June 10, 2024

Small Wonders

By Hunter Klingensmith, Swaner Preserve & EcoCenter | June 10, 2024

As snow slowly melts from mountain peaks - allowing the world around us to bloom into vibrant colors and lush habitats - we encourage you to slow down and zoom in! There are many small wonders to be found in the broad landscapes we inhabit here in Park City.

When my responsibilities seem endless and the world a bit too big, one of my favorite things to do is take a few minutes to go outside and zoom in on a piece of nature around me. Breathing deeply while observing the small wonder of a tiny beetle exploring a plant’s leaf nourished by the complex soil below reminds me to be curious, focusing my thoughts and bringing calm to my day.

Research has shown that mindfulness and time spent in nature enhances mental clarity, creativity, focus, and attention to detail in addition to reducing stress and stress-related illness. Want to learn more about practicing mindfulness in nature? Sign up for the four-part Nature-Based Mindfulness Workshop taking place at Swaner Mondays in August.

Another of my favorite ways to experience the small things in nature this time of year is by looking for fireflies! Although Utah is the second driest state in the US, these tiny but bright insects are often found in wetland habitats across the state. Fireflies like to lay their eggs in moist soil with lots of decomposing plant matter to keep their babies (or glow worms) covered. In the warmest part of the summer when the days are long, fireflies will begin to rise and shine over wetlands, calling to mates with their unique, blinking dance we love to watch.

To see fireflies in action, take a walk on the trails surrounding Swaner Preserve just after dusk during the first few weeks of July. You can also look for them at the Swaner EcoCenter during our firefly open house on July 5, 2024 from 9 – 11 pm or at our firefly event with Latino Outdoors on July 6, 2024 from 7:30 – 10:30 pm.

Another great way to learn about fireflies close to home is by checking out the Natural History Museum of Utah’s Western Firefly Project. This community science project collects data on fireflies and their habitats in the Western US. Submit sightings or view a map of where they’ve been spotted.

firefly on plant at nighttime

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Physical & Mailing Address
1258 Center Drive
Park City, Utah 84098

EcoCenter Hours
Wednesday – Sunday, 10 am – 4 pm
The EcoCenter will close early on January 9 at 1 pm



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