like today in Park City!

Outdoor Air Quality

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Indoor Air Quality

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Water Quality

Check out East Canyon Creek's water quality!

Location, Hours & Contact

Physical & Mailing Address
1258 Center Drive
Park City, Utah 84098

EcoCenter Hours
Wednesday – Sunday, 10 am – 4 pm
We are closing early on Saturday, August 10 at 1 PM.



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