Wanted: Invasive Weeds
By Swaner Preserve & EcoCenter | June 1, 2024
It’s weed season, Park City! Help our native ecosystem by tackling invasive weeds in your area, or joining in one of Swaner's upcoming volunteer events!
Invasive weeds are plants not native to North America, and are often described as a raging biological wildfire that can take over entire areas. These weeds can damage watersheds, increase soil erosion, negatively impact wildland plant and animal communities, and adversely affect outdoor recreation. Ecological damage from uncontrolled noxious weed infestations can be permanent, leaving lands unable to return naturally to their pre-invasion condition.
Need some help identifying these obnoxious noxious weeds? A few common weeds are pictured here. Have an ID question? Try out the “iNaturalist” or “Seek” phone app to help with plant identification, or send a photo via email to swanerecocenter@usu.edu. Stop by the Swaner EcoCenter during open hours to pick up a free invasive weed guide. Alternatively, you can also view the digital version of the guide!
Want to learn more? Check out the Summit County Weed Department, or the Summit CWMA (Cooperative Weed Management Area), which have great resources for ID and control of our local invasive species. Whether you have a few plants or many, they can help you tackle infestations to benefit our ecosystem.
Dyer's Woad: This plant is native to Europe, and can spread quickly- pushing out native plants. Pull out this plant with a weed wrench or hand weeder. Bag the entire plant and throw away.
Musk Thistle: Cut the flowers or seed heads off this plant, and bag and throw away. As for the rest of the plant, cut it down at the ground! This plant is a “biennial”, meaning that it only lives for two years and won’t grow back from the same root after flowering.
Garlic Mustard: Pull this garlic-smelling plant with heart shaped leaves before it goes to seed! Bag the entire plant and throw it away- the plant can give off “allelopathic” chemicals that can reduce soil health. Check out our friends at Ecology Bridge as they host the "Garlic Mustard Games" across Park City.
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Location, Hours & Contact
Physical & Mailing Address
1258 Center Drive
Park City, Utah 84098
EcoCenter Hours
Wednesday – Sunday, 10 am – 4 pm
The EcoCenter will close early on January 9 at 1 pm